MINUTES (approved January 22, 2014)

A meeting of the Heritage Toronto Board was held on Wednesday November 20, 2013 at Toronto City Hall, Committee Room #4

PRESENT: Alexandria Pike, Chair John Belyea Jeffrey Clayman

Ross Fair Patrick Forster Tyler Greenleaf Andrew Himel Viviana Laperchia Deborah Lechter

Paul Litt Kate Marshall Barbara McPhail

Marta O'Brien Brent Pearlman Allan Penning

Kevin Plummer Darren Wasylucha

REGRETS: Andrew Jeanrie Donald Loucks Tanzeel Merchant

Peter Ortved Elizabeth Philbert Mark Warrack

Councillor Gary Crawford Councillor Sarah Doucette Councillor Mike Layton

Councillor Adam Vaughan

ALSO PRESENT: Karen Carter, Executive Director

Karen Czaniecki, Administrator

Gary Miedema, Chief Historian and Associate Director

Nancy Luno, Program Coordinator

Alexandria Pike, Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:07 pm


No conflict of interest was declared for the meeting on November 20, 2013



Tyler Greenleaf moved, seconded by John Belyea that the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Heritage Toronto on September 25, 2013, be adopted as circulated.



1.1  Welcome New Board Member

Alexandria Pike welcomed Viviana Laperchia to the Board. Ms Laperchia was appointed by Toronto City Council at their meeting of November 13,14,15 &18.

1.2  Rollo Myers, Special Achievement Award recipient – thank you letter

Ms Pike shared the letter of appreciation sent from Rollo Myers to the Board.

The Board received the letter for information.

Ms Pike reported on item Executive Committee Item 3.1

3.1 Discussion re: Strategic Plan

Ms Pike advised the Board that the Executive Committee has reviewed the Strategic Plan and are presenting the Board with the key performance indicators (KPI) that have been identified within each of the strategic pillars and objectives. Key indicators will be used to develop the metrics moving forward. Staff and committees should keep the KPIs in mind when reporting. We will establish the current KPIs and then update next June. The KPIs were reviewed with the Board. The Board shared the need to invest in tools to help Heritage Toronto meet its strategic goals.

Ms Pike noted that this is an internal document from the Executive Committee for discussion.



2.1 Financial Statements to October 31, 2013

John Belyea, Chair, Audit and Finance Committee presented the 2013 financial statements to October 31, 2013 to the Board for review and discussion. Mr. Belyea's review of the document focused on items that have changed since the review of the August statements at the previous Board meeting.

The financial statements were received for information.

2.2 Finance Committee Meeting – September 24, 2013

Mr. Belyea presented the minutes from the Finance Committee meeting on September 24, 2013.

The minutes were received for information and discussion.

2.3 Heritage Toronto – Property and Casualty Insurance Program Review

The Finance Committee has reviewed Heritage Toronto's insurance coverage and liability. Mr. Belyea presented the Property and Casualty Insurance Program Review Report to the Board. The report concludes that Heritage Toronto has sufficient coverage in place. Heritage Toronto's events and program activities pose the most susceptible liability potential. The report recommends that in 2014 volunteers sign a waiver and be advised of the City's volunteer policy. Participants in all paid tours will also be required to sign a waiver. This could be an expansion of the process put in place in 2013 for the bike tour participants.

The report was received for information and discussion.


4.1 ACTION: 2014 Board meeting dates

Karen Carter presented a report listing the meeting dates for 2014.

HT13-33 Approval of 2014 Heritage Toronto Board meeting dates

Paul Litt moved, seconded by Brent Pearlman, that the Heritage Toronto Board approve the following meeting dates for 2014: January 22, March 19 and/or April 23, June 18, August 20, September 24, and November 19.


4.2 Update on Activities

Ms Carter informed the Board that she attended Heritage Canada's National Heritage Conference held in Ottawa from October 31 – November 2nd. Ms Carter attended as a participant and was also invited to present the Heritage Diversity Initiative. She found it to be a good opportunity to put Heritage Toronto forward and to network. Also, Ms Carter advised that the office was painted and the walls now display a sponsor and major donor appreciation listing and photographs from previous Building Storeys exhibits. This was ready for the member/donor open house which preceded the Natural Heritage Symposium on November 12th, 2013

Ms Carter's verbal report was received for information.


5.1 Report on 2013 Tours program

Patrick Forster, Chair, Programming Committee presented final reports on the 2013 Tours program.

The Board discussed the extremely successful tour program and the positive reception for the expansion of the program to include boutique, bike and bus. Another notable success was the decision to collect donations at the tours in envelopes. A general discussion was held with ideas and lessons for next year.

The reports were received for information and discussion.

5.2 Report on 2013 Heritage Toronto Awards/Kilbourn Lecture event

Mr. Forster said the 2013 Heritage Toronto Awards and William Kilbourn Memorial Lecture at Koerner Hall was a quick paced, fantastic event. Mr. Forster was pleased that the audience has expanded to include diversity and youth.

Mr. Forster advised that discussions regarding the annual revisions to the awards forms are being led by Tanzeel Merchant and changes will be reported to the Board at the January meeting.

5.3 Update from Programming Committee Meeting

Mr. Forster presented the minutes from the Programming Committee meeting on November 8th, 2013.

The minutes were received for information and discussion.


Kate Marshall, Chair, MarComm Committee, presented the MarComm report on the 39th Annual Heritage Toronto Awards. Ms Marshall said there was considerably more media coverage this year; before, during and after the event. The Board discussed the event and ideas for next year when we celebrate 40 years.

Ms Marshall also mentioned that in 2014 the MarComm Committee will be looking at new branding that represents the breadth of programming Heritage Toronto offers.

The report was received for information and discussion.


7.1 REPORT: Amendment to selection criteria for Legacy Plaque subjects

Ross Fair, Chair of the Plaques and Markers Committee presented a report recommending an amendment to the criteria for Toronto Legacy plaques that would ensure that individuals who have made key contributions are recognized where they lived.

HT13-34 Approval of an amendment to the Criteria for Toronto Legacy Plaque Subjects

Dr. Ross Fair moved, seconded by Barbara McPhail, that Criteria for Toronto Legacy Plaque Subjects have the following amendment:

Current guideline:

Is subject already commemorated in Toronto by means of a plaque? Nominees that are already commemorated in Toronto by means of plaques will not normally be considered unless there are compelling circumstances to do so.

Be amended to:

Is the subject already commemorated at a Toronto residence by means of a plaque? Nominees that are already commemorated at a Toronto residence by means of a plaque will not normally be considered unless there are compelling circumstances to do so.


7.2 Report: Inclusion of cultural identifiers in texts for Legacy plaques

Dr. Fair presented a report recommending inclusion of cultural identifiers in texts for legacy plaques, when the identifier is integral. This offers greater flexibility in trying to identify someone's contribution or accomplishment.

This report was received for information and discussion.

7.3 Minutes from the Plaques and Markers Committee Meeting on November 7, 2013

Dr. Fair presented the Minutes from the Committee Meeting on November 7, 2013. Dr. Fair informed the Board that 2013 had been a very busy year of plaque presentations and they resulted in good press. There has also been an increase in attendance at the presentations. Dr. Fair also informed the Board that we will be moving ahead with the century house initiation in 2014.

The minutes were received for information and discussion.


Allan Penning, Chair of the Fund Development Committee presented the meeting notes from the November 5, 2013 meeting. Mr. Penning congratulated the Membership Committee and staff for the Heritage Toronto office open house and in particular the new donor recognition wall.

The meeting notes were received for information and discussion.


Deborah Lechter, Chair of the Membership Committee presented the minutes from the Committee meeting on November 6, 2013. Ms Lechter said that surveys were completed by those who attended the open house and they are now being analysed. Also, Ms Lechter and Stacey Fowler are undertaking a survey of membership organizations in other cities, in the US and Canada to find out how their membership works and what is offered with membership. Kate Marshall asked if they could also ask those cities what social media and communication tools they find most successful.

The minutes were received for information and discussion.


Paul Litt, Chair of the Conservation and Education Committee, presented the notes from their meeting on November 14, 2013. Mr. Litt thanked the Board members who attended the Natural Heritage Symposium. The total attendance was 130. Symposiums/lectures on Built Heritage and Archaeological Heritage are planned for next year.

A state of heritage report has been prepared by Heritage Toronto every four years to coincide with the election of a new city government. Mr. Litt was pleased to inform the Board that sponsorship funds have been received from the McLean Foundation to support the research and publication of the next state of heritage report which will be researched and written in 2014 and published in early 2015. This report will offer a heritage guide for the new Council.

Mr. Litt also presented two position documents for the Board to consider with regards to the Sam the Record Man sign and the proposed Mirvish/Gehry project at King and John streets. The documents were thoroughly discussed, with a recommendation that the Mirvish/Gehry statement be strengthened in light of new information that had come to light since the statement was drafted.

The meeting notes were received for information and discussion.


No other business was reported.


The meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm

Alexandria Pike, Chair