High Lonesome Ranch News
A Publication of the
High Lonesome Ranch Property Owners Association
Volume I, No. I20 October 2005
Message from the President
Jim Browning
First, let me welcome all the newcomers to the ranch. We now have about 13 families living on High Lonesome and there are 3 homes under construction. Other property owners have already put up a number of sheds, barns, fences, and entry gates.
Next, I also want to thank all the volunteers who have worked on behalf of the property owner’s association. My predecessor, Ralph Mastroberte, negotiated a successful resolution to a significant Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CCRs) violation. The previous board members, Keith Stanford, Joe Alberti, Jeff Shelton, and Charlie Corrado put countless hours into getting this new property owner’s association “up and running.” We owe them a huge debt of gratitude.
As you will see from the reports that appear in later pages, our committees are working very hard to facilitate the growth of our ranch community. If you are interested in joining a committee, please let me know.
Mark your calendar for the annual meeting that will be held on January 14,
2006. I am looking forward to a large turnout. Two of our Board members, Jo Green and Terrie Gent have volunteered
to organize some refreshments for a social before the meeting gets underway. This will allow us to meet our new neighbors and reconnect with those we haven’t seen in a while. If you want to help with the social, contact Jo or Terrie.
Jo’s phone number is 520.642.5901. Terrie’s is 520.378.2915.
The Board has been very busy attending to the business of our new property owner’s association. But we felt that communication with each of you has gotten short shrift in the competition with the many arduous tasks of organizing our new association. Fortunately, we are past the G-forces of our lift off and we are at our cruising altitude. As you will see from the Board’s comments below, the High Lonesome Ranch Newsis just the first of our efforts to ensure better communication with each and everyone of you. Please send us the news about your family and local news that you would like to share with your neighbors.
We will snail-mail this newsletter to all property owners. However, it will save us a significant amount of money if those with e-mail will accept an electronic version instead. If you want an electronic copy of this news report,
please send an e-mail to the address at the end of this news report.
Message from the Board
We feel we can best carry out our duties under the CCRs and Bylaws by increasing the communication between the property owners and the Board. To ensure greater communication, the Board has undertaken a number of measures:
- Meet at a regularly scheduled time and place.
- Publish our news in this format after each meeting.
- Sponsor a webpage.
- Encourage property owners to contact us directly with their questions and concerns. Our contact information is at the end of this news report.
- Host social activities so neighbors can get to know one another and us.
The minutes from the last Board Meeting are attached.
Architectural Review Committee
Just as a reminder, the CCRs require property owners to submit plans for approval if you are building a shed or other structure, fence, gate, electric line, septic system, or road, for example. Please review Article IX of the CCRs. Plans must be in writing and submitted to our Tucson address given at the end of this news report. The design guidelines may be obtained from our management company, Cadden. Their address and phone number is at the end of this news report.
Road Committee
The Road Committee has changed membership. Originally it was Joe Alberti and Ralph Mastroberte. Charlie Corrado later took Joe’s place until Charlie resigned from the board. Ralph has been hanging in there and gotten us through the monsoon season. All of the major roads and the secondary roads that have houses or proposed construction on them were graded in late September. It is the policy of the committee to concentrate on keeping the major roads in as good a shape as we can and not trying to totally maintain some of the roads that are seldom used. We do this to try and get the maximum that we can out of our limited budget. Pat Green has volunteered to be on the committee and he and Ralph will be looking after the roads.
Windmill Committee:
Bill and Barb Brown have volunteered to take responsibility for the windmill. Actually Bill has been looking after it ever since he moved on to the ranch several years ago. The water trough does need some work and Bill believes he can repair it. Charlie Corrado has also volunteered to help in repairing the windmill and trough.
CCR Committee
In the process of preparing for the annual election, we discovered an omission in the By Laws of the association. The By Laws provide for staggered three-year terms for board members as long as there is a Class B member. However, after there is no Class B, member there is no mention of the three-year terms of office. There are no more Class B members in our Association. We believe that it was the intent of the By Laws for board members to serve three-year staggered terms and indeed that is the way most Property/Homeowner Associations are set up. The staggered terms of office are needed to ensure that there is continuity from one year to the next and we do not wind up with a totally new Board each year with no continuity. We are going to
attempt to take the required steps to amend the By Laws to provide for three year staggered terms for board members. Hopefully we can do this prior to the January election.
Nominating Committee
Terrie Gent volunteered to head this committee. If you are interested in running for the board, just let her know. She can be reached by e-mail at the address at the end of this news report. You can also call her at 520.378.2915 before 8 p.m. Arizona time. Those who wish to run may submit a statement of 100 words or less and we will include it in a future news report. Please send the statement to Terrie Gent at our board e-mail address.
Family and Local News
Telephone Service Comes to the Last Parts of the Ranch.
Copper Valley Telephone COOP is in the process of installing telephone lines to the remaining parts of the ranch that did not have telephone service. They begin installing lines down the west part of Reata Pass on 11 October and will follow on from there up to Gleeson road to service Lots 1 thru 6 and 51 and the ranch houses to the west.
Points of Contact
You may e-mail the High Lonesome Ranch Estates Property Owner’s Association Board of Directors at:
You may send written correspondence to:
Cadden Management Company
High Lonesome Ranch
Property Owner’s Association
1870 West Prince Road, Suite 47
Tucson, Arizona 86705.
Cadden’s phone number is 520.297.0797.
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