What’s Happening Around Rocket-town
November 16th- 20th: Coin & Toy Drive
November 17th: Picture Re-take Day
November 17th: Team Apollo Tuesday, show off your Spirit Wear!
December 2nd -3rd: Teacher Conferences, no school
December 7th – 11th: Scholastic Book Fair
December 11th: Family Story Night 6pm
Click HERE to view the full calendar
/ Toy Drive
Apollo PTA’s annual Toy Drive benefitting the Issaquah Food & Clothing Bank’s Holiday Gift Barn is taking place November 13 – 20. Bring a new, unwrapped toy or clothing item to the collection box in the office. Students should also decorate and write their name on the “Snowman” ornament that will be displayed on the Giving Tree after Thanksgiving.
Coin Drive
Apollo PTA’s Coin Drive benefitting Northwest Harvest is November 13 – 20. Students should bring in spare coins, bills or checks payable to “Apollo PTA.” They can also choose to do a “Good Deed” to participate. Students should also remember to fill out their “Thank You” tag and bring it to their teacher. Classes with 100% participation will be rewarded with a special school experience.
Box Tops Contest!
The class that submits the most Box Tops by December 4th, will win FREE POPCORN!! Make sure your teacher’s name is clearly marked so your class gets credit! Thanksgiving is also a great time to collect extra Box Tops from family and friends as you gather for the holiday weekend. For a list of participating products, go to BTFE.com. All Box Tops turned in count towards the end of year goal: the class with the most Box Tops turned in wins a PIZZA PARTY!
Volunteer at Our Monster Book Fair!
Volunteer at our Monster Book Fair starting on December 4 (set-up) AND ENDING right before the Story Expo event ends on the evening of Dec 11th. Join our volunteer team to:
- Helping us unpack and pack up our Fair
- Helping shoppers locate products
- Serving as a Cashier, Bagger or Crowd Control
Thank you so much for making this event a success. We wouldn't be able to do this without volunteers like you! Please email for any questions.
Run N Walk Club
Students get the chance to run or walk laps on the field during 2nd Recess on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Once they fill up their card with laps, they earn a prize. Ask your child how many laps they've completed. If you're volunteering at the school on Tuesdays or Thursdays, remind students about the Run N Walk Club. Even better - join them on the field to complete a few laps!
Winter Break – Free Food Box
Winter Break Lunch for the BREAK – Free Food Box breakfast, lunch and snack food for the December Winter Break. Open to all families serving Apollo, Briarwood, Clark, Issaquah Valley, Maple Hills and Sunset Elementary schools as well as Issaquah Middle. Go to or email at .
If you would like to Donate to the program, you can also go to to give food or monetary donations.
Legislative Assembly Update
"The Washington State Parent Teacher Association held its 37th Annual Legislative Assembly in Olympia. There, delegates met to add supported legislative issues to the 2015-16 legislative session in support of the organizational vision of "Making every child's potential a reality." The 2015-16 legislative platform continues to support the delivery of the association's vision and mission.
In all, two new supported issues were voted in favor of; in addition to the five short-term legislative issues. As a whole child advocacy association, the priority issues represent education, health, well-being, and safety for all children in Washington State.
WSPTA Newly Supported Priorities
1. Improving Educational Outcomes for Foster Children
2. Career Development and Training for Educators
WSPTA Top Five Priorities
1. Funding McCleary
2. Create Positive School Climates through Social Emotional Learning
3. Increasing Capital Funding
4. Increased Access to Higher Education
5. Breakfast after the Bell
Reflections Winners!
Congratulations to all students who participated in the PTA Reflection's Program this year! With the exception of the finalists, art will be returned to students via their teachers later this week. Best of luck to the twelve finalists being promoted to compete in the Issaquah PTSA District Reflections Contest (and possibly at the State and National level)!
A special thank you to the Reflections Committee, Community Judges, DECA/Parent Volunteers, Art Committee, Mrs. Ripley-Dunkelberger, and Ms. Harris for making the Reflections Program and Reception possible.
Apollo PTA Reflections Finalists 2015-16
Annabelle Hammond - Primary - Dance Choreography - “Fly Heart Fairy, Fly!”
Marisa Schiehser - Intermediate - Dance Choreography- “Dreamer”
Theodore Kim - Primary – Music Composition - “Haunted Jurassic House Escape”
Karina Fluegge - Intermediate - Film Production - “The Princess's Imagination”
Kenny Dosenbach - Primary – Literature - “Jackie The Cloud”
Greta Kim - Intermediate – Literature - “Imagination At Night”
Anna Dosenbach - Intermediate – Literature - “The Secret Life Of Iguanas”
Shreyas Kolwalker - Primary - Visual Arts - “Connected Countries”
Jenny Le - Intermediate - Visual Arts - “The Moon Of Melodies”
Jack Purvis - Intermediate - Visual Arts - “Flight”
Allie Vorley - Intermediate - Visual Arts - “Into The Mist”
Max Novak - Intermediate – Photography - “Soon You Will Fly”
ISF All in For Kids
How can you contribute to a great education for your child?
Donate to the Issaquah Schools Foundation All in for Kids Annual Fund Campaign, running now through November 17th! Your gift will fund programs and initiatives that elevate education for your child and every Issaquah School District Student. Visit to make your donation today.