Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Board
OBJECTIVE:To scrutinise the progress and performance of the Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Board (HSCB) in 2009-2010
1. How effectively is HSCB meeting its statutory objectives following changes to the statutory guidance “Working Together to Safeguard Children” that resulted from the Laming Report? How does this compare to the findings of the LoughboroughUniversity research into the effectiveness of LSCB?
The full version of ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ can be found at:
2. How effectively is HSCB addressing the lessons learned from Serious case Reviews?
3, How effectively is HSCB promoting cultural change to ensure safeguarding is everyone’s business?
For members to understand the work of HSCB, be confident that the new statutory guidance is being met and that HSCB is providing an effective challenge to HCTP
The Scrutiny will not include a review of the progress or performance of individual agencies e.g. CSF, the PCTs or the police, except as constituent members of HSCB.
The scrutiny will not consider individual cases
Working Together to Safeguard ChildrenDCSF 2010
HSCB Business Plan 2009-11
HSCB membership
HSCB structure chart
HSCB Induction for new members briefing document
HSCB Safer Staffing Handbook
Laming Action Plan
The Child Death Review - Leaflet for parents and carers
Graded Care Profile
Phil Picton / HSCB Independent Chair
Hilary Griffiths / HSCB Business Manager
Maria Barnett / HSCB Assistant Business Manager
Alison Cutler / HSCB Learning and Development Manager
Andrew Wellington / Head of Children’s Partnerships
Clare Hawkin / Director of Nursing & Quality (PCTs) and chair of HSCB Child Death Overview Panel
Deborah Brice / Designated Nurse, Safeguarding Children (PCTs) and chair of HSCB Training Subgroup
James Townend / Independent chair of HSCB Serious case Review Subgroup
Chris Miller / Temporary Assistant Chief Constable and chair of HSCB Audit and Analysis Subgroup
John Harris / Director Children, Schools and Families
Andrew Simmons / CSF Deputy Director and chair of HSCB Policy and Procedure Subgroup
Jessica Linskill / Director of Quality, Herts Community Health Services and chair of HSCB Improving Outcomes Group
Justin Donovan / CSF Deputy Director and chair of HSCB Safer Staffing Subgroup
Alison Twynam / CSF Head of Policy, Practice and Quality Assurance
Kevin Garrod / Regional Manager VCS Engage/Children Matter East
Matt Rayner / Youth and Support Partnership Manager Welwyn and Hatfield Borough Council
METHOD:One day scrutiny DATE:8 June 2010
MEMBERSHIP :Peter Ruffles (Chairman), Chris Mitchell, Roger Beeching, Leanda Newlyn, Rose Cheswright, Aislinn Lee (Vice-Chairman), Sue Milligan (parent-governor representative)
Scrutiny Officer: Tom Hawkyard
Lead Officer: Hilary Griffiths, HSCB Business Manager
Democratic Services Officer:Emma Lund
HCC Priorities for Action : -how this item helps deliver the Priorities
- Support economic well being
- Maximise independent living
- Ensure a positive childhood
- Secure a good education for all
- Reduce carbon emissions
- Promote safe neighbourhoods
- Be a leading council
- Provides a critical friend challenge to executive policy makers and decision makers
- Enables the voice and concerns of the public to be heard
- Is carried out by independent governors who lead and own the scrutiny role
- Drives improvement in public services