Hep B United Philadelphia Summary Report Aug. 2016- Aug. 2017
Hep B United Philadelphia (HBUP) delivered outreach to a wide population throughout the Philadelphia area providing screening, education, and training and outreach events. For the 2016-2017 year, HBUP reached a total of 854 individuals through 27 separate events, distributed a total of 664 Know Hepatitis B Campaign handouts in language, screened 85 individuals for hepatitis B, found four positive hepatitis B cases and provided linkage to care for positive individuals. In addition, HBUP has worked with local volunteers from regional medical schools including, Thomas Jefferson College of Medicine, Drexel College of Medicine, Temple College of Medicine, Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine, and Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Throughout the year HBUP hosted 123 student volunteers from University organizations including Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA) that provide BMI, blood glucose and vision screenings for any individual in attendance of the health fair or screening events. This year we reached various population demographics that are traditionally underserved including Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Haitian, Hispanic, as well as many African immigrant ethnicities. The tables below depict the numbers and reach of HBUP throughout the year.
Table 1. Overall numbers for all HBUP events in 2016-17.
Total # Events 2016-17 / Total Volunteers2016-17 / Total Reached
2016-17 / Handouts Distributed
2016-17 / Number Screened
2016-17 / Tested Positive HBV
27 / 123 / 854 / 664 / 85 / 4
Date / Event Name / Reach / Event Type / Handouts / #Screen / + test / Volunteer
9/10/2016 / Haitian Health Fair / 30 / Table / 63
9/24/2016 / Mid-Autumn Fest. / 15 / Table/Social Media Interviews / 8
10/8/2016 / CAGP / 27 / Table/Screen / 2 / 27 / 26
10/20/2016 / AFAHO Edu Session / 20 / Presentation / 15
APAMSA- Jefferson / 50 / Presentation / N/A
10/27/2016 / APAMSA- PCOM / 35 / Presentation / 35
10/28/2016 / Free Library Pre-Screening Event / 8 / Health Fair / 6
11/13/2016 / Vietnamese Health Fair & Screening / 50 / Health Fair/Screen / 37 / 17 / 2 / 60
11/6/2016 / Vietnamese Health Fair / 26 / Table/Education / 26 / 4
11/1/2016 / Information Session / 10 / Table/education / 10
11/20/2016 / Be About It Film Showing / 25 / Video Presentation / 5
3/1/2017 / Be About It Film Showing / 20 / Video Presentation / 35
3/22/2017 / Be About It Film Showing / 12 / Video Presentation / N/A
4/28/2017 / Health Equity Fair / 11 / Table/Information / 11
5/4/2017 / Luncheon / 35 / SmResearch #JustB Story / 35 / 4
5/4/2017 / 2nd Annual Jade Ribbon Banquet / 90 / Educational Presentation / 90 / 1
5/13/2017 / South Philadelphia Free Library / 8 / Educational Presentation/Table / 8 / 1
5/13/2017 / Hindi Indian Senior / 15 / Education/Table / 15 / 1
5/16/2017 / Jefferson -APAMSA / 20 / Hep B 101 / 6
5/19/2017 / Think About the Link Philadelphia Summit / 60 / Advocacy/ Edu/Information / 180
5/20/2017 / AFAHO Screening / 30 / Education/Screen / 27 / 1 / 6
5/21/2017 / Visitation Community Center / 14 / Education/Screen / 14 / 1 / 15
6/3/2017 / Philadelphia Dragon Boat / 50 / Awareness Event
6/14/2017 / Pan Asian Services Center / 50 / Education Session in Chinese/English
6/15/2017 / Pan Asian Services Center / 60 / Education Session in Korean/English / 60
6/16/2017 / Pan Asian Services Center / 75 / Education Session English / 60
8/26/2017 / Winners Chapel Health Fair / 8 / Education Table / 8
Totals / 854 / 664 / 85 / 4 / 123