Hello Theiss 4th and 5th Grade Students and Parents!
We are SO excited to begin a brand new year of Choir at Theiss Elementary! Using great singing voices, rehearsing, and performing togethermakes for a great experience and we want YOU to be a part of it!
Choir rehearsals begin at 7:20am every Tuesday and Thursday morning. Parents, it is VERY IMPORTANT to CHECK YOUR E-MAIL for rehearsal additions/cancellations, performance information, and other Choir News. The first Choir rehearsal will be Tuesday, October 3. Choir will also use Remind.
Choir is open to EVERY 4th and 5th Grader at Theiss, and we want the Theiss Choir to be a fantastic experience for ALL involved. In order to achieve that goal, we must have some guidelines.
Choir is a performance-oriented group and EVERYONE IS IMPORTANT! We don’t have a “bench” in choir, so we need everyone at rehearsals and performances.
The Theiss Choir attendance procedure is:
- Unexcused absences - if a student has more than three unexcusedabsences from rehearsals in a semester, they may not continue in Choir. To be excused, just send one of the music teachers an e-mail/note about the situation. We are understanding when we know what is going on.
- Three tardies count as one absence.Choir begins at 7:20am. If you aren’t at rehearsal by 7:25, you are tardy and must sign the tardy paper. Signing this three times counts as one absence.
- Please do not drop off children before 7:15. Students will not be allowed in the building and they will be unsupervised before 7:15.
- Attendance at performances is mandatory. We will give you as much advance notice as possible for performances, and the other choir members are counting on you to be there.
- Siblings who are not in Choir should not get to school until the cafeteria doors open.
Conduct Procedure:
If a student’s behavior is distracting to themselves, other students, and/or the teachers during choir, the child will not be allowed to continue with the group. It is not fair to other students who are giving their time to have another student distract from the experience.
Choir Shirts for Performances:
We will use the same THEISS MUSIC shirt as last year. If your child has one that fits, great - they can wear the shirt from last year. If you need a THEISS MUSIC shirt, there is a place to indicate the size needed on the Google Form (information below). Last year, the shirt cost $10, and the price should be similar this year depending on the size of the order.
Parent Meeting:
There will be a brief Choir Parent Meeting in the Theiss Library immediately following Curriculum Night on Monday, September 18. Please plan to attend.
***IMPORTANT: Go or(Theiss Teachers – Music – Shaw – Choir) and register for the Theiss Choir by filling out the Google Form found there.***