/ Mrs. Gutierrez
6th Grade Pre-AP
September 15, 2015
here is what is happening in my class…
In This Issue

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the first 9 weeks at John Drugan School. It is a pleasure to have you and your child back. We truly hope you had an enjoyable and restful summer.
Now that we are back in school we are starting the first 9 weeks hitting the ground running. During the first nine weeks we will be covering the following concept areas to include, but not limited to:

Math: * Ordering Integers Absolute Value * Adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying integers.

ELAR: *Comparing genres *Poetry *Drama *Media Advertising *Writing Poetry, Personal Narratives & Short Stories.

Science: *Scientific process & rules * Properties of Matter *Periodic Table

Social Studies: *World Map **World Geographic Patterns

During this school year, your child will be on a different schedule than the rest of the 6th grade students. Since your child is enrolled in Pre-AP classes, I will be his/her only teacher. The students will not be switching classes and will be in a self-contained class where he/she will receive rigorous lessons in all subjects. However, your child will still have PE and electives as noted on their class schedule.

For more information please visit my website which can be found at: http://www.sisd.net/Domain/2728.

We will be using Edmodo on a daily basis.

I look forward to a very exciting school year. Your child will be growing academically, socially and creatively. I am also looking forward to working with both you and your child in order to achieve success beyond…Excellence!

Mrs. Gutierrez
6th Grade Pre-AP

Twitter: @linda_gtz3

Mark Your Calendar!

August 2016

July 31 ...... 1st Day of School

9 ...... Open House 5:00-7:00pm

23………………….. Progress Reports

18…………………….End of 3 wks

30…………………... Early Release at 11:30

·  Parents remember to check the website for updated information.