The Midwest Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Investigators Association
Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Investigations
Orlando, FL March 12-15, 2018
From the Inside - Combating Biker Gangs
A four day (32 hour) training program for law enforcement officers, prosecutors, corrections personnel and criminal analysts addressing the problems and pitfalls of investigations of Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs.
The instructors, have managed, supervised or directly participated in investigations of Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs throughout the United States. The investigative techniques they used will be presented. Also, the many pitfalls and mistakes they made will be graphically demonstrated.
Due to the sensitive nature of the training program and threats of physical harm to some of the speakers, the exact location of the training program will only be revealed to those who register. Special security will be maintained and this training program is only open to law enforcement officers, corrections officers, prosecutors, probation/parole officers and other criminal justice professionals. You must show proper agency credentials or identification to be allowed entrance into the training program.
This is an annual training course and other than the Biker 101 course presented, all other material will be different than the previous Conferences.
All New Program
Outlaw Motorcycle Expansion & Trends
Preventing OMG Violence at Public Venues
Intelligence Gathering Techniques
National and Regional Updates
Major Runs and Events
“Pop Up” Clubs & Their Effect on the MC Culture
Community Awareness Campaigns
Steve Cook - Detective with a Police Department in the Kansas City Metro area. Steve has been a police officer for 24 years, with over six and a half years experience in a multi-agency drug task force. Steve has completed assignments with the DEA Clandestine Laboratory Enforcement Team as well as participating on a FBI Violent Crime/Gang Task Force. Steve has worked numerous intelligence operations all over the United States involving outlaw motorcycle gangs and was the case agent and secondary undercover in an attempted infiltration of a Bandidos farm club. During that operations Steve acted as a webmaster for the club and had the opportunity to act in an undercover capacity with members of several different outlaw motorcycle gangs including the Outlaws. Steve has also been featured in the History Channel's Gangland programs on the Outlaws, Bandidos and galloping Goose, twice on Biographies "Gangsters Americas Most Evil", History channels "Americas Book of Secrets" and Biographies "Gangworld One Percenters".
Pat Fielding- Pat is a Retired Detective with a Police Department in Las Vegas, Nevada and has over 24 years of law enforcement experience. Pat has been assigned to several narcotics, gang, and criminal intelligence units, including a HIDTA group, FBI Task Force, DEA Methamphetamine Task Force and a Club Drug Task Force and is currently assigned to a Money Laundering group. Pat has worked undercover for 20 years investigating narcotics, money laundering, arms and explosives dealers, auto-theft rings and conducting storefront operations. Pat infiltrated the Red Demons (A Hells Angels Farm Club) and rose to the rank of Treasurer during a five-month undercover investigation.
Ron Miller - Ron is a Detective assigned to the Tri-County Gang Unit in Northern Nevada and among other duties is responsible for investigations and intelligence gathering involving members of Out Motorcycle Gangs. Ron was part of the investigation that dismantled the Carson City, NV Chapter of the Vagos and also responsible for intelligence and enforcement activities in the Tri-County area during the annual Street Vibrations rally.
Registration Information
Registration fee for the four day training program is $450.00 per person, if pre-paid or paid at registration. If your department has to be invoiced after the start of the course, the tuition cost is $475.00. We accept cash, check or Visa/MasterCard. Group discounts are also available. Tuition cost includes the cost of the instruction, handout materialsand certificate of completion. Call for further information. All checks or purchase orders must be made payable to Heartland Law Enforcement Training Institute (HLETI). For further information, call Steve Cook at 816-718-2189 or at
Attendance is limited. Register early to insure your attendance.
Training Site
The training will be held in the Orlando, FL area. Due to security concerns, you will not be notified of the training site until you register and receive your letter of confirmation. Classes will held daily from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.Hotel rate is $129 per night and rooms are extremely limited so make arrangements early.
Registration Form
Outlaw Motorcycle Gang InvestigationsPlease print or type information and make photocopies for multiple registrations. Payments by can be made to the Heartland Law Enforcement Training Institute. The cost of the training conference is $450.00 Price is $395 for groups of 4 or more.
Name: ______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ____ Zip Code______
Agency/Department: ______
Contact Number: ______
E-Mail Address: ______
Rank/Classification: ______
Please submit payment by check or money order with this registration form. Seating is limited and will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Cost of the training is $450.00 if paid prior to or at the start of the training. All payments submitted after the start of the conference will be $475.00. Group rates are available. HLETI accepts Visa and Mastercard.
Please remit to: Heartland Law Enforcement Training Institute
P.O Box 902, Lee’s Summit, Mo 64063 (816) 554-8888 Fax: (816) 554-8879
For faster service scan in the registrations and e-mail to