Received date:
Registered date:
Rep No:
HertfordshireWaste Local Plan
Initial Consultation Document 2018
Representation Form
This Initial Consultation document contains a range of issues and options that will help the county council, as Waste Planning Authority for Hertfordshire, to progress with the review of the adopted Waste Local Plan. As part of this Initial Consultation, the county council is seeking your views on the content of the local plan and how certain issues should be managed within policy.
The full details of the timetable for plan production are set out in the Initial Consultation document.
The online consultation portal is the county council’s preferred method of receiving comments. This can be found at on how to register and enter representations are provided on the website.
If you are unable to use the online consultation portal, please use this form to make representations. Comments will also be accepted by letter (sent to the address at the end of this form) or email . If you wish to send attachments, only documents that have been produced in Microsoft Word (.doc), standard Rich Text Format (RTF), pdf, or jpeg formats can be accepted electronically. It is not guaranteed that information presented in other formats can be opened by the council’s IT system.
Further copies of the representation form are available from the county council on 01992 556227 or may be downloaded from the county council’s website: Alternatively, this form can be photocopied for further use.
Important note:
The information that you provide, including personal details, will be held on a database and used by the Environment Department to respond to you and assist with the review of the Waste Local Plan. The information that you provide, excluding personal details, will be publicly available for any other person to inspect.
The information that you provide, including names and organisations will be shared with the Planning Inspectorate.By signing this form (responding to this consultation) you are agreeing to the county council holding your data for the duration of the Waste Local Plan review. All personal data will be deleted following completion of the review.
Part 1 – Details
Respondents detailsName: / Organisation:
Address: / Tel No:
Post Code: / Email:
Agent details (if applicable)
Name: / Organisation:
Address: / Tel No:
Post Code: / Email:
Part 2– Responses
Issue 1
Which aspects of national policy and Hertfordshire County Council priorities does the Vision cover adequately?
(Please select all that apply)
Planning positively……………………………………………………………….
Driving towards sustainable development and economic growth………….
Locally distinctive to Hertfordshire……………………………………………..
Provides a vision for what the county will be like in 20 years……………....
Based on current trends and trajectories……………………………………...
Provide points that can be translated into policy......
Shared vision for future development......
Meets the needs of the communities......
Citizen focussed......
Acting with integrity......
Getting things right......
Every penny counts......
Any other comments
Issue 2
Are there any other aspects that the Vision should cover?
(Please select one answer)
If you selected yes, please provide your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 3
Would meeting all of the draft Objectives ensure that the Vision presented in Chapter 5 is achieved?
(Please select one answer)
If you selected no, please provide your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 4
Has the county council developed the correct set of Objectives?
(Please select one answer)
If you selected no, please provide your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 5
Do you agree with the county council’s intention to prepare a single Waste Local Plan document?
(Please select one answer)
If you selected no, please provide your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 6
How long should the duration of the Waste Local Plan be?
(Please select one answer)
15 years……………………………..…...……………………………………….
A longer time frame………………………………………………….…………..
If you selected “a longer timeframe”, please provide your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 7
Do you agree with the county council’s intention to use figures from the HCC Local Authority Collected Waste Spatial Strategy to predict the future quantity of waste generated by households in the county?
(Please select one answer)
If you selected no, please provide an alternative option and your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 8
Which recycling and composting scenario do you think is the most appropriate for the Capacity Gap Report to use to forecast the future quantity of waste generated by households in the county?
(Please select one answer)
65% recycling and composting by 2031……..…………………………….….
60% recycling and composting by 2031…..………………………………….
An alternative scenario….……………………………………………..………..
If you selected “another scenario”, please provide an alternative option and your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 9
Do you agree with the county council’s intention to use figures from the Waste Data Interrogator to establish the quantity of waste generated by businesses and industry in the county?
(Please select one answer)
If you selected no, please provide an alternative option and your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 10
Which growth scenario do you think is the most appropriate for the Capacity Gap Report to use to forecast the future quantity of waste generated by businesses and industry in the county?
(Please select one answer)
Low Growth - the EEFM forecasts of employment levels for individual sectors ……..……………………………………….…………………………….
High Growth - the EEFM forecast of Gross Value Added....………………
An alternative scenario…..…………………………………………………..…
If you selected “an alternative scenario”, please provide an alternative option and your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 11
Do you agree with the county council’s intention to use a target to recycle and compost 60% of waste generated by businesses and industry?
(Please select one answer)
If you selected no, please provide an alternative option and your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 12
Do you agree with the county council’s intention to use figures from the Waste Data Interrogator to establish the quantity of waste generated by construction, demolition and excavation activity in the county?
(Please select one answer)
No ………………………………………………………….…………...…………
If you selected no, please providean alternative option and your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 13
Which growth scenario do you think is the most appropriate for the Capacity Gap Report to use to forecast the future quantity of waste generated by construction, demolition and excavation activity in the county?
(Please select one answer)
Low Growth – maintain the 2015 arising figure …………………………….
High Growth – the EEFM forecast of Gross Value Added......
An alternative scenario….……………………………………………..……….
If you selected “an alternative scenario”, please provide an alternative option and your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 14
Do you agree with the county council’s intention to use a target to recover 70% of waste generated by construction, demolition and excavation activity by 2020 and to divert 90% of waste generated by construction, demolition and excavation activity from landfill by 2031?
(Please select one answer)
If you selected no, please provide an alternative option and your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 15
Do you agree with the county council’s intention to use figures from the Hazardous Waste Data Interrogator to establish the quantity of hazardous waste generated in the county?
(Please select one answer)
If you selected no, please provide an alternative option and your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 16
Which growth scenario do you think is the most appropriate for the Capacity Gap Report to use to forecast the future quantity of hazardous waste generated arisings in the county?
(Please select one answer)
Low Growth – maintain the 2015 arising figure………………………………
High Growth – extrapolating the recent trend of arisings…………………
An alternative scenario…..………………………………………………………
If you selected “an alternative scenario”, please provide an alternative option and your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 17
Do you agree with the county council’s intention to use a site-by-site analysis of existing waste sites, utilising all available data, to establish the overall waste capacity of waste facilities in Hertfordshire?
(Please select one answer)
If you selected no, please provide your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 18
Should the Waste Local Plan identify Allocated Sites?
(Please select one answer)
If you selected no, please provide your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 19
Should the Waste Local Plan identify Areas of Search?
(Please select one answer)
If you selected no, please provide your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 20
Should the Waste Local Plan continue to identify Employment Land Areas of Search to help guide future waste management?
(Please select one answer)
If you selected no, please provide your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 21
Should the county council use criteria-based policies in the Waste Local Plan to determine whether a site is suitable for waste development?
(Please select one answer)
Yes, instead of identifying sites and/or areas………………………………
Yes, in combination with identified sites and/or areas……………..……..
If you selected “Yes, instead of identifying sites and/or areas”, please provide your reasons
If you selected “Yes, in combination with identified sites and/or areas”, please provide your reasons
If you selected no, please provide your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 22
What sites should be safeguarded in the Waste Local Plan?
(Please select one answer)
All waste sites, continuing the approach of the adopted safeguarding policy …..………………………………………………………………………….
All waste sites with certain exceptions ………………………………………
Strategic waste sites……………………......
No waste sites …………………………………………………………………...
If you selected “All waste sites, continuing the approach of the adopted safeguarding policy”, please provide your reasons
If you selected “All waste sites with certain exceptions”, please provide your details of potential exceptions
If you selected “Strategic waste sites”, please provide details of what should be considered a strategic waste site
If you selected “No waste sites”, please provide your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 23
Should the Waste Local Plan include consultation areas around safeguarded waste sites?
(Please select one answer)
If you selected no, please provide your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 24
Does the list of strategic policy headings cover all the topics that should be included in the Waste Local Plan?
(Please select one answer)
The list is too extensive and could be streamlined……………………….
No, the list missed certain topics relevant to Hertfordshire……………..
If you selected “the list is too extensive”, please provide your reasons
If you selected “no, the list missed certain topics”, please provide your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 25
Does the list of development management policy headings cover all the topics that should be included in the Waste Local Plan?
(Please select one answer)
The list is too extensive and could be streamlined…………………………...
No, the list missed certain topics relevant to Hertfordshire………………….
If you selected “the list is too extensive”, please provide your reasons
If you selected “no, the list missed certain topics”, please provide your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 26
Are the policy headings in Table 2 sufficient to meet any gaps in the policy areas identified?
(Please select one answer)
The list is too extensive and could be streamlined……………………….
No, the list missed certain topics relevant to Hertfordshire……………..
If you selected “the list is too extensive”, please provide your reasons
If you selected “no, the list missed certain topics”, please provide your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 27
Referring back to Chapter 6: Objectives, does the draft list of policy headings meet theobjectives which will be included in the Waste Local Plan?
(Please select one answer)
If you selected no, please provide your reasons
Any other comments
Issue 28
Are the objectives of the Sustainability Appraisal appropriate as a frameworkto determine the sustainability of the Waste Local Plan?
(Please select one answer)
If you selected no, please provide your reasons
Any other comments
Part 3Declaration
Signature: / Date:
Tick here to be notified when subsequent documents are published for consultation during the review of the Waste Local Plan.
Address for notification (if different):
Thank you for your representations.
All representations must be received by 5pm Friday 30March2018.
Once you have completed your response please email it to: or post it to:
Spatial Planning & Economy Unit
Hertfordshire County Council
County Hall
SG13 8DN
If you require further information or advice please contact the Minerals and Waste Policy Team on: 01992 556227.