HeathlandsPrimary School

PSHE (Personal, SocialHealthEducation)
Date: / October 2017 / Review Date: / October 2020

PSHE comprises all that the school undertakes to support and promote the personal and social development and well-being of its pupils. In this way we will be developing good citizens for the future and ensuring our pupils have realistically high goals and realise their own worth to the community and the world at large.

PSHE is a non-statutory element within the basic subject specific curriculum for pupils undertaking the National Curriculum. The school ensures it provides a balanced PSHE provision to meet the specific needs of all pupils, including sex and relationship education (SRE).Pupils are equipped to be moreinformed, confident and skilled in order to take an active and responsiblepart in society and enhance learning, motivation and achievement.


  • To develop pupils’ self-esteem and a sense of personal responsibility.
  • To promote self-respect, respect for others and celebrate diversity.
  • To equip pupils to live safe, healthy lives.
  • To prepare pupils for the choices and opportunities of lifelong learning.
  • To empower pupils to participate in their schools and communities as active responsible citizens locally, nationally and globally.
  • To foster positive attitudes and behaviour towards the principles of sustainable development and global citizenship.
  • To prepare pupils for the challenges, choices and responsibilities of workand adult life.

Teaching and Learning

PSHE is regarded as an integral part of the curriculum, 5-11. It partly comprises what used to be called the “hidden” curriculum. We ensure that our pupils are treated with the respect that we demand from others, and in turn ensure that they treat one another with respect. We ensure fair play among our pupils and endeavour to act fairly ourselves at all times. We expect appropriate behaviour from our pupilsthrough the use of Heathlands Behaviour Code and Playtime Code and we encourage their social and physical development in all classroom and extracurricular activities.

In addition to this PSHE is included discretely in long term planning and in the planning of the daily and weekly curriculum. Pupils undertake and perform regularly in Assembly, deciding the theme or topic and agreeing on the way it is to be delivered. Our PHSE Curriculum is an interwoven scheme of work compromising of:

  • e-safety through Switched on Computing (Rising Stars)
  • drug awareness through ‘Drug Aware - Jed and Ted explore; Medicines, Alcohol, Tobacco and other drugs’
  • PHSE through the PHSE Association
  • SRE through ‘Yasmin and Tom‘
  • Circle Time following the principles of TWITTER

The above elements are taught to ensure age appropriate personal and emotional development which also underpins our behaviour policy. It is fair to say that PSHE in our school forms the basis of what we do and how we work; how we treat each other and how we treat ourselves. Health and happiness in our pupils is of paramount importance.

Curriculum Planning

Rationale/Guidance: The long term plan has been formed to allow flexibility in planning and to ensure that the schemes are being used cohesively & progressively throughout the school (see appendix 1).

The highlighted SRE (Sex & Relationships: Growing up with Yasmine & Tom) units should be accompanied by a letter to inform parents of the content of the lessons/curriculum to allow parents to withdraw their child from these sessions, should they wish to.

Sessions of Circle Time must be pro-actively planned in addition to reactive sessions carried out in order to model key social skills in context.


T – together we achieve more

W – we work cooperatively

I – introductory activity

T – time to talk round

T – teasing out the issue

E – endorse and energise

R – round up and reflect

It is important that these lessons are taught by the class teacher, wherever possible, to ensure that any issues are handled sensitively.

The overarching concepts of the scheme are;

1. Identity (their personal qualities, attitudes, skills, attributes and achievements and what influences these; understanding and maintaining boundaries around their personal privacy, including online)

2. Relationships (including different types and in different settings, including online)

3. A healthy (including physically, emotionally and socially), balanced lifestyle (including within relationships, work-life, exercise and rest, spending and saving and lifestyle choices)

4. Risk (identification, assessment and how to manage risk, rather than simply the avoidance of risk for self and others) and safety (including behaviour and strategies to employ in different settings, including online in an increasingly connected world

5. Diversity and equality (in all its forms, with due regard to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010)

6. Rights (including the notion of universal human rights), responsibilities (including fairness and justice) and consent (in different contexts)

7. Change (as something to be managed) and resilience (the skills, strategies and ‘inner resources’ we can draw on when faced with challenging change or circumstance)

8. Power (how it is used and encountered in a variety of contexts including online; how it manifests through behaviours including bullying, persuasion, coercion and how it can be challenged or managed through negotiation and ‘win-win’ outcomes)

9. Career (including enterprise, employability and economic understanding)

The three core themes that will be integral to each session are;

Core theme 1. Health and Wellbeing

Core theme 2. Relationships

Core theme 3. Living in the Wider World

Monitoring and Evaluation

The PSHE curriculum is monitored on a regular basis by the PSHE coordinator, who examines pupils’ work, monitors classroom practice and planning and ensures parity of entitlement for all pupils across the school. S/he identifies the training needs of the staff and plans the training programmes. S/he also attends training for PSHE coordinators run by the local authority and other providers. The PSHE policy is reviewed every three years by the staff and the governing body.

There is no legal requirement for assessment against the end of key stage levels until the end of each key stage however we have decided to assess PHSE each term and record information on Target Tracker.

Alongside the summative assessments are the formative assessments, which are informal, continuous and ongoing, and identify the needs of the individual pupils. This assessment happens incidentally during classroom activities and the curriculum for PHSE/scheme of work has the flexibility to adapt to the needs of the class.

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities(SEND)

All classes consist of pupils of varying abilities and with varying needs, and our classroom practice ensures that most of these needs can be met within the classroom organisation.

However when a child has very specific additional needs, support is provided firstly by the school’s internal organisational structure, which gives personal assistance and additional practice and is administered by support assistants within the school, often within the classroom, during the lessons or during specific mentor time. The Local Authority Psychological service (EPS) is called upon to provide guidance on the forms of assistance given by the support workers, and in some cases the EPS provides tutors who visit the school to support pupils with more severe learning/behavioural difficulties.


We believe this policy will be effective only if we ensure consistency across the school by regular monitoring.

Headteacher: / J Hallum / Date: / 17thOctober 2017
Chair of Governing Body: / F Spinlove / Date: / 17thOctober 2017

Appendix 1

Year Group / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3
R / Circle Time
Themes might include: turn taking
Drugs Education – on server
Healthy and safe choices / Circle Time
Themes might include: friendships
Drugs Education - on server
Finding your ‘no’
Medication and household substances
(see lesson plans 1 on the server) / Circle Time
Themes might include: transition to KS1, memories.
.Drugs Education- on server
Medication and household substances
(see lesson plans 2-3 on the server)
1 / Circle Time
Themes might include: turn taking, rules and routines, links to Heathlands Core Values
Drugs Education- on server
Medication Safety
A visit to the doctor – people who help us
Growing up with Yasmine & Tom
  • Setting up a working agreement
  • My body: External body parts
  • My body: Internal body parts
  • My body: Keeping clean
PSHE association – Relationships
Year 1 Lesson plans A-L.
This quantifies to 12 sessions. Some of these sessions could “pushed together” into one lesson. Some of this could be covered during whole class discussions e.g. when sorting play time disputes; and during the settling period at the beginning of the year. / Circle Time
Themes might include: links to Heathlands Core Values, telling the truth
Drugs Education- on server
Making healthy choices
Bedtime drink; the effects and risks of caffeine.
Growing up with Yasmine & Tom
  • Life cycles: Different ages
  • Life cycles: Looking after babies
PSHE Association scheme – Health and Wellbeing
Year 1 Lesson plan A - M – Healthy Lifestyles
This quantifies to 13 sessions. Some lessons may even require two lessons. Please ensure these sessions cover all of the statements on you banding sheets. Some sessions will overlap with Yasmin and Tom, so these do not need to be taught twice. / Circle Time
Themes might include: memories, links to Heathlands Core Values, making choices
Drugs Education- on server
Future me – healthy me
Introduction to smoking/passive smoking
Growing up with Yasmine & Tom
  • Keeping safe: In the house
  • Keeping safe: Out and about
  • Keeping safe: People who can help me
PSHE – Living in the Wider World
Year 1 Lesson plan A-G
Themes; Rights and Responsibilities, Taking care of the Environment, Money Matters. This quantifies to 7 sessions.
Some sessions will overlap with Yasmin and Tom, so these do not need to be taught twice.
2 / Circle Time
Themes might include: rules and routines, links to Heathlands Core Values
Drugs Education- on server
Considering Illness and what the body needs
Medicine safety and taking more responsibility
Growing up with Yasmine & Tom
  • Setting up a working agreement
  • Feelings: Different emotions
  • Feelings: What to do if we feel sad
  • Gender stereotypes/Celebrating difference: Similar and different
Gender stereotypes/Celebrating difference: Toys
PSHE Association Scheme – Health and Wellbeing
Year 2 sessions A-M
Themes include – Healthy Lifestyle, Growing and Changing, Keeping safe. / Circle Time
Themes might include: links to Heathlands Core Values, friendship
Drugs Education- on server
Staying safe with substances; skills practice
Growing up with Yasmine & Tom
  • Relationships: Different families
  • Relationships: Friends
PSHE Association – Relationships
Year 2 sessions A-L
Themes include: Healthy relationships; Feelings and emotions; Valuing difference. / Circle Time
Themes might include: memories, links to Heathlands Core Values, making choices
Drugs Education- on server
Smoking – why is it unhealthy
Smoke free –Future Me
Growing up with Yasmine & Tom
  • Online technology safety: Taking care online - personal details
  • Online technology safety: Taking care online - Who can help us?
PSHE – Living in the Wider World
Year 2 sessions A-G
Themes include - Rights and responsibilities; Taking care of the environment; Money matters
Year Group / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3
3 / Circle Time
Themes might include: transition – playground worries, rules and routines, links to Heathlands Core Values
Drugs Education- on server
The effects of alcohol
The degrees of the effects of drugs
Growing up with Yasmine & Tom
  • Setting up a working agreement
  • Life cycles: Me, myself and I
  • Feelings: Expressing our feelings
  • Feelings: Managing our feelings
PSHE Association scheme – Health and Wellbeing
Year 3 sessions A-L
Themes include - Healthy lifestyles; Growing and changing; Keeping safe / Circle Time
Themes might include: links to Heathlands Core Values, friendships
Drugs Education- on server
How other’s drinking and smoking affects us.
Growing up with Yasmine & Tom
  • Relationships: What makes a good friend?
  • Relationships: Getting on with your family
PSHE Association scheme - Relationships
Year 3 sessions A-M
Themes include: Healthy relationships; Feelings and emotions; Valuing difference. / Circle Time
Themes might include: memories, links to Heathlands Core Values, making choices
Drugs Education- on server
How drugs affect the brain/body/behaviour
Addiction – What is it? Helping people to stop.
Growing up with Yasmine & Tom
  • Keeping safe: Personal space
  • Keeping safe: Identifying risk
  • Keeping safe: People who can help me
PSHE Association scheme – Living in the Wider world
Year 3 A-S sessions
Themes include - Rights and responsibilities; Taking care of the environment; Money matters.
4 / Circle Time
Themes might include: rules and routines, links to Heathlands Core Values,
Drugs Education- on server
Passive smoking – living with a smoker
Why do people smoke?
Growing up with Yasmine & Tom
  • Setting up a working agreement
  • My body: Keeping clean
  • Gender stereotypes/Celebrating difference: Jobs we do
  • Gender stereotypes/Celebrating difference: Mothers and fathers
PSHE Association Scheme –
Year 4 sessions A-M
Themes include: Healthy relationships; Feelings and emotions; Valuing difference. / Circle Time
Themes might include: links to Heathlands Core Values, making choices, setting up a debate to promote democratic processes
Drugs Education- on server
Peer influence/resisting pressure when taking drugs
Smoking and the law.
Growing up with Yasmine & Tom
  • Online technology safety: Photos of myself online
  • Online technology safety: Taking care online: Who can help us?
PSHE Association scheme – Living in the Wider world
Year 4 A-S sessions
Themes include - Rights and responsibilities; Taking care of the environment; Money matters. / Circle Time
Themes might include: memories, links to Heathlands Core Values, making healthy choices
Drugs Education- on server
My body – My choice – developing a class health charter.
Growing up with Yasmine & Tom
  • Life cycles: Growing up and getting older
  • My body: Sexual body parts - male
  • My body: Sexual body parts - female
NB: Please do not use the knowledge sheets with the children; they are for adult reference only. The school nurse may be contacted to assist with these sessions if necessary
PSHE Association scheme – Health and Wellbeing
Year 4 sessions A-L
Themes include - Healthy lifestyles; Growing and changing; Keeping safe
Year Group / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3
5 / Circle Time
Themes might include: rules and routines, links to Heathlands Core Values
Drugs Education- on server
The effects of drugs.
Why do people use drugs?
Growing up with Yasmine & Tom
  • Setting up a working agreement
  • My body: Puberty
  • My body: Periods
NB: The school nurse may be contacted to assist with these sessions if necessary
  • Feelings: Talking to people about how we feel
PSHE Association scheme – Health and Wellbeing
Year 5 sessions A – N
Themes include - Healthy lifestyles; Growing and changing; Keeping safe. / Circle Time
Themes might include: links to Heathlands Core Values, making choices, Setting up a debate; what does it mean to be British?
Drugs Education- on server
Developing/transferring skills to different, unforeseen high risk situations.
Why I choose not to use ….campaign.
Growing up with Yasmine & Tom
  • Keeping safe: Assertiveness, saying no
  • Keeping safe: Good and bad touch
  • Keeping safe: People who can help me
  • Online technology safety: Cyberbullying
PSHE Association Scheme –
Year5 sessions A-M
  • Themes include: Healthy relationships; Feelings and emotions; Valuing difference.
/ Circle Time
Themes might include: memories, links to Heathlands Core Values, aspirations
Drugs Education- on server
Dad’s aspirations = stopping smoking, winning the race
Exploring friendships and expectations.
Growing up with Yasmine & Tom
  • Relationships: Trust
  • Relationships: Peer pressure
  • Gender stereotypes: Discrimination and equal opportunities
PSHE Association scheme – Living in the Wider world
Year 5 sessions A- R
Themes include - Rights and responsibilities; Taking care of the environment; Money matters
6 / Circle Time
At least 12 sessions to be planned
Themes might include: rules and routines,
residential trip – staying away from home, links to Heathlands Core Values
Drugs Education- on server
The influence of the media and pop culture on health choices.
Using the power of influence positively.
Growing up with Yasmine & Tom
  • Setting up a working agreement
  • Life cycles: How babies are made – sexual intercourse
  • Life cycles: How babies are made – assisted fertility
  • My body: Wet dreams
NB: The school nurse may be contacted to assist with these sessions if necessary
PSHE Association scheme – Health and Wellbeing
Year 6 sessions A-M
Themes include - Healthy lifestyles; Growing and changing; Keeping safe. / Circle Time
At least 10 sessions to be planned
Themes might include: pressure, links to Heathlands Core Values, Setting up a debate; what does it mean to be British?
Drugs Education- on server
Getting it into perspective – getting the facts about drugs.
Exploring the attitudes surrounding drugs and drugs use.
Growing up with Yasmine & Tom
  • Life cycles: How babies are born
  • Life cycles: Multiple births
NB: The school nurse may be contacted to assist with these sessions if necessary
PSHE Association scheme – Living in the Wider world
Year 6 sessions A- S
Themes include - Rights and responsibilities; Taking care of the environment; Money matters / Circle Time
At least 12 sessions to be planned
Themes might include: transition to secondary school, memories, links to Heathlands Core Values, aspirations
Drugs Education- on server
Drugs and the law
Transition fears and substances.
Growing up with Yasmine & Tom
  • Feelings: How easy is it to talk about...
  • Online technology safety: Social networking and sending pictures
  • Gender stereotypes: Sexual orientation
NB: The school nurse may be contacted to assist with these sessions if necessary
Crucial Crew Workshop – deals with drugs & smoking, alcohol, anti-social behaviour, fire safety, internet safety, road safety,
PSHE Association Scheme –
Year 6 sessions A-N
Themes include: Healthy relationships; Feelings and emotions; Valuing difference.