Heathlands Community Pre-school

C/o Broke Hall School

Chatsworth Drive

Ipswich, Suffolk


Tel: 01473 417517

4.8 - Heathlands Pre-School Vomit/Soil Policy

EYFS key themes and commitments

A Unique Child / Positive Relationships / Enabling Environments / Learning and Development
1.3 Keeping safe
1.4 Health and well-being / 2.2 Parents as partners
2.4 Key person / 3.2 Supporting every child
3.4 The wider context


Cleaning Procedure for Vomiting and Faecal Incidents

Step by step procedure for flat surfaces (floors, tables, sinks):

PURPOSE: Vomit and faeces may contain bacteria or virus that may cause illness that if not cleaned up properly, may spread and infect other children or staff.

GENERAL PROCEDURE: Those responsible for cleaning up vomit and faeces should protect themselves by wearing gloves and protective clothing. The area should be cleaned of soil (remove solids and soak up liquid waste), sanitized, then rinsed.

Step-by-step procedure for surfaces (floors, tables, sinks):

·  Ensure children/staff cannot walk through soiled area by blocking access with chairs/staff etc

·  Put on gloves.

·  Scrape off using plastic disposable spoon into nappy bag/plastic bag.

·  Sprinkle in ‘Santiser’ powder liberally

·  Scrape off solids into bag.

·  Clean floor with hot soapy water using paper towel.

·  Put soiled clothes into bag and seal.

·  Mop floor with water containing floor cleaner.

·  Ensure children/staff cannot slip on wet floor by blocking area and putting up ‘wet floor ’sign.

·  Dispose of waste bag by placing in ‘yellow bag’ and then in yellow bin. Include soiled plastic gloves.

·  Ensure all mops/buckets used are thoroughly washed in hot soapy water and bleach.

·  Pour washing water down outside soil drain.

·  If carpet is still not considered clean then the carpet will be steam cleaned.

This policy was adopted at a meeting of / name of setting
Held on / (date)
Date to be reviewed / (date)
Signed on behalf of the management committee
Name of signatory
Role of signatory (e.g. chair/owner)