Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council
held on 14th March 2016 at 7.35pm in the Memorial Hall
40/16 Present and Apologies
Cllr Pickering (Chairman), Cllr Audsley (Vice-chairman), Cllr Mrs Baldock, Cllr Mrs Mitchell, Cllr Mrs Morgan, Cllr Dr Taylor, and Mrs Wood (Clerk). Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs Burlton. The Community Warden and eleven members of the public were present.
Congratulations were offered to Cllr Mrs Burlton on the birth of her son.
41/16 Declarations of Interest on items on the agenda
There were no Declarations of Interest.
42/16 Minutes of the meeting of 8th February 2016
That the Minutes of the meeting held on 8th February 2016 be approved and confirmed as a true record.
43/16 Matters Arising
Cllr Dr Taylor reported that the Risk Management Policy is in hand and will be brought to the next meeting.
Cllr Mrs Mitchell asked for an update on the lamppost in Tilden Close, the Clerk to follow-up.
The Chairman noted that the water leak on Church Hill has not yet been repaired; it is thought that the leak is on the school premises, which has reported it to South East Water. The Clerk to follow-up.
Joint Parish Traffic Committee: The Chairman reported that the Borough Council is actively involved in the group, which comprises 10 parishes. The Vice-chairman will attend the next meeting.
44/16 Open Session
The Chairman suspended the meeting to allow members of the public to address the Committee.
Mr Carpenter reported that the glazing in the phone box is missing; it was noted that it cannot be replaced by Perspex because the box is listed. The Clerk asked for the phone number of the box in order that it can be reported.
Mr Buggins requested that the Sports Pavilion accounts be published on the village website, and queried why the Risk Management Policy was not on the agenda; the Clerk advised that it is still being prepared and will be on the May agenda.
Mr Buggins asked for details of the insurance claim, and was advised that this arose from a burst pipe in the Sports Pavilion.
Loss of a lamppost in Tilden Close was reported, it was noted that KCC Highways are aware.
The Parish Council was asked if a planning application has been received for Ransley Farm following recent surveying activity. The Vice-chairman advised that no application has yet been received, the Chairman stated that the Parish Council would be unlikely to support any application outside the built-up confines of the village and that the site had not been submitted in the call for sites under the Local Plan review. However, anyone is free to submit a planning application at any time.
The meeting was reconvened.
45/16 Planning Committee report
The Vice-chairman reported that objections had been made to the following applications:
Willow Paddocks, Little Bedgebury Farm and Forge Bungalow.
Applications at Summer Farm, Little Tiffenden and The Raja of Kent were supported.
Other issues raised are as recorded in the Minutes.
Hatchentan: The appeal to the Planning Inspectorate will be heard on 12th April, the Parish Council will attend.
46/16 Financial report
46/16-1 To Agree Payments in Accordance with the Budget
That the following payments be agreed.
Cheque / Details / £001143 / S Wood (salary) / 469.56
001144 / S Wood (expenses) / 62.89
001145 / B Croucher (caretaking services) / 47.10
001146 / ACRK (annual subscription) / 50.00
001147 / Viking Direct (stationery) / 20.87
001148 / J&K Business Machines Ltd (photocopier charges) / 36.01
001149 / NDR Builders Ltd (sports pavilion repairs after water leak) / 2831.02
001150 / R Parham (locum clerk) / 50.00
Details / £Cancelled cheque (payment to Locum Clerk 13th July 2015) (cheque number 001174) / 50.00
NatWest interest / 1.27
£ 32676.57 (cheque and deposit accounts)
£ 3492.00 (Sports Pavilion Committee account)
£ 1349.50 (HHVEC account)
£ 0.17 (HHVEC deposit account)
46/16-2 Sports pavilion accounts
Cllr Dr Taylor advised that these will be published on the village website. He reported estimated costs of £180,000, the contract was awarded to the lowest tender. Actual costs were £181,000. Income from funders was £149,000, plus a low-interest rate loan from the Public Works Loan Board of £20000 which was taken out after the unsuccessful Biffa grant application. The Parish Council contributed to make good the £12000 shortfall. The Clerk was thanked for her work on delivering the project.
Cllr Mrs Baldock stated that the success of the project is being monitored.
46/16-3 Arrangements for external audit
The Clerk reported that PFK Littlejohn LLP had been appointed as the external auditor for Parish Councils after the Audit Commission was closed. PKF Littlejohn’s contract ends in 2017, after which Parish Councils may appoint their own external auditor, subject to stringent criteria. On behalf of DCLG, NALC has set up a company to carry out external audits; if Parish Councils do not wish to avail themselves of this service they must opt-out before 31st March 2016. The Clerk recommended that the Parish Council uses the NALC external auditor. It was proposed by Cllr Dr Taylor that the Clerk’s recommendation be agreed.
That the Clerk’s recommendation with regard to the external auditor for the Parish Council’s accounts be accepted.
47/16 Reports
47/16-1 Community Warden The Community Warden’s report is attached. The Warden asked if additional wooden posts should be put in. It was noted that the problem arises from cars having to mount the green to pass parked cars. Yellow lines were suggested, but these would impact on users of the Church and school. Cllr Mrs Baldock advised that the problem is also evident in The Chennells, notably from delivery vans. The Vice-chairman stated that Landscape Services had left unsightly ruts at the junction of Oak Grove Lane and Biddenden Road, this has been raised with KCC; he advised that the issue re the village green should be raised with KCC.
47/16-2 PCSO No report in PCSO Moorey’s absence.
47/16-3 Ward member Cllr Pickering reported that at a meeting at the Rare Breeds Centre, the Borough Council stated that it aims to increase tourism, particularly in relation to its Dark Skies policy.
The Boundary Commission Review has recommended a reduction in the number of county councillors but there will be no change to the number of borough councillors.
Council tenant rents: These had been spread over 50 weeks each year (cf payment of council tax over 10 months), but this will to be changed to payment over 52 weeks, with the concomitant effect of a small reduction in the amount paid weekly.
Council housing stock: After a drop in the number of houses as a consequence of the ‘Right to Buy’, stock has risen because of Borough Council investment. The Chairman noted that the average sale price in the borough is £164,000, Cllr Mrs Baldock asked for the average price of housing in the villages and how many homes had been sold under the Right to Buy in the rural areas.
Cllr Pickering reported that almost all council housing rents have been collected.
The government has announced a fund of £3,600,000 to enable communities to buy local pubs.
47/16-4 Environmental Cllr Mrs Morgan reported a nuisance caused by what are thought to be urban foxes being trapped and then released in rural areas, the Chairman will raise this with the Borough Council. Littering is a significant problem in the lanes, the Chairman replied that he will take this up with the Portfolio holder if formally approached by the Parish Council. Cllr Mrs Morgan reported that Biffa operatives are not picking up litter spilled when wheelie bins are emptied.
47/16-5 Safety and Security Cllr Mrs Mitchell reported on a spate of thefts from vehicles, in particular of power tools, and an attempted break-in at Tilden Close. The Community Warden advised that reports of a white van being driven unlit at night had been passed to the Police. The Vice-chairman reported that details of a white van parked suspiciously had been passed to Neighbourhood Watch.
47/16-6 Highways The Vice-chairman reported that the annual meeting with the Highways’ steward has been arranged for 17th March. Councillors are asked to notify the Vice-chairman of any items that should be raised. The Vice-chairman noted that cyclists’ needs do not appear to be taken into account by KCC Highways when repairs are effected, and suggested that the Parish Council writes to KCC with regard to its policy when repairs are carried out.
47/16-7 Marketing/projects Cllr Mrs Baldock thanked all involved in distribution of the Herald, in particular the Neighbourhood Watch coordinators. Positive feedback has been received. She advised that the copy deadline for the next edition is 15th May.
On the recommendation of Cllr Mrs Baldock it was agreed that the village flag project will not be pursued, on cost grounds.
47/16-8 Finance Committee Cllr Dr Taylor stated that the Budget for the next financial year has been agreed, but the surplus is not yet known. The Finance Committee would meet on 12th April.
47/16-9 KALC The Vice-chairman advised that the Committee has not met since the last Parish Council meeting.
48/16 Information item
48/16-1 HHVEC update Cllr Mrs Baldock reported on Cllr Mrs Burlton’s behalf. The draft programme for the celebration of HM Queen’s 90th birthday on April 21st was circulated. The beacon will be lit at 7.30pm. A budget of £500 was agreed, to be met from the HHVEC account. HHVEC will meet on 16th March at 7pm.
Mr Carpenter will lend a generator and Mr Ball will assist in organising the event.
Village organisations will introduce their items and all present invited to join in the singing.
49/16 Life is not an Xbox
Mr David Ball could not be present, but his report and request for support were circulated. The Chairman advised that he had awarded a Member Community Grant of £1460. Cllr Mrs Baldock asked if contributions are being sought from other Parish Councils, given that there will be participants from other parishes. The Chairman replied that Bethersden will be asked but he is unaware if an approach has been made to Tenterden. Cllr Mrs Baldock and Cllr Dr Taylor stated that they are willing to support those from High Halden taking part and that participants from other parishes should likewise be supported. The Vice-chairman asked what benefit will accrue, the Chairman replied that it will engage the youth of the village. The Clerk advised that the young people have been cleaning the bus shelters free of charge. It was proposed that a donation of £550 be given.
That a donation of £550 be given to the project.
50/16 Financial regulations
Cllr Dr Taylor advised that the draft Regulations had been circulated prior to the meeting. The model Regulations recommended a 3-year budget forecast, however given that the Parish Council sets the Precept annually, Cllr Dr Taylor recommended that a 1-year forecast be set. If a project were to be undertaken a forecast for the length of the project should be set. It was proposed that the draft Financial Regulations be adopted.
That the draft Financial Regulations be adopted.
51/16 Car parking in the village
Cllr Mrs Baldock reported that John Twycross will tour the village to look at parking issues, accompanied by the Chairman and Vice-chairman. Cllr Mrs Mitchell suggested that residents be consulted, the Vice-chairman agreed and suggested that this be after the tour.
52/16 Sports field drainage
Cllr Mrs Baldock advised that the football pitches have been unplayable because of the wet weather and poor drainage, a similar situation pertains in Bethersden. Graham Brown Drainage, recommended by David Sivyer, will visit and look for existing drains, pro bono. Any remedial works will incur significant cost, Cllr Mrs Baldock proposed the sale of a plot of land for housing on an unused, unplayable corner of the field adjacent to homes in Hopes Grove. The Clerk asked if this would be market, affordable or local needs housing, Cllr Mrs Baldock replied that it will be local needs. The proposal was welcomed and the Chairman stated that he will discuss this with Lucy Holloway, senior planning officer. He noted that the Parish Council may be open to accusations of inconsistency given its opposition to the sale of a piece of land at the Chennells, Cllr Mrs Baldock stated that the latter would have been of benefit to 1 resident only. It was suggested that the cop cars site be revisited in the search for housing sites, the Chairman replied that the developer pulled out because of possible difficulties filling the shops/office. This will be discussed at the Annual Parish Meeting.
53/16 Annual Parish Meeting
To be held on Monday 11th April at 7pm in the Memorial Hall, the Clerk to circulate the agenda.
54/16 Items for next Parish Council meeting
54/16-1 Risk management policy.
54/16-2 Sports field drainage project.
54/16-3 UKPN initiative to identify vulnerable residents, this will also be publicised in the Herald.
55/16 Any Other Business
Light pollution: the Clerk was advised that the complaint had been made by John Ball, this information will be passed to the Borough Council which would not otherwise investigate.