Student:______August 25, 2015

Dear Parents:

Hello! I am very excited about our new school year and having your student in my class. Each student has been given a Course Description, but I want to take this opportunity to share with you some of the highlights of this course..

The curriculum in PAP English II is demanding! We will work “bell to bell” every day, and EVERY night, with few exceptions, your student will have homework and project assignments. I endeavor to make all of my expectations clear, but I hope you and your student will let me know if at any time they are not. My website contains daily lessons and assignments and additional information that might be helpful in clarifying what is required, and when it is required. I am usually available before/after school, during conference, and often even during lunch to help students and parents.

As a teacher, my role is to instruct my students in an effective manner so that they can acquire new skills and knowledge and build upon current skills and knowledge. I want to do whatever I can to help them be successful, not only in my class, but in life! You, too, want this for your student.

The most important elements of success in PAP English II are 1) come to class every day possible, and 2) turn in every assignment when it is due! Happily, most students are able to do this. Because life can sometimes bring us unexpected woes, though, being successful might become daunting or difficult. So, I have developed some policies and procedures to ensure that your student has every possible chance to succeed in my class:

  • If the student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to check my website or come by my room before/after school or during lunch to get current on assignments.
  • Make-Up Work means assignments not turned in because a student was ABSENT. This work is due within FOUR calendar days of the student’s return to campus. If student’s absence was for an extended time and/or due to a serious illness/injury, I may extend the deadline accordingly, after consulting with you and your student.
  • Any assignment not turned in on time (NOT associated with an absence) is called Late Work. Late Work may be accepted by me. Only Major Grade work is accepted under the Late Work Policy. Homework/daily grades may not be turned in late.
  • Approved Late Workwill have a grade penalty assessed:

1 day late = minus 10 pts. (Maximum grade of 90)

2 days late = minus 20 pts. (Maximum grade of 80)

3 days late = minus 30 pts. (Maximum grade of 70)

4 or more days late = NOT accepted. A grade of zero is earned.

  • If at any time your student is failing my class, we should be in contact about what can be done to remedy the situation. Usually, it will mean that your student will have to come for tutorials.
  • If your student fails the 9 weeks’ genre test, s/he may retest, according to GISD policy. S/he will need to come for tutorials and schedule a retest with me.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you or your student, now or anytime during the school year. SOPHOMORE EAGLES ROCK!


Linda Austin

943-5100 x 7045