High School Visits: Fondren Library, Rice University

Fondren Library is happy to offer library tours and classroom instruction sessions for high school classes needing to use the library’s resources for research purposes. Please note that arrangements for these visits must be made in advance (a minimum of two weeks is recommended)as we have limited staff and classroom resources. We regret that we are unable to accommodate groups that arrive without prior arrangement.

Scheduling: To arrange for a class visit please complete the Tour/Orientation Request Form (

Visit Formats: The following are offered simply as guidelines; specific details will be discussed and finalized prior to the visit.

  1. Junior or senior level students, working on papers or research projects that require Fondren Library’s resources: The students should come prepared to begin or continue their research following a group instruction session by a librarian. A library tour may be included if desired.

The maximum class size is 40 students.

The library’s computer lab may be reserved for up to two hours of class use following the

instruction sessionso thatstudents may access library resources.

To assist library staff with preparation for your visit please provide the librarian with a

written copy of the class assignment or project.

  1. Introduction to an academic library, appropriate for any high school level: This will include a presentation by a librarian on the role and goals of academic libraries in general, with specific information about Fondren Library resources and services. To be concluded with a library tour.

The maximum class size is40students (the class will be divided into smaller groups for the tour; at least one chaperon is required per group).

  1. Scheduling a visit for the purpose of using the library’s collections, without orientation or tour (limited to junior or senior level students).

The maximum class size is 40 students.

The library’s computer lab may be reserved for up to three hours of class use in researching their topics. Public use computers located near the Reference Desk may be used to supplement this facility.

Prepare For Your Visit:

Introduce the Library of Congress Classification Scheme to your students before the visit. School libraries generally use the Dewey Decimal System, so students are not familiar with LC call numbers. View a short video on How to Read a Library of Congress Call Number (

Consult the Library of Congress Classification Outline (

Have students search the FondrenLibrary catalog( prior to the campus visit in order to maximize their time in the library. They will have access to subscription periodicaldatabases (journal, magazine and newspaper articles) while they are in the library.

Librarians have prepared research guides( on a number of topics. Please feel free to consult these before the library visit.

Prepare students for the visit by discussing how academic and school libraries differ, introducing thelibrary’s website( and setting standards for respectful behavior.

Visitor’s Information:

Campus maps (

Directions to campus (

Parking–Please inquire about parking for school buses or vans when making visit arrangements. (

Dining options on campus (

Print, Copy, Scan (

Library floor plans (


Please notify us as soon as possible if you need to cancel visit arrangements.

Updated: January 21, 2016