Title 1 Preschool
Information Packet
**If you have not already done so, please complete the following:
- Go to matsuk12.us click on the “parent” tab and register your child online. Office phone number 352-6100
- Be sure that your child’s shot records are up to date and a copy has been provided to Mrs. Lackey (our school nurse). Mrs. Lackey’s phone number 352-6104
- Bring your child’s birth certificate to Mrs. Benson in the front office. Office phone number 352-6100
If you have questions or need help with any of the above, please do not hesitate to ask!
You can reach me at 352-6123 or
or to reach the office, please call 352-6100
Hello and Welcome to Meadow Lakes Title I Preschool. My name is Ella-Kate Mickelson. I am looking forward to another fun and exciting year! I have a strong background in the primary grades and I am very eager to begin the preschool year.
About Title I
Title I preschool programs provide young children with the early learning experiences that will enable them to meet academic standards throughout elementary and secondary school.
All children can benefit from high-quality early education programs. Research over the last 20 years has provided convincing evidence that children who have attended high-quality pre-kindergarten programs (Reynolds, 2000) —
- perform better in reading and math throughout the elementary grades;
- are less likely to be held back a grade;
- are less likely to require special education;
- are less likely to present discipline problems; and
- are more likely to be enthusiastic about school and have good school attendance.
Class Schedule
The Title I Preschool is a 5 day a week program and runs Monday-Friday. The AM class meets from 9:15-11:45 and the PM class meets from 1:15 – 3:45.
Parents must provide transportation to and from school each day. There is no bussing provided for this program. It is also very important that students are dropped off on time and picked up promptly at the end of each session.
Bathroom Breaks
As you know I only have your child for a short time during the day. If you could please take your child to the bathroom before bringing him/her to the classroom, that would save around 30 minutes of instruction time each day. Of course students will be allowed to take a bathroom break during class if one is needed, but there will be much more time for instruction if bathroom breaks can be kept to a minimum. Thank you for your help!
The curriculum we use in the preschool classroom is the Imagine It! Reading curriculum. This curriculum helps foster children’s language skillswhile learning about books and print. It provides enjoyable experiences with good literature, informational stories and poetry. The children will be introduced to the alphabet, individual spoken sounds in language, and then taught how to tie the letters and sounds to everyday learning.
For the first month of school we will be studying a unit called “I am Special”. We will begin by learning about ourselves (names, body, etc), then we will move on and talk about our families, feelings, and how best to make friends.
What to bring (Please do not feel that these items need to be brought by the first day – Feel free to use the weekend to gather them)!
- 1 large child-size back pack without wheels (please send every day)
- Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather as we do go outside as often as possible!
- 1 set of extra clothes - you never know what could happen (One pair ofpants, a shirt, socks, and underwear to be left at school)
- 2 large boxes of crackers for snack
- 1 pair of comfortable shoes that can be left at school
- 2loose leaf folders with pockets (no three ring binders please)
Sick days
If your child is sick or will not be attending school please call me at 352-6123 or send me an email at
Children are required to stay home with a fever of 100.7 or higher and need to be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school. Students showing signs of flu or severe cold are also required to stay home. If your child becomes ill at school I will contact you and your child will need to be picked up as soon as possible.
We will be eating snack each day during preschool. If you would like to bring a special snack to share with the class for your child’s birthday, please try to think of fun and healthy treats. Some ideas are, cheese and crackers, fresh fruit, yogurt, fruit snacks, or fresh vegetables.
The easiest way to contact me is by email at I check my email often during the day. If you need to talk in person the best time to call is 8:30-9:00, 12:00-12:30,or3:45-4:00 at 352-6123. I do not usually answer the phone when I have students. To contact the office, please call 352-6100.
Parent volunteers are always welcome in the preschool classroom. I will need a few weeks to teach the students our daily routines and expectations, and then your help in the classroom would be greatly appreciated.
We will have two conference times during the year to discuss how your child is progressing in the preschool classroom. We will go over work samples and discuss any possible concerns.
Conference Dates
Friday, October 30th
Friday, February 19th
Other Important Dates to Remember
These dates and times are tentative and may be subject to change. Along with the school closures that are listed on the District Calendar, we will be “cancelling” preschool on the following dates in order to take some fun field trips!
Thursday September 17th
– Meet at Bouncing Bears from 10:00 – 12:00
Friday, October 9th
– Meet at the Menard Sports Complex for Turf for Tots from 10:00 – 12:00
End of October/Beginning of November?
– Meet at the Meadow Lakes Fire Station (time to be announced)
Tuesday, December 1st
– Police Station Tour (time to be announced)
Friday, January8th
– Meet for a sledding party (location and time to be announced)
Tuesday, February 2nd
– Meet at House of Bread in Wasilla at 10:00 a.m.
Thursday, February 25th
– Meet at Pet Zoo in Wasilla (time to be announced)
Friday, March 25th
– Field trip to be announced
Monday, April 18th
– Meet at the Anchorage Zoo (time to be announced)
Wednesday, May 11th
– Meet at the Reindeer Farm in Palmer (Time to be announced)
Again, these are tentative dates and times and may be subject to change. Attendance for these field trips is not required, but is highly encouraged. The more you show your child that you value his/her education in preschool, the more your child will value his/her education in high school and college.
Family Nights
As part of the Title I program, six Family Nights will be offered. Although you are not required to attend,your participation is greatly appreciated and valued. Please mark your calendars! All Family Nights will be held in the Meadow Lakes Elementary Gym.
Friday, September 18th
– Family Game Night from 6:00 – 7:30
Thursday, October 8th
– Pumpkin Math from 6:00 – 7:30
Friday, December 11th
– Gingerbread House Decorating from 6:00 – 7:30
Friday, January 15th
– Science Night from 6:00 – 7:30
Friday, March 4th
– Dr. Seuss Night from 6:00 – 7:30
Friday, April 8th
– Family Movie Night from 6:00 – 7:30
Thank you and I look forward to a great year! Please do not hesitate to call or email if you have any questions or concerns. 352-6173 or
Ella-Kate Mickelson
First Day Fears
(By Angie Bonthuis)
The first day of school can be a scary time for some kids - and some moms and dads too! Starting school is something that kids have probably been thinking about all summer. Now, they walk into a new room, with all these new kids, and new grownups, and new “stuff,” and maybe Mom and Dad look a little teary-eyed that their “baby” is growing up so fast… Well it’s no wonder some kids suddenly cling to parents and cry!
Here are a few tips for getting through those first few days.
Try to act confident yourself. If you seem anxious and unsure about leaving your child at school, children pick up on that and start to wonder if there really is something to worry about.
If possible, plan on staying for 5 to 10 minutes the first day getting your child settled. A longer or shorter amount of time may make separation harder.
When it is time for you to leave, make sure you say goodbye. Trying to “sneak” out when the child is busy and not looking, sometimes makes kids panic a few minutes later, and may make separation even more difficult the next day.
Separation problems sometimes show up on the second or third day, just when you think you’re getting off easy! It is also common for children to have problems when there are major changes in the home. Let me know if there is anything happening at your house that you think is important for me to know.
Please remember that I know you are entrusting me with a very precious gift, and I feel honored that I will be your child’s teacher.
If your child is having an especially hard time, I will give you a call at home or work.
I am looking forward to a great year!
Ella-Kate Mickelson