High Percentage LRE Districts

Data Descriptions and Sources

Column / Description / Source
1 – LEA Code / Twenty-four LEAs were rank ordered by enrollment size – largest to smallest and assigned chronological numbers 1-24. / WestEd assigned numbers
2- Enrollment / LEA total student enrollment grades K-12 for school year 2009-10. / Data Quest – Enrollment
3 – SE Count / Special Education Student Count for December 2010. Students in grades K-12 and ungraded. / CASEMIS
December 2010
4 - % SE / Percent of students in the LEA identified as eligible for special education services / Divided column 3 by column 4 and multiplied by 100
5 - % EL / Percent of students classified as English learners in the LEA. / Ed Data – District Student Report
6 - % Free/Reduced Lunch / Percent of students in the LEA who are eligible for free or reduced priced lunch. / Ed Data – District Student Report
7 – More than 80% / LRE Indicator 5A: Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 who are educated inside the regular classroom 80% or more of the day. / CASEMIS
December 2010
8 – Less than 40% / LRE Indicator 5B: Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 who are educated inside the regular classroom 40% or less of the day. / CASEMIS
December 2010
9 - % in Sep Schools / LRE Indicator 5C: Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 who are served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements. / CASEMIS
December 2010
10 - % SE Students Proficient in ELA / Percent of students with IEPs who scored proficient or above on the ELA portion of the statewide assessment used to calculate Adequate Yearly Progress (federal accountability) / STAR Data file 2010
Standardized Testing and Reporting
(Calculated by Special Education Division)
CAHSEE Data file 2010
(used for AYP for 10th graders)
11 - % SE Students Proficient in Math / Percent of students with IEPs who scored proficient or above on the Math portion of the statewide assessment used to calculate Adequate Yearly Progress (federal accountability) / STAR Data file 2010
Standardized Testing and Reporting
(Calculated by Special Education Division)
CAHSEE Data file 2010
(used for AYP for 10th graders)