Pardeeville High School

Choir Handbook


Mrs. Taya Larson

High School Choral Director

Pardeeville High School

Phone: (608) 429-2153 ext. 275


Welcome to the Pardeeville High School Choir! We are headed for an exciting and eventful year! The following is a brief description of the choral program, class expectations, and grading procedures. After reading the handbook, please sign the form on the last page and return it to Mrs. Larson by Friday, Sept. 12(this will be deemed as a required assignment).

General Information

The Pardeeville High School Choir is a half credit course which meets on B days (every other day) throughout the school year during 1st period, 7:40a.m. – 8:23 a.m.The goal of this class is to provide you with the skills, understandings, and explorations of music, and show you what music has to offer you as a person and potential future musician. Knowledge of standard choral performance techniques will be developed throughout the year. You will also gain a basic understanding of music theory and sight reading. This course will teach you how to work together and how to develop your skills as a singer, as well as how these skills can be utilized in everyday life. This class is about taking some chances, so hopefully you are ready for the challenge.

Rehearsal Expectations

As in any classroom, you are expected to follow all school procedures already set in place. In addition to these are my expectations, which may reinforce some school rules:

  • Be on time! This means having music ready and being seated when the bell rings.
  • No gum, food, or drink in the classroom!
  • Participate in class! It’s the only way that you will learn.
  • No talking while work is in progress. There is a time for talking-during rehearsal is not the time.
  • Respect others as well as yourself.
  • Respect and take care of the music that you are using, remember this is school property.

Choir Materials

Each student will be required to purchase a black choir folder for $1.50at the beginning of the school year. This may be taken out of an existing music activity account or paid cash to Mrs. Larson, not the HS office. This should be taken care of by Sept. 12.Students who have previously purchased a black binder and kept it in good condition may continue to use it this year. Students are strongly encouraged to bring their folders home to practice; otherwise folders should be stored in their appropriate slot in the choir room. Students are required to purchase a binder from me so that the choir looks uniform. Please remember to take care of your folder – we may need to use them for performances at times and we want them to look nice. If you cannot take care of it, you will be required to purchase another one from Mrs. Larson!

Students will be given copies of music as a learning tool throughout the year. The music is owned by the school and should remain in good condition throughout the student’s use. Only pencil should be used to mark the music, never pen. If students loose or damage the music, they will be financially responsible to replace the music.


Majority will be based upon participation and performance in class and concerts. You must be present to participate. Therefore, attendance is very important!

You will be graded as follows:

Daily Participation – 5 pts.

Concerts/Performances – 100 pts. each

Assignments – approx. 10-40 pts.

Quizzes (3-4 per year) – approx. 10-30 pts.

Lessons – 25 pts. each (1 per week)

Semester exams – 15% of semester grade

Daily Participation and attitude is important to overall productiveness of the rehearsal. This includes following directions, maintaining good posture and singing technique, exhibiting a cooperative attitude, and positively contributing to the ensemble. Students who do not adhere to these guidelines will be graded accordingly.

Everyone will start with 5 points each day. If you choose to not follow the above behavior standards, a point will be deducted for each occurrence. You may be given one warning (towards the beginning of the year) without any deduction. If certain misbehaviors are repeatedly shown, a warning may not be given. Remember these points add up!

In addition to this, attendance will be taken into consideration. Five absences from rehearsal, per quarter, will be allowed (this includes excused and non-excused). After that a zero will be given for missed rehearsals. If I know about an absence ahead of time, there may be an exception to the rule. Bottom line – if you are not here, the choir cannot have a full rehearsal and you will not know your music as well. Everyone is needed to make this choir a success.

Concert attendance is also a necessity and requirement! The concert performances are a unique opportunity to showcase the group’s music progress and achievements. All students will be required to attend the listed performances on the back page of the handbook, unless otherwise noted. I will remind you of a performance at least 2 weeks prior, so please make any arrangements necessary to ensure your attendance.Please note: You are required, as a good musician and a part of your grade, to remain at the entire concert. It is beneficial not only to the performing group to have a good audience to see their progress, but to you in becoming an even better musician! It’s important to see the other groups so that you can see where you started and what you can become.

In the case of a personal conflict, a performance may be excused by the director if the student or a parent/guardian informs the director of the conflict at least two weeks prior to the concert date. If you are ill on the day of the concert or an emergency arises, this will be considered an excused absence, but please notify Mrs. Larson immediately – please leave a voicemail explaining the emergency; notification does not need to be made if a student is ill. In either instance, I must have a signed note by parent/guardian or doctor’s excuse in order for it to be excused.

Please keep in mind that the concert will be treated just like a test is for any other class. Any missed tests in other classes must be made up, so must this. If the absence is excused, there will be an assignment given to make up the 100 points. The student must write a 2-3 page paper on a topic chosen by Mrs. Larson. This may be something about a song or composer that we have been studying or other related musical topics. The alternate assignment will be due approximately two weeks after the concert. Please note the academic dishonesty policy followed by Pardeeville Schools:


The administration and staff at Pardeeville High School believe that a student’s commitment to his/her own learning is an asset and an integral step to good education. It is expected that a student’s own integrity requires that he/she independently do his/her class work.

One who submits another’s work as his/her own is engaging in academic dishonesty.Academic dishonesty is any form of cheating or misrepresentation of one’s work and includes but is not limited to the following:

• Sharing, or receiving of questions/answers on tests and/or homework assignments.

• Using a source specifically not allowed for school assignment, quiz, test or examination.

• Copying or using written or downloaded information or works of art or music without giving credit for the source (plagiarism).

• “Works found on-line” (articles, photographs, charts, graphs, pictures, music, animation, websites, or any part of) may not be downloaded except for educationalpurposes under the supervision of a teacher. Downloaded materials cannot be represented as one’s own in assignments.

Communication of this policy through this handbook is considered a warning.Students found to have participated in academic dishonesty will receive a disciplinary referral and consequence. The consequence for the first offense will result in loss of credit for the work on which the dishonesty occurred. The impact of this forfeiture may result in course failure depending on the weight of the

assigned work. Academic dishonesty incidences/referrals will be reviewed by the principal.

There may be quizzes and assignments given during class time. If you are absent, make arrangements with me to make up those that you have missed. For each day that an assignment is late, 3 points will be deducted from the overall score. Quizzes may be written or performance based (sight reading quiz – more details to follow).

Weekly lessons are an essential part of a student’s vocal growth and development. Lessons are an opportunity to address individual vocal technique and apply this to music from class or other vocal repertoire. Students will be assigned a 15-20 minute lesson once a week during a study hall, elective class, or free period and are required to attend at least 7 lessons per quarter. Two lessons will be excused (if needed), but a total of 7 lessons are required. Extra lessons will be counted as extra credit.

VERY IMPORTANT - You must schedule one within 2 weeks of the missed lesson, or you will not be able to make it up. It’s your responsibility to set up make-up lessons with me, or a 0 will be given for each missed one!

Semester exams will also be a part of your grade. At the end of each semester you will have a review of important topics taught throughout the semester; this will count as 15 % of your semester grade. This will include a written portion as well as a singing portion. More information will be given to you regarding the exam as it approaches. Just know that you will need to know your parts of the songs well and pay attention to the theory and sight reading exercises taught in class…keep this in mind!


Throughout the year, we will be focusing on more than just singing in choir. We will also cover the following topics:

  • Proper posture/breathing and parts of the body engaged while singing
  • Techniques to improve singing
  • Proper performance techniques/etiquette
  • Music theory (basics on how to read music)
  • Multicultural/foreign language music
  • Genres/styles of music

Concert Attire

Ladies – Concert black. Black dress pants, skirt, etc., black dress top, and black shoes. Tops may not be strapless and should be modest.

Men – Black pants, shoes, socks, and a white button down shirt.

All clothing must meet the school dress code, no exceptions. You are representing yourself as a musician, so please dress accordingly. If you have a problem getting any of these items, please talk to Mrs. Larson. If you show up the night of the concert in inappropriate attire, you will be required to change or clothing will be provided.Points will be deducted for wrong attire if not changed prior to the performance.

Additional Performance Opportunities

In addition to the required concerts, students have the opportunity to participate in several extra-curricular performance events.

  • Trailways Conference Honors Choir – application and audition required
  • District Solo and Ensemble Festival
  • State Solo and Ensemble Festival
  • National Anthem at Pardeeville sporting and community events

Participation in these events is optional, but encouraged for all students. Students must have approval from Mrs. Larson before auditioning or performing at these events. Once signed up to participate in solo and ensemble, students are required to have at least four lessons with Mrs. Larson prior to the end of January in order to officially be registered with WSMA. If a student is registered and decides to not attend, the student will be responsible for reimbursing the school for the required fee. If this occurs, payment should be made to Mrs. Larson or the applicable fee may be taken out of the student’s music activity account (if available). Pardeeville School District will cover the cost of each entry in all other cases. This is not always the case in other school districts, so please do not abuse this generosity!

Field Trips and Student Accounts

This school year, the band and choir willnot be taking a large trip. However, we may also be taking other smaller trips throughout the year if the opportunity arises. Other additional expenses, such as Honors Choir for example, may also occur throughout the year.

As these tripsand extra-curricular expenses will be in addition to the choir curriculum, students will need to supplement the cost of these trips. To help finance the trips, students will be given opportunities to fundraise for their personal choir activity account. These fundraisers are not mandatory, but will be put toward the student’s personal choir account. Student accounts will rollover from year to year. If you think you will be in choir next year and would like to attend the trip – start fundraising now! Additional information about fundraising will be sent home at a later date.


Fundraisers are not mandatory, but will be put towards the student’s personal choir account. FYI - Show Choir accounts are SEPARATE from the choir accounts. Since each group does separate fundraisers, the money is kept in separate accounts. Student accounts will rollover from year to year. Additional information about fundraising will be sent home at a later date.

Current planned fundraisers will include: Mr. Z’s frozen pizza and foods, Bucky Books (fall), Poinsettia Sales from Links Greenhouse (Dec.), Coffee/Candy (Feb.), and possibly paid performances (where tickets will be sold). As always, donations are ALWAYS accepted along with the fundraising. If people would rather donate money to you instead of purchasing an item, please notate on spreadsheet (given out with each fundraiser). This will then count as participation in a fundraiser, as well as money in your pocket – well in your account!

Pardeeville High School Choir Letters

Pardeeville High School Choir letter points can be accumulated during the school year by participating in the activities mentioned below. A student must be enrolled in choir for the entire school year in order to be considered. Receiving a letter indicates that you, as a choir member, have gone above and beyond what is expected in the normal classroom setting. First year letter-winners will receive a chenille music letter. After the first year, a pin will be awarded to those deserving another letter.

FYI-Letter points do not carry over into the next school year.

Total points needed for a letter: 100

District Solo/Ensemble40 points for each solo performance (vocal)

30 points for each ensemble performance (vocal)

State Solo/Ensemble20 points for each solo performance (vocal)

10 points for each ensemble performance (vocal)

Show Choir20 points for entire year participation

Honors Choir 25 points

Private Voice Lesson 5 points each

(outside of scheduled group lessons)

Performances outside of school10 points for each performance

*Singing National Anthem – limited to 7

Attend a concert outside of school5 points for each concert *

* Includes a one page summary (12 pt. font, dbl. spaced) and bring in ticket stub or program


A letter winner must also participate in ALL school concerts, including Large Group Festival (if applicable) and Graduation. Excused absences that are made-up with the proper assignment will be accepted. Any unexcused absences from a concert will take you out of consideration for a letter. You must also maintain a B average throughout the entire school year.

Pardeeville Area School District

Middle School/High School Choir Calendar


October276:30 PMMS/HS Band & Choir Fall Concert – High School Gym

November1010:00 AM-High School Honors Choir Rehearsal – Abundant Life

4:30 PM

7:00 PMHigh School Honors Choir Concert – Abundant Life

1110:00 AMVeterans Assembly Performance – High School Gym

December166:30 PMMS/HS Band Choir Winter Concert – High School Gym

March 78:00 AM-District Solo/Ensemble – Deerfield

4:00 PM

126:30 PMHS Band Choir Festival Concert – High School Gym

136:30 PMMS Band & Choir Festival Concert – High School Gym

April 21TBDTrailways Honors Banquet – Hosted by Pardeeville, venue TBD

25All dayState Solo/Ensemble – UW-Whitewater

May126:30 PMMS/HS Band Choir Awards Concert – HS Gym

232:00 PMGraduation (HS Choir)

June 510:00 AM8th Grade Promotion (MS Choir and 5/6 Choir)

*Items in boldare required performances for Choir classes

Please keep this schedule for the entire year and mark on your calendars!

This is the schedule to be followed unless extenuating circumstances arise.

Dear Pardeeville High School Choir Parent/Guardian,

A successful choir program involves a cooperative effort from the director, students, and parent(s)/guardian(s). We need your help in order to make this a prosperous musical year.

This handbook has been distributed to you and the students in order to acquaint you with the expectation and guidelines for the Choir program. After you have read the handbook, please complete this page and return it to Mrs. Larson via your student by Friday, September 12 (along with payment for a black binder).

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at or (608) 429-2153 ext. 275.

Thank you,

Mrs. Taya L. Larson

Pardeeville High School Choir Director


We, the undersigned, have read the contents of the Pardeeville High School Choir handbook and understand the expectations and guidelines of the program. We understand that these expectations and guidelines are important in order to help our students become responsible musicians. We pledge to help make this an exciting, educational, and musical year.

Student NameGrade

Student SignatureDate

Parent/Guardian SignatureDate