2010 TCTC Missions Trip - Nairobi, Kenya


TCTC Missions in partnership with Johnson Bible College is sponsoring this trip to Nairobi. Please see the brochure or web site (www.tctcinfo.com) for more details about the trip.

DATES: June 14 – 30 (tentative) The trip will be the last two weeks of June and exact dates will be determined when we get our tickets booked, so the dates could change by a few days for the departure and return. Everyone will meet at Johnson Bible College the evening before the departure for a brief orientation.

Application process: Because of the specific purposes of the trip and TCTC covering the full cost the application process is somewhat rigorous. Please follow the instructions below and submit all the required documents in one envelope. Each application will be thoroughly checked by the TCTC Missions Committee. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Brent Brewer at Johnson Bible College 865 251-2392 (O) or 865 382-3808 (cell) or by email at

Deadline for Applications: Monday, February 8, 2010.

Send your applications to:

Brent Brewer

Johnson Bible College

7900 Johnson Dr. Box 161

Knoxville, TN 37998

Selection Announcement: Those selected to go on the trip will be notified on the phone by February 20th. All other applicants will be notified by email. Also two guys and two girls will be chosen as alternates in case the selected applicants cannot go.

Non-refundable deposit: Those chosen to go on the trip must send in $250 by March 5 to secure your spot . This way we know you are serious about going. This deposit will be returned to you at the time of departure for the trip.

Required Documents for The Application:

1. Please TYPE out the answers for the Contact Information, Self Evaluation and Questions.

2. Use a video camera and answer the Questions (see page 3). Then save this on a DVD and submit with your application. This will help us get to know you better and see more of your personality.

3. Please give the enclosed Reference Form (or ask them to find it on the website) to two people. One should be from your youth minister or another minister who knows you well. The other should be from another adult, but not a parent. The references should be placed in sealed envelopes and included with your application. They can be handwritten or typed.

4. Please have your parents sign the Parent Consent Form and have it Notarized

Nairobi 2010 Missions Application

Your Contact Information

Name used on Passport:

Name you go by if different:

Date of Birth:

Street Address:

City, State, ZIP Code:

Home Phone:

Cell Phone:

E-Mail Address:

Your Church Information


Street Address:

City, State, ZIP Code:

Youth Minister or Minister:

Phone Number:

Parents / Guardian Information


Street Address:

City, State, ZIP Code:

Home Phone:

Cell Phone:

E-Mail Address:

Self Evaluation - Please mark an x by your answer.

Please be honest – we don’t expect everyone to be excellent or good in all areas!

1. Involvement in Church activities

___ Excellent ___ Good ___ Average ___Poor

2. Ability to relate to peers and work on a team

___ Excellent ___ Good ___ Average ___Poor

3. Ability to relate to strangers and those of other cultures

___ Excellent ___ Good ___ Average ___Poor

4. What is your interest and skill level in creative writing, reporting and journalism?

___ Excellent ___ Good ___ Average ___Poor

5. What is your interest and skill level in shooting video and using editing software?

___ Excellent ___ Good ___ Average ___Poor

6. Ability to keep a positive attitude in spite of changing circumstances

___ Excellent ___ Good ___ Average ___Poor

Applicant Signature: ______


Please TYPE the answers to the following questions. Also please answer these questions for the DVD that you will submit. We would like to get to know you, so don’ try to say the right thing; just be honest. NOTE: The typed answers and the videotaped answers do not have to be exactly the same.

1. How would you describe your relationship with Christ over the past year? (Be honest! We don’t expect everyone to be super-Christian.)

2. Do your friends at school know you are a Christian? If so, explain how they know this?

3. Why are you interested in going on this trip?

4. Summarize your previous missions or service project experiences. Where, what, etc..

5. Are you applying for this trip because of your interest in helping the urban poor or because of your skills in creative writing, journalism, media and video, or because a free trip to Africa sounds like fun?

6. Life is different in other cultures and we will have a very busy schedule on this trip with little free time. Convince us that you will be able to cope with the cultural challenges and the busy schedule?

7. Would you describe your health as vigorous, average or poor?

Please list and explain any medical conditions, allergies and medication requirements.

2010 TCTC Missions Trip - Nairobi, Kenya

Reference Form

Applicant’s please give this form to two people who know you well enough to properly answer the question and make sure they understand the purpose and nature of the trip.

Reference for: ______

Your Name: ______Phone: ______

Position/Relationship with Applicant: ______

Best times to receive a follow-up call: ______

Please answer the following questions: (type or hand written)

1. Briefly describe your relationship to the applicant; how long you have known him/her and under what circumstances?

2. How would you describe the applicant’s relationship with Christ and involvement in church over the last year?

3. Why you think this student will be a good fit for the trip? Interests, skills, attitude, work ethic, etc..

Evaluation of Applicant - Please mark an x by your answer.

Please be honest – we don’t expect everyone to be excellent or good in all areas!

1. Ability to relate to peers (friendly) and work on a team

___ Excellent ___ Good ___ Average ___Poor

2. Ability to relate to strangers and those of other cultures

___ Excellent ___ Good ___ Average ___Poor

3. Ability to keep a positive attitude in spite of changing circumstances

___ Excellent ___ Good ___ Average ___Poor

4. Interest and skill level in creative writing, reporting and journalism

___ Excellent ___ Good ___ Average ___Poor

5. Interest and skill level in shooting video and using editing software

___ Excellent ___ Good ___ Average ___Poor

Signature: ______

2010 TCTC Missions Trip - Nairobi, Kenya


Applicant’s Name ______

I/we understand that my/our child wants to go on a missions trip to Nairobi Kenya this summer in June. I/we have read all the material about the trip (brochure or TCTC web site) and I/we believe that he/she is spiritually, mentally and physically capable of participating in this trip.

I/we understand that if my/our child is chosen to go on the trip he/she will need a passport, any necessary vaccinations and be required to submit a non-refundable deposit of $250 to TCTC for the trip. This deposit will be returned in full at the time of departure for the trip.

I/we have reviewed the application and give my/our full support for my/our child to go on the trip.

NOTE: This document will also be submitted as evidence of parental consent for travel internationally for minors accompanied/unaccompanied. (Both parent’s signatures are


To Whom It May Concern:

This is to certify the I/we, the undersigned, being the parent(s) or legal

guardian(s) of ______, age ______,

(Minor’s Name)

hereby give my/our permission to TCTC trip sponsors, Brent Brewer and Lisa Loar to travel with my/our child to Nairobi, Kenya between the dates of June 12 and July 3, 2010.


Name/Signature of parent or guardian



Name/Signature of parent or guardian


Subscribed and sworn before me this ______day of ______.


Notary Public