Heathens Speedway Supporters Trust

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Heathens Speedway Supporters’ Trust (HSST)?

We are a democratic, not-for-profit organisation who want to give the fans a collective voice in the running of the club and securing a new home for us. We also seek to strengthen the links between Cradley Heathens Speedway and the community we want to be based in. We are the first Trust to be formed in speedway but Trusts have proven to be very successful in football in shaping the future of clubs.

I’ve heard Supporters Direct mentioned – who are they and what is their role?

Supporters Direct is a government backed and funded scheme which is aimed at helping supporters take a more active role in the running of their club. Supporters Direct have helped fans form Trusts by offering advice on what form it should take, how to get it off the ground and how to ensure as many people get involved as possible. They also provide financial assistance, offering small grants to help pay for all the legal costs of setting up a Trust and covering expenses such as advertising, printing, room hire and so on. If you would like to find out more about Supporters Direct you can visit their website

We have a supporters club in HSSC sowhy is HSST different?

The difference is how the clubs are seen legally and how they are financially governed. HSST is a legal entity as we are aRegistered Society, specifically as a Community Benefit Society,under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Put simply, this indicates the area of law that governs us, how we need to be regulated and what financial obligations and benefits we are subject to. As a Registered Societywe have to behave in a certain way and this is detailed in our aims.

A Community Benefit Society has a one member one vote principle and has to be registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The FCA will audit our accounts and ensure that the Trust rules and aims are appropriate and that we follow them.

The Trust will have legal assets which are owned by us as agroup of supporters collectively in equal shares,instead of being owned in shares by individualswhere one individual has a greater interest than others.

Members have the benefit of limited liability which is usually limited to £1 paid as part of the membership fee.

We can potentially as a trust own shares in the club or property and we feel this is a positive move in our search for our own stadium.

Why are all the legal processes necessary?

To qualify as a Trust under the terms of Supporters Direct and be a Registered Society, there are certain legal hoops we must jump through. It might seem to be long-winded and a bit confusing, but it will provide a solid foundation for HSST, and will give us the credibility we need to forge links with the local community and push on with our search for our own home.

What will happen to HSSC and CSU now the Trust has been formed?

Both clubs will become dormant. HSSC have an AGM in February which coincides with the first AGM for the Trust. Should then Trust become successful then discussions will continue to merge the clubs in line with both clubs constitutions.

What are the aims of HSST?

We aim to benefit the community by:

  • Being a democratic and representative voice of the supporters of our club whilst at the same time strengthening then bonds between the club and the community.
  • Achieving the greatest possible supporter and community influence in the running and ownership of the club.
  • Promoting responsible and constructive community engagement by present and future members of the communities served by the club and encouraging the club to do the same.
  • Operating democratically, fairly, sustainably, transparently and with financial responsibility and encourage the club to do the same.
  • Being a positive, inclusive and representative organisation, open and accessible to all supporters of the club regardless of their age, income, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexuality, religious or moral beliefs.

Who will run HSST?

At the moment there is an Interim Board, made up largely of individuals who took a lead role in the formation of the Trust. The Interim Board will serve until the first AGM (Annual General Meeting). Elections will be held annually, and anyone wishing to stand for election to the Board may do so.

Who can join HSST?

Membership is open to anybody who wants to support the aims of the Trust.

Why should I join HSST?

By joining us you are showing your support to the Trust’s aims and help the Trust to be as representative of the supporters of the club as possible.

How much is it to join?

  • Membership to HSST will run from February to February when our AGM takes place. The price of membership for the following 12 months will be voted for by members at the AGM. The Interim Board have suggested that membership would have been £6 for a full 12 month period. As a special offer as we are half way through the season,we are offering membership to HSST for £3 plus any possible donation.
  • Children may join the trust and we offering membership for £1 for under 16s. As the trust is a legal entity members must be over 16 to vote at the AGM so membership for juniors does not entitle them to a vote
  • Any members of the Ollie the Ommer Club will be given free membership if their parents join HSST.

What will happen to my membership fee?

The first £1 makes you a shareholder in HSST and gives you a vote in all Trust matters. The rest of the money will pay for day to day running costs and any leftover will be put towards future uses.

How do I join HSST?

Simply fill in a membership form, which are available to download on our website, and provide the membership fee of £3 plus any possible donation.

How will HSST keep me up to date?

We will communicate information via our Facebook page, email and our Website.

We will also hold an AGM each year in February to which all members will be invited.

How will HSST raise money to support its aims?

After memberships and donations from our members HSST hopes to look at gaining sponsorship from local business, look into the possibility of Lottery funding, donations from supporters, produce merchandise which can be sold and hold fund raising events.

I’d really like to help, is there anything I can do?

We are always looking for new ideas and help from supporters. In the first instance, contact us via Social Media or by email at . We are particularly keen to hear from people with professional expertise who feel that their experience could be of use to HSST, but we also need enthusiastic people who are committed to helping us achieve our aims. The Trust aims to unite all those who have passion for Cradley Heathens Speedway and we seek to bring together the skills, energy, ideas and passion that our supporters have in order to secure the long term future of our club in our own stadium.

How can I contact HSST?

You can contact us via the following:-

Facebook page - Heathens Speedway Supporters Trust


Email address –

Or the Interim Board

Chairperson:Spencer Billingham

Vice Chairperson:Steve Davies

Secretary:Dave Knott

Treasurer:Simon Priest

Media:Rebecca James

Membership Secretary:Karen Woodhall

If you have a question that hasn’t been answered above then please contact us