TESTS: You will receive a letter grade for each test, quiz, semester final and quarter’s CW. The point values for each letter grade are listed below. Your final grade will be determined by the point total accumulated during that grading period. Quizzes count for one grade each; tests count double and the semester final will count between 4-6 grades depending on the class. Each quarter, you will receive a grade for your HW which will count the same as a quiz.
A+ = 13 B+ = 10 C+ = 7 D+ = 4 F = 1
A = 12 B = 9 C = 6 D = 3 Missed = 0
A- = 11 B- = 8 C- = 5 D- = 2
CLASSWORK which turns into HOMEWORK if not completed in class: Completing and understanding the CW is essential for success in any subject, but this is especially true in mathematics. The correlation between those who turn in quality CW and those who do well in class is extremely high. In and effort to improve both CW grades and final grades, all students are subject to the following policies:
-CW will be assigned every day and will be due at the BEGINNING of the next class meeting. It will be evaluated on neatness, completeness, accuracy, evidence of effort and demonstration of knowledge. Full credit (√) for an assignment is 1 point. Unexcused late assignments (circled √ ) turned in within three days and marginal assignments (S) receive point. Assignments turned in more than three days late (circled √) will receive 0 points, but will count as an assignment turned in. Incomplete assignments (0) must be redone.
-You will be given a CW grade each quarter based on the percentage of points accumulated during that quarter. It will be averaged in with the rest of your tests and quizzes at the end of each quarter. 90% is and A, 80% is a B etc. etc.
-CW is a required part of this course. You must have it all turned in to receive a grade other than an “F” (except Calculus) at any given grading period. The Friday before finals week is the last day to turn in any missing assignments without exception.
-An “A” on your CW will afford you several benefits.
1. You may drop your worst test or quiz at the semester.
2. You may take the class Pass/not Pass or NM if you so desire.
3. CW is my first consideration when grading subjectively.
4. All privileges in this class will be tied to your CW grade.
5. You will receive my undying admiration.
MAKE-UPS: If you have an excused absence, you may make up a CW assignment for full credit within 3 days. After 3 days it will be worth 0 HW points, although it will count as an assignment turned in. Tests may also be made up only if you have an excused absence for the entire day. If you are at school and know that you will be missing a test, I expect you to let me know ahead of time and we may be able to find a convenient time for you to make up that test. This includes athletic contests. Otherwise, make-ups are often during A period if you don’t have one, sometimes at lunch, sometimes after school and never during another class period. You will do much better if you can avoid make-up tests.
NOTEBOOKS: (Except Calculus) A notebook will be collected at the end of each semester. It is optional, but it is the only extra credit available. Notebooks should include CW, tests and notes taken during that semester. Notebooks are graded subjectively on quantity, quality, and organization with an emphasis on the notes taken during the semester. 8-15 points are available depending on the class.
SUBJECTIVE GRADING: At the semester only, some grades will be raised subjectively based on my observance of productivity in class, CW quality, improvement during the semester, and especially performance on the final. No grades will be lowered subjectively.
CLASS RULES: Using common sense should be enough, but specifically:
1. No eating, drinking or chewing in class
2. Be on time, and be prepared. You are tardy if you are not in the classroom when the bell rings.
Do not bring me notes from other teachers. They cannot excuse you from my class, nor, I theirs.
- No cell phones or other electronic devices other than a calculator and chrome book/ laptop in class at any time.
- Respect your peers, respect your teachers and most of all, respect yourself.
District Harassment Policy
“District policy states that harassment in or out of the classroom is not to be tolerated. Harassment based on race, ethnicity, physical disabilities, sexuality, perceived sexuality, gender, gender expression, monetary standing, religion or faith-base, or any other factor will be reported to the administration and dealt with accordingly. This includes slang such as “that’s so gay” or “that’s retarded.” Both are considered hate speech.”