
Hilary Mandleberg

De Beauvoir Association

By e-mail

Simon Baxter

Principal Development Manager

London & Quadrant Housing Trust

4 Gainsborough Road


E11 1HT

Letter Sent By E-mail:ref23052006HM


Dear Hilary

RE: Planning Submission-Kingsland Wharves, 12-32 Hertford Road and 305 Kingsland Road

We submitted our planning application for the redevelopment of sites in and around the Kingsland Basin, which we have given the generic name of Kingsland Wharves on 24/03/2006. The application in summary consists of:

·  290 Homes of which 35%(by unit numbers) are affordable and family housing,44%by volume(habitable rooms)

·  3006m2 of Commercial Property which includes a new purpose designed GP Practice Surgery of 655m2 to serve the local community

·  An economic appraisal suggesting at least twice as many jobs will be generated by the development than are currently employed on the sites.

·  An exceptional and attractive living and working environment for future and existing residents and workers, across a range of incomes and household sizes.

·  A new public square giving views of the Basin and the currently inaccessible Spice warehouse

·  Renovation of buildings of historic merit and character on the Basin

We have presented a thorough response to the issues relevant to the site incorporating several suggestions from officers and local groups with whom we have consulted extensively during the last few months.

The full application comprises 27 separate reports/pieces of information and about 25 A1 size drawings. We have prepared a booklet to give a summary flavour of the scheme. Hackney planning departments practice is to put application drawings on their website, so if you wish to view the full application you may be able to do so. We have a limited number of these booklets of drawings reduced to A3 size and will send you one this week, together with some colour images and graphics we have prepared of the scheme.

We have learnt from Hackney’s website that the public consultation period has commenced. The case officer is John Gardiner. It is formally due to end on May 31st , though I understand that comments which come in within a few days of that date may still be considered. As we advised, we had intended to hold a drop in, with some display boards of the scheme at our Haggerston office, but the lack of notification from Hackney of when they were going to start the consultation process, makes this problematic now.

I am sending you in the post some printed copies of the leaflet I am attaching electronically, for information and distribution to your members. Should you wish to clarify any points please contact me by phone, letter or e-mail.

Yours sincerely

Simon Baxter

Principal Development Manager

London & Quadrant Housing Trust

0208 5352906