Hilliard Ohio Soccer Association614-664-9250
P.O. Box
Hilliard, Ohio 43026
MINUTES 11-02-2014
Greg Lutz, Bill Morris, Randy Eidemiller, Keith Stewart,Stacy Schumacher, John Wilson, Kathleen Rolinatis, Laura Anthony, Ed Porter, Vernon Anthony.
Visitors: Joshua Brink, Zachary Brink, Bill Ho, Rob Willis
Meeting called to order by Greg Lutz at7:32p.m.
Laura Anthonymade a motion to approve the 10-05-2014 minutes. Bill Morris seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Kathleen Rolinatisreported on October income and expenses, including Goysl funds that went to TOPSoccer. Also reviewed FY 14 Y-T-D, and comparison of total for 2013 YTD versus 2014 YTD, which is approximately $66k ahead.
Motion to approve treasurer’s report made byLaura Anthony.Bill Morris made a second. Motion carried.
New Business
Joshua Brink, director of referee program, reported we had thirty seven referees this last season, twelve of whom were new, but still were short-handed throughout the season. Most promotions were younger A’s to B’s, with most matches covered by A’s. At least one referee in each match but a decline in full coverage by 3%. Weekend of 5th of October had about 50% coverage, which brought the average down. Good compliance on footwear, etc.
Improvements needed are to get no-show’s covered and coverage for older level matches (U11-12). Need another course in the winter. Greg Lutz asked if we should survey the referees as to optimal times for them to referee to determine if we can place in matches will most likely attend. Mr. Lutz felt Saturday was the most severe time for coverage issues.
Mr. Brink stated there would be two meetings in March at the Hilliard Community Center for referees.
Board Trustee Elections:
Greg Lutz
Aaron Connell
Kathleen Rolinatis
Laura Anthony
Randy Eidelmiller made a motion to nominate all of the above to a two year term on the Board. Bill Morris made a second. Motion carried.
Board member Stacy Schumacher announced that she was not going to run for re-election and thus creating an open Board position. Greg Lutz thanked Mrs. Schumacher for her many contributions over the years.
Old Business
Greg Lutz announced that Hilliard Parks and Recreation is starting a men’s open and co-ed league. These teams will play at the soccer park (east side only) on Sundays from 1:00 to 7:00 pm starting May of 2014. Keith Stewart asked if we were going to rent our HOSA owned goals, but Mr. Lutz explained that these would be a shared resource. Hilliard Parks and Recreation will be using funds raised to expand park land into soccer playable field space.
Program Business
Director of HFC:Randy Eidemiller reported that we will be having an end-of-season meeting with Laura Anthony, Kim Gadja and directors at end of November. There will also be a parental survey between seasons.
Bill Ho reported as to practice space. He feels we could reduce use of some practice facilities if we had to. Mr. Ho explained that he would need to make a master calendar to allocate space and cover weather issues and etc. Mr. Ho further stated he would report to the Board within a month.
Mr. Eidemiller also discussed re-visiting the HFCrefund policy. Stacy Schumacher reminded the Board that past policy was enacted in order to create a consistent and equitable manner of dealing with refunds. General discussion followed; to be re-visited at future Board meetings.
Referees: Report as per above. Keith Stewart reported looking for space for referee courses this winter.
Public Relations (CRPRC)/Marketing:Ed Porter reported that he met with Greg Lutz and Vern Anthonyrelative to crowd-funding for TOPSoccer in order to raise approximately $2,500 in order to try and make TOPSoccer free of charge. Recommendation is try Indiegogo. Mr. Porter also suggested making improvements to our Facebook page and a newsletter, and other fund-raising concepts. By next Board meeting Mr. Porter will report more completely on social media as well as fund raising via crowd-sourcing.
Bill Ho reported he is negotiating with a uniform company for standardized uniforms and spirit wear for all HOSA teams, with incentives for the league if a deal is consummated.
Director of Recreational Program:John Wilson reported thatseason went well. There was one incident in October regarding coaches that Mr.Wilson is addressing.
Jr. Academy:Randy Eidemiller reported that season is concluded and will survey the parents.
TOPSoccer:Working on indoor facility for Spring and 2015 internship program.
Fields-City of Hilliard:No report.
Camps: No report.
Other Business:Kathleen Rolanitis discussed a letter recently sent to the Board regarding a parental complaint and withdrawal of a player from the league. Discussion followed regarding proper placement of teams and philosophies of team placement and player development.
Motion to adjourn made at10:39pmbyStacy Schumacher.Seconded byBill Morris . Motion passed.