Hellyer College

As at 12thApril 2017 (version 2)

Hellyer College Lockdown Procedure 2017

The following lockdown procedure should take place for response to a severe storm/dangerous animal/siege/hostage/dangerous situation or similar emergencies where students are required to remain indoors or return to classrooms.

The person who discovers the emergency should contact the Site manager immediately[MAJ1] so emergency services may be contacted and emergency procedures are put into action.

Staff are required to ensure that they and their students are familiar with these procedures.

Initial Response:

Should a staff member see a student or a suspicious circumstance that may represent a threat to people within the College, it is essential that this is reported immediately to the Main Office. Early recognition of a potential threat contributes to safety.

Upon receiving information about a potential threat office staff will immediately contact the Principal or an Assistant Principal who can then order a lockdown. A lockdown may also be directed by the Police.


Following the ordering of a lockdown the song ‘Heard it on the Grapevine’ will be played over the college PA system. An email message and text message indicating a lockdown is underway will also be sent to all staff.

PA system Instructions

-Switch Lock Down switch down to ‘ON’ position

-Check all switches with orange stickers are on (green light)

**In some cases of a dangerous situation, notification of the situation may only be made by telephone or other means (email) as a PA announcement may trigger a dangerous response from the intruder.

Principal/Assistant Principal Responsibility

-Contact emergency services – Police 000

-Direct admin to activate lockdown music or activate personally

-Inform Learning Services North – Ann Fedyk, LSNR, (64 777 2440)

-Monitor health and safety if all staff and students

Admin Responsibility

-Notify senior staff of alert immediately.

-Activate lock down music when directed by senior staff

-Send email and text message to all staff notifying of lock down

-Contact Residence to notify of lock down - Lynda & Gary Wolf Phone 0400 893 068 or 6433 4852

-Contact TasTAFE to notify of lock down – (6478 43 19))

-Contact teaching staff at TasTAFE by phone to notify of lockdown. (enter staff details here) Need the mobile numbers off all staff who teach at TasTAFE.

Staff Responsibility

Lock all doors and windows, turn off lights and sit in a safe place. Keep a low profile by sitting on the floor and out of line of sight of doors and windows until the “ALL CLEAR” is given[MAJ2].

The school Site manager will also need to delegate staff to undertake a complete sweep of all school buildings where it is safe to do so, (use mobile phones for safety).

Staff members are required to include and take charge of any visitor / contractors that are in their vicinity at the time of the alarm activation.

Students in outside areas will needmake their way to the safest place. This may be the Main Staff Room, Gymnasium or to move away from the property.

Teachers should complete a roll call and advise the Site manager that all students have been accounted for, or if there are any missing students their whereabouts. Staff should also inform the Site manager of any extra students/visitors present in the classroom at time of lock down.

Encourage everyone to remain calm. Insist on silence. Students must not use mobile phones.

Staff are not to place themselves at risk at any stage.

Phone lines are to be kept clear unless an immediate threat exists.

The Site manager will advise staff of lockdown situation as time and safety permits.

When the threat is over, the Site manager will advise staff of the “All Clear”.

Lockdown Evacuation Locations and Contacts

Area / Meeting area
(evacuate to) / Communication phone
Executive Assistance’s Office
HPE and
Music terrapins / Store room
Stay there on the floor? Not go out?
Music, Art & Drama area / Drama studio (L-114)
Catering, Science and Maths area - L Block / To access any Science labs in the Lab area
Top floor L block all classrooms and staff rooms / Choose nearest of following locations:
  • Film room (L305)
  • Transition Education (L301)
  • Writers room (L328)

Cafeteria / Main staff room
Main office / K1-12 (Office near strong room)
Library and adjoining classrooms (including K 202) and staff rooms / Library
Residence / Meet in common rooms / Lynda & Gary Wolf Phone 0400 893 068 or 6433 4852

All students and staff will move immediately to the nearest lockdown area upon hearing the song ‘Heard it on the Grapevine’ or receiving instructions from the Principal, Assistant Principal or the main office to do so.

Students outside/lunchtime/study lines

Students outside or on a study line should move to the gym or nearest safe area.


When the situation is safely resolved a PA announcement will direct all students and staff to the Cafeteria for a debriefing. Critical Incident Response Plan to be implemented if required.

Authorised by: / Judith Fahey
Position of authorising person: / Principal
Date authorised: / 5 April 2017
Developed by: / Rachel Applebee – Administration Officer
Date of last review: / 26 April 2017
Date for next review: / February 2018
This document replaces: / Lock Down Procedure


[MAJ1]State a name here?

Or should this be principal and main office so that it I agrees with bit in next paragraph about office

[MAJ2]Does music continue untilthistime. What is signal for all clear?