We’re Here To WelcomeYou
Ms. Betsey Bloom
Mrs. Mary Martin
Mrs. Judy Jones
Kindergarten Teachers:
Ms. Rory Raindrop
Mr. David Davis
Mrs. Candace Cane
PTO President:
Mrs. Leslie Lemondrop
You are welcome to enroll your child(ren) at anytime. Remember to bring your child's original birth certificate and a record of current immunizations. Bring proof of address such as a current utility bill, insurance bill, or department store bill.
Kindergarten students must be five years old by September 1st.
Mahonia Elementary School
123 S.W. Meadowlark Lane
Douglas Fir, OR 97009
Phone: 503-456-7898
Summer Hours:
June 16-August 14
8:00 a.m.– 12:00 noon
Regular Hours:
August 15-June 15
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Welcome toMahonia Elementary School
Mahonia Elementary School
123 S.W. Meadowlark Lane
Douglas Fir, OR 97009
We are eager to have youjoin our school community and are looking forward tomeeting you at any or all ofthe events.
Family Fair
When:Friday August 24, 2007
Time: 4:00-7:00 p.m.
Where:Mahonia School
123 S.W. Meadowlark
Douglas Fir, OR 97009
Cost: Free
Fun for the entire family.
Food, games, tours of the classrooms.
Meet the teachers, get your picture taken, ride the school bus, eat free pizza and ice cream in the cafeteria, listen to stories, get caught up on immunizations.
Back to School Picnic
When:Tuesday Sept. 4, 2007
Time: 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Where: Mahonia School
Who: The entire family is welcome
Cost: Free
Bring a picnic supper or buyone at school that night andmeet other Mahonia families. Chicken dinners will be available for purchase for $2.00 per person.
Games, fun, and food foreveryone!
Curriculum Night
When: Thursday September 27, 2007
Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Where: Mahonia School
Child care will be available.
Come to school and discoverthe wonderful things yourchild will be learningthis school year. Meetyour child’s teacher and theparents of other studentsin your child’s class. Sign up to volunteer in your child’s classroom and for other school events.
Helpful community information
Douglas Fir County
Public Health Clinic
566 S.W. Umpqua Dr.
Douglas Fir, OR
- Immunizations
- Beginning schoolcheckups
- Vision and hearing screenings
- Sports physicals
Call for an appointment: 503-098-7654
Thunder Egg School District
Clothes Closet
456 S.W. Salmon Creek St.
Douglas Fir, OR
Phone: 503-783-9642
Hours: Thursday8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Clothes and school supplies available for elementarythrough high school students.