Here’s the process we use for helping a company to intentionally build a high-performing culture:

In the first chapter of the book Fundamentally Different, and as we talk aboutin all our workshops, we organize everything around an 8-step framework for “institutionalizing” a high performing culture. The steps are:

  1. Define the behaviors (Fundamentals) that drive success.
  2. Ritualize the practice of the Fundamentals.
  3. Select people who are the right fit for your culture.
  4. Integrate new hires into your culture.
  5. Communicate your culture by making it visible throughout the work environment.
  6. Coach people to reinforce your culture.
  7. Lead your culture by example.
  8. Drive your culture through creating accountability.

While all of the steps are important, and they’re all inter-related, the two most important steps are #1 and #2 and that’s where we need to begin.

There are three parts to the initial consulting work to get you “up and running” with this:

Part 1: Define/articulate the desired behaviors:

  1. We’ll meet with you and the senior leadership team for approximately 3-4 hours. We begin with an overview of the approach so that we all have context for what we’re doing. We then spend the rest of the time working on articulating the behaviors that are most important to you. Our facilitation elicits the ideas from the group and we write them on flip charts. The ideas are there inside of you; you just need someone to help articulate them.
  1. We then take home our notes from what we heard and draft an initial set of Fundamentals (behaviors) for you. If we do our job well, the first draft should be 90% of the way there. We usually turn around the first draft within 2-3 days.
  2. Following that draft, we’ll go back and forth by phone and e-mail, with you giving us feedback and us editing until we both think it’s perfect. This usually involves 3-5 drafts.
  3. When the list is perfect, we’ll lay it out in a card format and get them printed.

Part 2: Rollout

  • Next we plan a “rollout” event where we introduce this to all the employees. This is a highly interactive, engaging event that gets people aligned, excited, and prepared to begin practicing the Fundamentals.
  • The rollout takes 3 hours and we can usually do up to about 40-50 people in one session. Depending on how many people we have and staying sensitive to not unduly disrupting business operations, we’ll conduct as many rollout sessions as is necessary and on whatever days are necessary, including weekends. In your case, as we talked about, I’m assuming it will take us 3 days to cover all your people.

  • As you can imagine, the quality of the rollout process has an enormous influence on how successful the program ultimately becomes.
  • We’re typically onsite facilitating the rollout process.

Part 3: Rituals and eMinder

  • The week following the rollout, we begin taking one Fundamental per week and focusing on it through regular “rituals”.
  • Prior to the rollout we’ll discuss and determine which rituals are most appropriate for your workforce and work environment.
  • At the same time, we deploy eMinder, our proprietary software tool, to automate the process of sustained engagement with your weekly Fundamental.

At this point, you’re up and running and really starting to see a difference. We can then go back and work on any of the other steps in our framework based on whatever degree of urgency you have. From our first meeting till we do the rollout and start practicing is usually 6-8 weeks, depending on how fast or slow you are at getting back to us with feedback.



In terms of cost, we try to keep things pretty simple. The cost for everything described above (exclusive of the eMinder software) is $19,200 plus any out-of-pocket expenses (e.g., travel, printing). This assumesthree days of rollouts. If additional days are necessary, we’ll charge $3500 per day.

The eMinder software has a standard one-time setup fee of $1,500, and the monthly cost for a company with less than100-250 employees is just $350. We can talk about whether or not eMinder makes sense for your workforce.

We also offer several additional a la carte tools to help you more easily sustain your practice over the long term. These include a “coaching guide” with specific teaching points and coaching tips for each Fundamental, flipbooks and posters to help make your Fundamentals more visible, integration training to help you onboard new employees more effectively, an e-learning course to help you introduce your culture to new employees, a survey to help you measure how well you’re living to your Fundamentals, and a Fundamentals coaching training program to help your managers and supervisors more effectively teach your culture. We can discuss the pricing of these items when you’re ready.

We typically spread the cost as follows:

  • 10% due upon commitment (at which point we’ll reserve the date)
  • 40% due upon the completion of the first draft of your Fundamentals
  • 50% due upon the completion of the rollouts

By: ______Date: ______

XYZ Company, Inc.

By: ______Date: ______

Your name
