Hillsborough County Public Schools
Elementary Mathematics Parent Connection
Grade 1 – Unit 6: Count and Model Numbers to 120
In this unit your child will work to build an understanding of the following:
· Counting by ones and tens from any given number up to 120
o Children may be able to count forward by ones, starting at 1, but may have difficulty counting on from any given number.
§ Using a number chart that shows numbers up to 120 is a great tool to help students recognize and master number patterns.
§ Children must understand that each number counted is one more than the number before it, and that in a two-digit number the digit in the ones place repeats once in each decade.
For example: when counting from 50, the ones place increases by one (51, 52, 53…) and the pattern will continue after 60 (61, 62, 63…).
o As students are counting by ten on the 120 chart, they should recognize the pattern of the tens digit increasing by 1 ten while the ones digit remains the same.
· Representing numbers in different ways
o Making and counting representations of tens helps children understand place value and the structure of the base-10 number system.
o Modeling numbers in different ways will help build the understanding that numbers are flexible.
§ At home, have your child group some objects (beans, small pasta, marbles, cotton balls) by ten and place them into sandwich bags, leaving the extra objects outside. Have your child identify the number of filled bags (tens) and leftovers (ones).
§ Then have them show the same amount a different way. For example: if there are 4 bags of beans (40) and 5 leftover beans to make the number 45. Empty one of the bags so that there are 3 bags of beans (30) and 15 leftovers, still making the number 45.
o Students will be expected to draw models of numbers, using lines as tens and small circles as ones.
For example: this drawing represents the number 114.
Check out the “Parent Quick Smarts” video by scanning Other Helpful Links:
the QR code or the Internet link provided.
Sample tasks your child should be able to work through by the end of the unit:
Count forward. What number is missing?
110, 111, 112, ______, 114
Count by tens. What number is missing?
36, 46, ______, 66, 76