Date: February 17, 2011Type/Meeting: Regular Business Mtg.
Held:Tannersville University Ctr.Presiding Officer:Gerry Loucks, Pres.
Gerry Loucks, Eric Thorpe, Penny Fromer, Rachel Tripsas,Members Present
Brian Byrne
Others Present
Jim Planck, Newspaper Writer
Joachim Koka (representative for Student Council)
Phyllis Thorpe, Transportation Supervisor
Marianne Romito, District Treasurer
Dr. Patrick Darfler-Sweeney, Simon Williams, Melinda McCoolAdministration Present
At 7:30 p.m., the meeting was called to order by Gerry Loucks and theCall To Order & Pledge
Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
There were no special presentations.Special Presentations
On a motion fromBrian Byrne, seconded by Rachel Tripsas,it was ResolvedBrd Minutes/Approval
that the Board of Education accept and approve the minutes of the
the February 3rd Workshop.
Carried Unanimously5-0
On a motion from Penny Fromer, seconded by Eric Thorpe, it was ResolvedWarrant Reports
that the Board of Education accept and approve the Warrant Reports
as presented.
Carried Unanimously5-0
On a motion from Eric Thorpe, seconded by Rachel Tripsas, it was ResolvedInternal Claims Auditor
that the Board of Education accept and approve the Internal Claims Reports
Auditor Reports as presented.
Carried Unanimously5-0
On a motion from Brian Byrne, seconded by Penny Fromer, it was ResolvedTreasurer’s Reports
that the Board of Education accept & approve the Treasurer’s Reports
as presented.
Carried Unanimously5-0
There were no budget transfersBudget Transfers
February 17th Board Minutes
Joachim Koka presented the Student Council Report. He talked aboutStudent Council Report
Spirit Week (happening right before spring break). The Student Council
has also talked about helping with the Mountaintop Library (across from the
MS/HS building). The library is looking for volunteers to get donations. The
Council is also talking about a continuation of last year’s beautification project.
No comments from the public.Public Be Heard
Mr. Williams presented his administrative report.Administrative Reports:
Mr. Williams started with a Prevention Update. Mentioned that Paula Queirolo (Twin County) has one of her counselors working now with the 7th-8th grades on areas of prevention (communication skills, decision making skills, conflict resolution, etc.). There will be 8 lessons for each grade level. Helen Exum is the Prevention Counselor for Twin County. Paula also provides direct support to individual students as needed and this is confidential (unless it becomes a life threatening situation in which case she would be mandated to report it).
The Middle School Awards ceremony was held early in the morning to try and encourage more parents to attend. It was a very nice ceremony. Project Perfect was held on the same day and was coordinated by Dawn Plattner and Brent Dearing. They worked with the students on team building and collaboration. It was a great opportunity for our Juniors to work with special needs individuals. Mr. Williams commended both Dawn and Brent for an outstanding job.
Mr. Williams also recognized the district “parents” for their patience and flexibility during the last month while there have been so many changes in scheduling (games, practices, etc.) due to the weather.
The Site Based Team wants to continue doing things to motivate students. 20-25 students will be invited to the next meeting.
As to calendar items, the 18th-20th of March will see the production of Aladdin. Brent Dearing (and Heather Barnett) will be taking our students to the State Skiing Competition in Lake Placid.
Mrs. McCool presented heradministrative report.Mrs. McCool’s Report
Mrs. McCool reviewed some dates. February 3rd was parent/teacher conferences; There is a Character Ed Assembly on March 4th and the Art & Music Show on March 15th at 6:30. A Technology Night also being planned for April 14th. Mrs. McCool handed out a flyer that went out to families on Hunter’s Enrichment Program. She discussed what some of the enrichment programs were.
Mrs. McCool spoke about the responsive classroom and how it is being used so effectively in her building. In the area of discipline it has become quite apparent that the strategies are working. She stated that discipline issues are down substantially in Hunter (she then relayed story about an incident in the cafeteria with a girl in Hunter and the ‘logical consequences’ imposed as a result of this girl’s actions). She thanked the Board of Education for making this training available to the elementary staff.
February 17th Board Minutes
Mrs. Van Fleet gave her administrative Report.Mrs. Van Fleet’s Report
Mrs. Van Fleet provided the board with a handout as to the special education population in both buildings for last year and the current school year. It provided a good visual presentation of what number of students receive services and in what areas. Overall, HTC has about 100 students receiving services. In the past few years, our school has been at approximately the state’s average for special ed students (12%). However this year we are much higher, at about 23%.
Mrs. Van Fleet mentioned the Career Coordinator (Jen Burke) who is working with teachers and students to create transition portfolios, which students will take with them when they graduate. These portfolios will have a variety of resources and information for the special education population to refer to and assist them (in job searches, school, etc.).
Mentioned the IEP Training on the new 2011-12 IEPS. They are completely news. The major focus is the transition piece which will have to be written right into the IEP. The other new piece is the parents comments which will now also be written into the IEPS.
Mrs. Van Fleet provided the dates for annual reviews (they are starting a week earlier this year because of the time of state assessments). Also mentioned our RTI Plan; that the school’s attorney, Ed Sarzynski wants to share our plan at a conference he is presenting at because he likes the plan here.
Dr. Darfler-Sweeney gave his administrative report.Dr. Darfler-Sweeney
Dr. Darfler-Sweeney mentioned that ONC BOCES sent out a Press Release in response to the Governor’s budget numbers. Some of the superintendents went to Albany on Tuesday for Legislators’ Day. Legislators are saying that money will be taken from schools. The idea of merger/consolidations still being raised in Albany. Not many of the newspapers published the press release that BOCES prepared.
Dr. Sweeney and Eric Thorpe will be attending the GCSBA Dinner Meeting tomorrow and will get an update on the RFP.
John Lynch has asked Dr. Sweeney to present with him at a conference next fall (subject is evaluations).
At 8:21 p.m., on a motion from Rachel Tripsas, seconded by Penny Fromer, the ExecutiveSession
Board of Education adjourned to Executive Session to discuss upcoming business
items (approval of additional substitutes).
Carried Unanimously5-0
At 8:30 p.m, on a motion from Brian Byrne, seconded by Eric Thorpe, the Regular Session
Board of Education returned to regular session.
Carried Unanimously5-0
On a motion from Brian Byrne, seconded by Eric Thorpe, it wasResolved Teacher Salary Adjust.
that the Board of Education accept and approve the Teacher Salary and
Credit Adjustments asPer the Teachers’ Contract, retroactive to January 1, 2011
as per the attachedSchedule.
Carried Unanimously 5-0
February 17th Board Minutes
Reminder: Salaries listed DO NOT include the additional $1,100
Teacher Name / Step & Column, prior to 1/1/2011 Credit / Additional Hrs/Credits / Changes as of 1/1/2011(for approval Feb 17, 2011)
Kathi-Ann Berhrmann (Wyatt) / Step 12, Col 5
MS+14 / 2 cr / MS+16
Nina Berger / Step 3, Col 4
$41,557 / 2 cr / MS+6
Donna Bonville / Step 16, Col 8
$65,967 / 2 cr / MS+42
One-time adjustment of $330.00
Lynn Byrne / Off (32), Col 8
$87,172 / 2 cr / MS+43
One-time adjustment of $330.00
Ashley Cameron / Step 6, Col 5
$47,317 / 2 cr / MS+13
Katrina Charysyn / Step 5, Col 5
$45,947 / 2 cr / MA+12
Darlene Colandrea / Step 28, Col 8
$85,188 / 2 cr / MS+42
One-time adjustment of $330.00
Brent Dearing / Step 6, Col 4
$45,667 / 2 cr / MS+2
Amanda Drake-Rojas / Step 6, Col 5
$47,317 / 2 cr / MS+14
Jean Drexler / MS+10
Step 13, Col 5
$56,907 / 2 cr / MS+12
Christina Faccini / Step 3, Col 6
$44,857 / 2 cr / MS+24
Catherine Farrell / Step 23, Col 5
$70,607 / 2 cr / MS+13
Jennifer Gardner / Step 5,Col 4
$44,297 / 4 cr / MS+8
Lee Herchenroder / Step 5,Col 2
$40,997 / 3 cr / BS+18
One-time adjustment of $492.60
Rosie Iacono / Step 21, Col 6
$69,517 / 2 cr / MS+22
Jean Kerr / Step 9, Col 5
$51,427 / 2 cr / Column Move:
Step 9, Col 6
David Knudsen / Step 6, Col 5
$47,317 / 2 cr / MA+12
Megan Lafferty / Step 13, Col 5
$56,907 / 3 cr / MS+17
One-time adjustment of $495.00
Kathy Lenz / Step 7, Col 7
$51,987 / 2 cr / Column Move:
Step 7, Col 8
Angelo Mecca / Step 25, Col 7
$76,647 / 2 cr / MS+39
Christine Morley / Step 8, Col 4
$48,407 / 4 cr. / MS+7
Korisa Mullenix / Step 6, Col 5
$47,317 / 2 cr / Column Move:
Step 6, Col 6
Laura Murin / Step 26, Col 7
$78,017 / 2 cr / MS+35
Grace Patschke / Step 18, Col 7
$67,057 / 2 cr / MS+37
Rose Petrella-Wilson / Step 26, Col 6
$76,367 / 4 cr / Column Move:
Step 26, Col 7
Dawn Plattner / Step 19, Col 4
$63,477 / 2 cr / MS+2
Nancy Reynolds / Step 9, Col 4
$49,777 / 2 cr / MS+8
Gary Rothenbucher / Step 14, Col 7
$61,577 / 2 cr / MS+39
Tina Schlegel / Step 1, Col 4
$38,817 / 5 cr / MS+5
One-time adjustment of $495.00
Barbara Slutzky / Step 19, Col 8
$70,077 / 2 cr / MS+42
One-time adjustment of $330.00
Sharon Sofranko / Step 11, Col 5
$54,167 / 6 cr / Column Move:
Step 11, Col 6
Jennifer Van Alstine / Step 8, Col 6
$51,707 / 2 cr / Column Move:
Step 8, Col 7
Ritamary Vining / Step 18, Col 5
$63,757 / 2 cr / MS+17
Nancy Watson / Step 10, Col 7
$56,097 / 2 cr / MS+38
On a motion from Rachel Tripsas, seconded by Penny Fromer, it was ResolvedApproval – Substitutes
that the Board of Education accept & approve two more substitutes to
to the Active List: Danielle Anderson and Victoria Howland.
Carried Unanimously5-0
On a motion from Eric Thorpe, seconded by Rachel Tripsas, it was Resolved Contract for 2011-12
that the Board of Education accept and approve a Contract with Twin CountyIntervention Svcs
Recovery Services for the 2011-12 school year for intervention services, twoTwin County Recovery
days per week at a total cost of $4,368.00
Carried Unanimously5-0
On a motion from Penny Fromer, seconded by Brian Byrne, it was Resolved Contract for 2011-12
that the Board of Education accept and approve a Contract with Twin CountyPrevention Services
Recovery Services for the 2011-12 school year for prevention services forTwin County Recovery
the 7th and 8th grade classes for the year at a total cost of $4,263.00.
Carried Unanimously5-0
On a motion from Rachel Tripsas, seconded by Penny Fromer, it was ResolvedSchool Calendar 11-12
that the Board of Education accept and approve a School Calendar for the
2011-12 school year as presented.
Carried Unanimously5-0
On a motion from Brian Byrne, seconded by Eric Thorpe, it was ResolvedOut-of-District Children
that the Board of Education accept and approve a request for the childrento attend HTC in 2011
February 17, 2011
of an out-of-district employee, Meredith Brennan, to attend HTC for the(Brennans)
2011-12 school year. They are Abigail Brennan – PreK and Jack Brennan,
Grade 1.
Carried Unanimously5-0
At8:38 p.m., on a motion from Penny Fromer, seconded by Eric Thorpe, the Executive Session
Board Of Education moved to go into Executive Session to discuss
one student issue and special education placements.
Carried Unanimously5-0
Respectfully submitted,
Denise Abrahamsen, District Clerk
On a motion from Penny Fromer, seconded by Eric Thorpe, the BoardCSE Placements
Of Education approved the CSE Placements as presented.
Carried Unanimously5-0
On a motion from Rachel Tripsas, seconded by Penny Fromer, the BoardRegular Session
Of Education returned to regular session.
Carried Unanimously5-0
At 9:52 p.m., on a motion from Brian Byrne, seconded by Eric Thorpe,Adjournment
the Board of Education adjourned the meeting.
Carried Unanimously5-0
Submitted by Patrick Darfler-Sweeney
Clerk Pro Tem