Aspiring to achieve our best: moving forward together!

Heathcoat Primary School Curriculum Map: Year 6 2017/18

Below is our curriculum map for this year.

Year 6 / Autumn Term / Spring term / Summer term
1 / 2 / 1 / 2 / 1 / 2
Topic / World War 2 / World War 2 / CASTLES – King Arthur
English / Wallace and Gromit – cracking contraptions
The children will write explanation texts based on the well-loved character’s creating of the Bully-Proof vest.
Evacuation Writing
Children will learn and explore what life was like as an evacuee building up to writing a short fiction story based upon our learning.
Non-Nonsense Spelling
Non-Nonsense Grammar Y5/6 scheme / Residential Writing
Children will write pieces based upon their experiences during residential or time at school.
Poetry (within WW2)
Children will explore poetry and improve our use of expanded noun phrases.
Short Stories
Children will use their knowledge about WW2 to create short stories based during the WW2 period.
Non-Nonsense Spelling
Non-Nonsense Grammar Y5/6 scheme / Merlin
Explore the legend of King Arthur and use this as a stimulus for creative writing. This will also include some non-fiction writing through topic based upon castles. As well as Dragon writing and creating non-fiction as well as fiction texts within this.
Non-Nonsense Spelling
Non-Nonsense Grammar Y5/6 scheme / Paradise gardens
Explore morals and messages that can be written through stories. Consolidate all of our learning from the last year.
Non-Nonsense Spelling
Non-Nonsense Grammar Y5/6 scheme / Tear Thief. The children will focus on descriptive writing and exploring a fantasy world.
Non-fiction writing.
This will include studying and writing newspaper articles, instructions, fact files, information books and recounts.
Auto-biographies of famous explorers and famous people in History. This will be linked to our topic work.
Non-Nonsense Spelling
Non-Nonsense Grammar Y5/6 scheme / Explorers
Use independent research to investigate a chosen explorer and write about them in detail.
Non-fiction writing based upon our work in Science exploring Animals and Classifications.
Non-Nonsense Spelling
Non-Nonsense Grammar Y5/6 scheme
Maths / We are focussing on the four operations – addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. / We will build upon our learning from the previous half term as well as learning more about fractions, percentages and word problems. / Shape and space, measurements and angles as well as previous learning SATs revision / SATs revision / SATs revision / Open ended problems
Science / Electricity
Create simple circuits and explore how to add, amend and improve circuits. Use correct symbols when recording circuits children have created. / Light and Shadow
Understand light travels in a straight line. Understand how we see light including colour and what happens when there is an absence of light. Understand that a shadow is formed when an object blocks a light source. / Living things – classification of living things including vertebrates, invertebrates; how to use a key.
Investigation planning and understanding the need for a fair test. / Evolution and inheritance, following on from the living things topic in the previous term we will be looking of how humans and animals evolve over time and how traits can be inherited from parents. This will also link to SRE and changes in body.
ICT / Following rising stars scheme.
Internet safety and creating internet safety posters. / Following rising stars scheme.
Improving our knowledge of Microsoft Word.
Touch typing. / Following rising stars scheme.
Learning about and using Microsoft Excel. / Preparing for year 7 ICT. / Preparing for year 7 ICT / Preparing for year 7 ICT
PE / Invasion games:
Invasion game skills are being developed; The children’s previous experience will be built on as they are taught more skills such as efficient marking, passing, tackling, tactics and good sporting behaviour. / Dance,
Children will learn how to create a routine and incorporate a variety of key elements. / Net and wall games
Children will learn the skills for tennis:
They will continue to practise skills learnt in year 5 including body positions, types of swing, returning the ball using various strokes. / Gymnastics
Children will learn how to work independently as well as with a partner to create a routine which will include apparatus. / Athletics / Field games,
Focus on the skills for cricket and softball and improving their technique and endurance in different track and field events. / Athletics/
Preparation for sports day and developing water confidence and lifesaving skills in the swimming pool.
History / World War 2
We will explore through hands on experiences WW2 and what we can learn from WW2. / World War 2 will be continued in this half term. / Medieval times – link to CASTLES topic
– King Arthur, Chivalry, legends and customs.
Link to British Values. / Explorers, looking at famous explorers from History.
Children to create their own project around a period and person of interest. We will be looking at: Egyptians and the discovery of the different tombs; Victorians and the different scientific discoveries made and Christopher Columbus and the discovery of new worlds.
Geography / Castles, settlement and location / Mountains and volcanoes.
Looking at different mountain ranges around the world and what life is like on them. Focus on the climate difference and the how this affects the people who call these mountains home.
Music / Mrs Evans teaching a variety of different musical principles and techniques.
RE / Belonging and beliefs –
Focusing in particular on festivals / Belonging and beliefs –
Focusing in particular on festivals and including the Christmas celebrations that occur around the world and in Britain. / Belonging and beliefs. Looking at other faiths and festivals that occur in Britain and around the world. / Belief in action – Judaism
PSHE / BLP – building learning power.
SEAL – new beginnings. Thinking about getting along and falling out. Strategies for dealing with making and maintaining friendships. / BLP – building learning power.
Anti-bullying Education
-what is bullying?
-my network of friends
Citizenship (Difference and Diversity)
-different communities including families and school
-recognising and respecting diversity within communities
-similarities and differences between communities in other parts of the world and our own country / BLP – building learning power.
Going for goals – good to be me
Drugs Education
-being aware of pressures and influences on me
-what does it mean to be hooked?
-how do drugs affect us? / BLP – building learning power.
-what does being grown up mean?
-how do I feel about growing up?
-what is involved in growing up?
-careers / BLP – building learning power.
Changes in the body and puberty / BLP – building learning power.
Getting the children ready for the transition to high school and preparing them for the changes emotionally and physically that will occur.
Art/DT / We will create Queen pictures, retro British flags and other art based upon being British. This will also be linked with our WW2 topic.
Rocket Day. / Annual Christmas Decoration making – decorations for school cathedral area.
Make do and mend day - children to 'create' things using recycled material as they would have done in WW2. / Tiger – surprise painting, still life and nature paintings. / Egg challenge / 3D sculpture/ painting linked to topic
Looking at different art from around the world as inspiration for paintings and printing.
French / Conversational and written French lessons with Mrs Evans. La Jolie Ronde
Performance opportunities / Drama linked to World War 2. Discussions and sharing points of view about whether evacuation was a good idea.
Class assembly to the rest of the school and to parents. / Role play and hot seating within English lessons. / Performance in PE dance / End of year assembly.
Other / British Values focus = link to WW2.
The effect of the bombing on towns in Britain; Britain’s involvement in the war; British leadership over the years
Widemouth Bay
Theatre Alibi / Christmas events
Christmas Fayre
Carol Service
Visit to Tiverton – Proclamation of the Fair. / Camping to celebrate leaving HPS and moving to year 7.