Luke 12:35-48

“Here I Come, Ready or Not”


1. “Here I come ready or not.” Are you ready?

2. Luke 12:35-48 Jesus tells the story of two servants. One was ready for his master, the other


“Here I come ready or not.” If Jesus should come today, are you ready?

I. THE SELFLESS SERVANT 12:35-38, 41-44

A. The Duties Of The Servant 35-38

There are certain responsibilities if we are going to be ready:

1. A Life Of Freedom Let your loins be gird about…

*In the N.T. men wore long flowing robes, and these often became a nuisance when certain

tasks had to be done. Therefore, it was necessary to have a girdle around the waist. When

the activity demanded it the lower part of the robe was tucked in. They were then ready

to run or work.

*To be ready, watch for anything that steals your freedom…especially ‘stuff’, ‘things’.

*Hundreds of things could steal your freedom: food, your body, clothes, habits, money,

debt, drugs, attitudes (bitterness, jealousy, anger, a critical spirit, etc.).

*Is there anything that controls you other than Jesus Christ?

2. A Life Of Fitness And your lamp burning

*In the N.T. the eastern lamp was a cotton wick floating in a sauce tray of oil. The

wick had to be trimmed, and the lamp had to continually be replenished or the lamp

would go out.

*To be ready our lamp must be guarded. We must keep an eye on it. Two things come

to mind:

A)  Our Testament: Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

God’s Word must be guarded. It must be our Guide. We must Get Into It!

B)  Our Testimony: ye are the light of the world

Is your light under a bushel? Watch the way you live before a world without hope. We are living illustrations of the power of God!

3.  A Life of Focus 37 (Read vss. 36-37) Shall find you watching

*Jewish weddings were held at night. The groom first had supper with his friends,

then went to the house of the bride to claim her, then returned to his own house.

The new husband would not want to be left waiting at the door with his new bride.

*The servants had to be ready to go to work. The servant does not know when he will

return. Watching is not so much an action, but an attitude: an attitude of

expectancy. From this attitude flows action. Born out of a love relationship…if

Jesus were to come today or tomorrow, how would it affect what you do, where you

go or who you hang with?

*We must have a two way focus: Back to the cross which keeps us sensitive and

Ahead to His coming which keeps us doing right.

*v. 38 these are ready at any time.

B. The Delights Of The Servant 37, 41-44

1. Rewarded…As A Servant 37

*It was the custom in those days for the bridegroom to wait upon the guests as a

servant. The returning Master, delighted at the faithfulness of his watchful servants,

honored them by an invitation to his table where he personally attended to all of their


*Christ is the Servant who ministers to those who are faithful from here to eternity:

He washes us from our sin with His blood…He is seated in heaven as a high priest,

ready to administer grace for every situation…One day in the future He will give

rewards to those who are faithful.

*As He ministers to us, we can minister to others.

2. Rule…As A Steward 41-44

*As stewards we wisely use what God gives to us. We just give it back to Him. It is the

wisest thing we’ll ever do!

*His lord shall make him ruler over his household. One day we’ll rule and reign with

Christ. Thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many.

*I can’t do anything…you can be faithful!

*So faithfulness now leads to greater service in eternity (43, 44) “Doing”…there are

no spectators in the Body of Christ. We all have a place to fill.

“Here I come ready or not.” If Jesus should come today, are you ready?

II. THE SELFISH SERVANT 12:39, 40, 45-48

This is a word of warning to those who are not ready. Some just go through the motions.

A.  The Danger Of The Servant 39, 40, 45

Some live as though his Master would never return. His selfish lifestyle was an indication

he was not ready. (v. 45)

1.  Self-satisfied beat his men and maid servants

*The servant is beating the more lowly servants.

*He was king of his world. No one disagrees with him. There is no thought of

others. He or she is totally bound up in what they want. What about the Master?

There is no thought of Him!

2.  Self-seeking eat and drink (v. 19 we see the same attitude)

*That’s life. That’s his world. There is no thought of eternity. There is no thought

of God. This one lives for the here and now. What about Christ? There is little if

any thought of Him!

3.  Self-indulgent to be drunk

*This is excess in doing what he wants. He does it until it controls him. He indulges

himself in whatever he wants. What about Christ? What about his Master? He’s

too absorbed with himself. He can think of nothing else. He’s controlled by his

own desires.

If you are living without Jesus Christ…THAT’S DANGEROUS!

B.  The Destiny Of The Servant 46-48

1.  The Prospect 46 Appointed him portion with hypocrites (Mt. 24:51)

*Cut him asunder…portion with unbelievers…

*One day Jesus will come and you will give an account. You may fool others, but

never the Master! He’s either your Master, Savior and Lord or you will stand

before Him as your Judge (Rev 20:11-15).

2.  The Principle 47, 48 severe punishment, punishment

*Ignorance of the Lord’s will does not excuse anyone. This man knew. Solid Bible

teaching is a blessing unless you refuse the message! Many stripes…

*The greater the knowledge the greater the punishment. I believe in hell there will be

in some ways degrees of punishment. The mildest Hell is still Hell!!

*The sorriest people in hell will be those who have had privilege after privilege to

receive Christ but never surrendered to the Master.

Jesus is coming…

if He should come today, are you ready?