1ST APRIL 2010
1.0 / PURPOSE:1.1 / To inform on the results of a public consultation on the designation of the Heckford Park Conservation Area and to demonstrate that the consultation process is robust and comprehensive and that any comments have been addressed satisfactorily
1.2 / To inform on the results of a public consultation on the designation of the Chester Road Conservation Area and to demonstrate that the consultation process is robust and comprehensive and that any comments have been addressed satisfactorily
/ To agree to the designation of the two new conservation areas at Heckford Park and Chester Road
That Cabinet be requested to agree that the consultation process is robust and comprehensive and that any comments have been addressed satisfactorily.
Approve the designation of the Conservation Areas at Heckford Park and Chester Road.
Approve the extension of the Chester Road Conservation Area to include 1-7 Belgrave Road and 20 Chester Road.
Approve the Heckford Park and Chester road Conservation Area and Management Plan being developed for adoption by the Council.
Approve a further consultation.
3.1 / The proposal to designate these areas as conservation areas was brought to Overview and Scrutiny Group on 4th November 2009. Members agreed to a eight week public consultation period be carried out.
3.2 / After the public consultation period members agreed that the results of the public consultation should be brought back to Overview & Scrutiny Group.
/ Heckford Park4.1 / Consultation letters were sent to all properties within the Heckford Park Conservation Area on the 15th December 2009: 800 plus letters. The consultation period ran from 15th December until the 15th February, a period of just over eight weeks. A draft initial conservation area appraisal was published on the consultation page of the council’s website and a public meeting was held in Longfleet Baptist Church on 13th February 2010.
4.2 / A total of 30 written responses were received by letter and e-mail:
- 9 In favour
- 6 In favour but want area extended to include Shaftesbury Road and Elizabeth Road
- 8 Were broadly in favour but had some concerns and required further information
- 7 totally against conservation area designation
Chester Road
4.3 / Consultation letters were sent to all properties within the Chester Road, together with further letters to 1-7 Belgrave Road and 20 Chester Road Conservation Area on the 15th December 2009. 1-7 Belgrave Road and 20 Chester Road are very similar character to those properties within the original proposed boundary although a little larger, so including them within the conservation area could be appropriate. The consultation period ran from 15th December until the 15th February, a period of just over eight weeks. A draft initial conservation area appraisal was published on the consultation page of the council’s website and a public meeting was held in St Aldhelm’s Church on 23rd January 2010.
4.4 / A total of 10 written responses were received by letter and e-mail.
- 5 In favour
- 4 In favour but want area extended to include Belgrave Road
- 1 against conservation area designation
4.5 / A summary of the public consultation responses is given in Appendix 1.
Heckford Park
5.1 / It is clear from the Heckford Park Consultation that there is strong public feeling that Shaftesbury Road and Elizabeth Road should be included in the conservation area.
5.2 / It is considered that this area is quite different to the area suggested. However it could be worthy of conservation area status in its own right. If this area was included as a sub area at this stage it would result in a further delay of more than eight weeks since the residents of these roads would need to be consulted before the conservation area could be adopted.
5.3 / Therefore the most appropriate way forward is considered to be to designate the area as originally proposed, but to i consult on extending the area to include Shaftesbury Road and Elizabeth Road. This area could then be included as a separate sub area within the conservation area. This would need to be fed into the ongoing programme of conservation area re-appraisals and designations.
Chester Road
5.4 / There is overwhelming support for the designation of this area as a conservation area and also for extending the area to include 1-7 Belgrave Road and 20 Chester Road. This was considered when the area was surveyed initially and since these properties have already been consulted, with a result that there is almost 100% support for the designation of the Chester Road conservation area there is no reason that the designation of this conservation area should not proceed with an amended boundary to include these properties.
(i)Note that Members agree that the consultation process is robust and comprehensive and that any comments have been addressed satisfactorily.
(ii)That the Committee recommend to Cabinet; the designation of the Conservation Areas at Heckford Park and Chester Road.
(iii)The extension of the Chester Road Conservation Area to include 1-7 Belgrave Road and 20 Chester Road.
(iv)That the Heckford Park and Chester Road Conservation Area and Management Plans should be developed for adoption by the Council.
(v)That a further consultation is carried out with regard to the extension of the Heckford Park Conservation Area to include Shaftesbury Road and Elizabeth Road.
Stephen Thorne
Head of Planning and Regeneration Services
Contact Officer:
Hazel Brushett
Planning Officer
Tel: (01202) 633343
KEY:In Favour / In Favour but extension suggested / More information requested, some concerns / Against
Date / Name / Comment / Response
1 / 18/12/09 / Mr A G / Agrees with CA designation, but considers that it might be too late
2 / 20/12/09 / J W / Supports CA.. Area has a distinct character which should be protected.
3 / 22//12/09 / Mr J C / Difficult to interpret map. How is he affected by conservation area designation? / Added information provided.
4 / 23/12/09 / Mr and Mrs W / Against the Conservation Area. Enough rules and regulations already, area too small. / Consideration to be given to extending area.
5 / 29/12/09 / D R / What does Conservation area designation mean? / Added information provided.
6 / 29/12/09 / Mr & Mrs T / Bought house outside CA and don’t want to be in one now as were outside area for grants previously. / Not considered a valid objection.
7 / 8/01/10 / G S / Too late, shame it wasn’t done 51 years ago when they moved in, too idealistic.
8 / 11/01/10 / A T / No objection.
9 / 13/01/10 / Mr R / Clarification sought. / Added information provided.
10 / 20/01/10 / Mrs J / Support designation.
11 / 22/01/10 / Band J / Complete support but suggest change in name and another new CA in addition. / Consideration given to change of name and extending boundary.
12 / 02/02/10 / J E P / Delighted to hear of the plans.
13 / 03/02/10 / M D / Concerns regarding level of controls
14 / 03/02/10 / E M / In Favour.
15 / 04/02/10 / J G / Should only include Council owned buildings. Infringement on personal right.
16 / 09/02/10 / D W / Would like to modernise house without the encumbrance of being in CA.
17 / 06/02/10 / K D / Strongly against.
18 / 10/02/10 / AS / Delighted will back it 100%.
19 / 11/02/10 / P D / Doesn’t want a pub in the area. / No control
20 / 11/02/10 / Mrs MB / Strongly in favour.
21 / 12/02/10 / G H / Query over consultation. Broadly Good Idea disappointed Shaftsbury Road not included. / Could add as an extension to original area.
22 / Undated / Miss E A G / The whole of Heckford Park; Denmark Road, Elizabeth Road and Shaftsbury Road. should be included. / Could add as an extension to original area.
23 / 13/02/10 / F H / The churches should be a special case and specially identified. / Will identify the churches in appraisal.
24 / 13/02/10 / Shaftesbury Road / Always thought of Shaftesbury Road as centre of Heckford Park why isn’t it included. / Could add as an extension to original area.
25 / 13/02/10 / Shaftesbury Road / Feels that Shaftesbury Road should be included. / Could add as an extension to original area
26 / 15/02/10 / G W / Concerns how it would affect Longfleet Baptist Church / No affect since as a non domestic building no PD rights
27 / 15/02/10 / F G / Un necessary and Burdensome
28 / 15/02/10 / S S / Would like CA extended to include Shaftesbury Road etc. / Could add as an extension to original area.
29 / 16/02/10 / Rev B B / Would object if it means church forced to use expensive materials because in CA / No affect since as a non domestic building no PD rights
30 / 20/02/10 / G M / Doesn’t understand why Shaftesbury Rd and Elizabeth Rd are not included. / Could add as an extension to original area.
/ Name /Comment
1 / 21/12/09 / G & L D / Supports proposal: Area should be extended to include Motcombe Road towards small turning head. / Area to be extended due to public consultation2 / 05/01/10 / P P / Apposed: Very limited additional protection, adds little but beaurocratic interference
3 / 10/01/10 / L J / Supports proposal 100%
4 / 10/01/10 / T J S / Firmly in favour of proposal: Surprise that boundary excludes Belmont ? (Belgrave)Road and Chester Road / Area to be extended after public consultation.
5 / 23/01/10 / No name / 100% in favour
6 / 26/01/10 / Mrs J K / No objection
7 / 28/01/10 / Dr and Mrs H / Supportive: want area to include Belgrave Road / Area to be extended after public consultation.
8 / 01/02/10 / C B / Supports conservation area.
9 / 04/02/10 / Dr and Mrs S-B / Supportive: Want area to include Belgrave Road / Area to be extended after public consultation.
10 / 11/02/10 / L W / Omit end of Forest Road West or add in Motcombe Road / Not considered appropriate since area proposed has a very distinct character.