High Street, Edlesborough, Nr Dunstable, Beds LU6 2HS Tel: (01525) 220431 Fax: (01525) 221819

e-mail: Website: www.edlesborough.bucks.sch.uk

Jane Foster, Headteacher


Dear Parents

As part of our Time Traveller topic we will be looking at the book ‘The Secret Garden’ and learning about life in the Victorian times. To support this work we have arranged a visit to Wrest Park House and Gardens on Thursday 11th July.

We will travel by coach and will be leaving school at 9.15am and should return to school by

3pm. In order to ensure that we are able to leave school promptly at 9.15 a.m. we would be grateful if the children could arrive at school on time.

The children will need to bring a disposable lunch – no fizzy drinks or sweets please. The children may also wear trainers and jeans, or other appropriate clothing. They must still wear their Edlesborough shirts and jumpers. If they have a PE t-shirt with the Edlesborough logo this may be worn.

We are writing to ask you to make a contribution of £12.00 towards the cost of your child’s visit. Please complete the attached form and return it to school by Monday 1st July, together with your contribution as soon as possible using the attached payment envelope. Cheques to be made payable to ‘Edlesborough School Fund’ please. Alternatively you can pay via Parent Pay by logging into your child’s account and paying via credit/debit card.

Please note that we do need to ensure that school funds are not adversely affected by the costs of school visits. We may decide to cancel the visit if insufficient contributions are made towards the costs. Naturally, in this case, all contributions will be refunded in full. If a child is unable to attend, it will be difficult to refund the contribution as entrance fees are negotiated for the group as a whole.

We will also need some parent helpers on the day – please indicate on the reply slip if available and we will be in touch with you.

We are looking forward to an exciting day!

Yours sincerely

Mrs McLean

Child’s Name: ______Class: ______

I would like my child to visit Wrest Park on Wednesday 11th July 2013.

*I enclose my payment of £12.00/*I have paid via Parent Pay.

* please delete as appropriate

I am able/unable to help on the day.

Signed: ______
