Healthy Schools Project 2014-2015

Buddy Report

Our Healthy Schools inquiry question was, “Will pairing older students with younger students as “buddies” help develop a stronger culture of kindness in our school?” The premise is that practicing random acts of kindness in the classroom would transform the school culture. The younger students in the school were paired with an older student as a “buddy” for the school year.

The buddies met once a month to have lunch together and sit in Chapel together. The younger students especially looked forward to this. A Grade 3 student saw the notice on the classroom calendar and was so excited that buddy lunch was coming up soon she had to notify the class. There were charts up on the walls in the hallway with lists of buddies and what room they went to at lunch time so students could be reminded of their buddy and their buddy classroom.

The students in my Grades 3-5 class were genuinely excited about having an older buddy in the school. The staff in the school all helped with this project by hosting a group of buddies in their classroom once a month. Without this cooperation among the staff this project would have been impossible.

We filled out Buddy Questionnaires in September with buddies answering the questions about themselves and scribing for small buddies if needed. Some of the buddies kept these questionnaires in their desks and used them for information to pray for their buddies. The Grades 3-5 class taped the name of their buddies to the top of their desks so when they saw the name they would be reminded to pray for their buddy.

September Buddy Questionnaire

  1. What is your name?
  2. What is your buddy`s name?
  3. When is your buddy`s birthday?
  4. How many people are in your buddy`s family?
  5. What is your buddy`s favorite food?
  6. What does your buddy like to do in their spare time?
  7. What would you like your buddy to pray for them for this school year?

After the questionnaires we had a school hike and picnic with our buddies. Some of the buddies became instant friends and obviously thoroughly enjoyed being together.

For some buddies this hike and picnic worked well. This was a good opportunity for buddies to get to know each other. For some this did not work well at all as several of the older buddies chose to walk with their friends and ignore their small buddies. Several younger buddies were quite sad.

After the Buddy Hike, I honestly wondered if this project was such a great idea because of the sad little buddies. I was determined to carry on and see if the project would be a positive thing for some of the student body.

During a Buddy Chapel in October we divided the entire school into small groups and prayed with our buddies for the following:

  1. Pray for the staff, students, and families in our school...that God would be glorified in the things we say and do...that we would love each other.
  2. Pray for our School Board and all the committees...that God would bless the people who lead and care for our school...that we would have the money to build our gym.
  3. Pray for the students who have graduated from PCS...that God would lead them by His Spirit and they would choose to honour God and live for Him...
  4. Pray for our caretakers...that God would bless them with health and strength. Thank God for all the work they do to keep our school clean.
  5. Pray for any who are sick among us...that God would heal them...and God would encourage Pastor JamieWeberg (our school Chaplain) and his family.
  6. Pray for Christians who are being persecuted throughout the world...that God would give them courage...that He would comfort and provide for them.

Buddy Christmas Questionnaire

  1. Yes or no... I know my buddy`s favorite hobby.
  2. Yes or no... I know my buddy`s grandparent`s names.
  3. Yes or no... I know what church my buddy attends.
  4. Yes or no... I know my buddy`s pet`s name.
  5. Yes or no... I know my buddy`s favorite subject in school.
  6. My buddy feels loved, lonely, sad, afraid, happy in school (circle all that apply)
  7. My buddy feels loved, lonely, sad, afraid, happy at home (circle all that apply)

The purpose of this questionnaire was so that the buddies would have some questions to ask each other and things to talk about as they ate lunch together that day.

The buddy list had to be revised several times during the school year as students joined or left our school. Pairing students was a challenge. Thankfully, Mrs. Waterman, the Grades K-2 teacher, was able to assist me in putting the buddies together. Mrs. Waterman taught high school the previous year and had an idea of which buddies would do well together.

RandomStaff Comments

Here are random comments from the staff regarding the groups who sat in their classrooms for Buddy Lunch on January 12th.

Mrs. G. ...the buddies sat together and did not just gravitate to sit with their friends. This was a huge improvement since September. The small buddies were thrilled and obviously loved the attention of their small buddies.

Mr. R. ... the high school boys were not cooperating and buddies were still being ignored.

Mrs. C. ... the older boys sat with their friends and ignored their buddies.

Mr. G. ...does not like Buddy Lunch and does not think it is working very well.

Mrs. W. ... the buddies in her class sat with their buddies.

This was quite discouraging. One suggestion is perhaps the teachers could ask the older students to sit with their younger buddies...

On Friday, May 29th we had an entire school end of the year “Buddy Day Event”. Permission forms were sent out asking if the students could take part in this event. The forms were returned immediately.

Buddy Day Permission Form

Dear Parent or Guardian:

The entire school is invited to our Healthy Schools end of the year buddy adventure.

Student’s Name: ______

Description of the activity for which permission is requested:

Buddy Community Clean-Up 9:30-11:00

11:00 Buddy Surveys

11:30 Buddy Pizza Lunch (two slices…it is recommended that students also bring a lunch)

1:15-2:15ish Buddy Bowling at Sun Country Bowling

Date & Time: Friday, May 29th, 2015

Supervising teachers: all the teachers

Transportation will be by walking (Grades 8-12) bus & parents.

I can drive ______students.


In the space below, please indicate (list) any medical condition(s) that may influence the child’s ability to participate in the activity or trip. If there are none, please indicate. You may use N/A (not applicable).Medical conditions:

"I/we agree not to hold Penticton Christian School liable for any injuries and/or death resulting from field trip-related activities, except in cases of gross negligence or criminal activity."

Signed: ______Date: ______

Please print the name of person signing this form: ______

Please sign the colored form and return it to the school by Wednesday, May 27th , 2015. Thank you.

Buddy Day ~ May 29, 2015

9:30~ Meet the teacher/leader in their classroom

9:35 ish...Community Clean-Up (with your buddy)

11:00~ Buddy Surveys

(bigger buddies can scribe for their smaller buddies in their room)

11:30~ Lunch with your buddy

(There were 90 lunches served)

(Cheese Pizza /carrots /apples /oranges / juice boxes

12:00~ Free Time on the playground

12:30~ Highschool & Grades 8-9

...walking to the bowling alley to get your shoes (walk with the high school teachers who will supervise at the bowling your buddy when they arrive)

12:30~ Grades 6-7

...bussing to bowling to get your shoes on

12:45ish~ Grades K-5

bussing or getting rides with parents to the bowling alley.

1:15~ Buddy Bowling (one game should take about an hour)

2:15-2:30 ish~ Return to the school

The buddies were assigned to different teachers and met with that teacher in their classroom. This was our schedule:

The buddies worked together on a designated route with their teacher supervisor to clean part of our community. Mr. B. commented that one little Kindergarten girl in his group was searching for garbage as if she was looking for Easter eggs. So cute. Some of the students were very diligent and worked hard to clean up the community.

Buddy Day Groups

Mr. G.

Clean up route: La Casa Restaurant, RCMP, Grace MB Church area

Bowling lane 1Bowling lane 2

Halle and Emma K.Lucia and Alisha

Carolyn, Gwyneth and HeatherJesse, Max and Ben J.

Mr. Gray Beth, Nickeisha and Asia

Mr. R.

Clean up route: Nazarene Church and area

Bowling lane 3Bowling lane 4

Vaughn, Emma N. and LauraShaelynn and Ashlin

Dane and Andrew B.Thane and Austin

Mr. Robert David and Ethan

Mrs. W.

Clean up route: KVR North

Bowling lane 5Bowling lane 6

Kingston and MatthewAurora, Archer and Morgan

Harley and ThomasEmma W. and Jessica

Mrs. Waterman Zach and Kyle

Mr. B.

Clean up route: KVR South

Bowling lane 7Bowling lane 8

Taljah and HollyZach and Nathaniel

Bryce and IsaacHannah and Kiara

Tanner and Nick Patrick and Lee

Mr. Boehmer 

Mrs. K.

Clean up route: Bethel Church and Library

Bowling lane 9Bowling lane 10

Makayla and Emma G.Abrianna and Anna

Seth and KurtisElla and Emma R.

Jacoba and AmandaNash and Daniel K.

Mrs. Chretien Mrs. Kelly 

Mrs. G.

Clean up route: Edmonton Ave. and Nelson Ave.

Bowling lane 10Bowling lane 12

Tristan and KaitlinBen H. and A.J.

Hunter and ColbyAaralynn and Shayana

Andrew Y. and MichaelHillary and Karly

Mrs. Boehmer Mrs. Young 

Mr. C.

Clean up route: Penticton Ave. and area

Bowling lane 13Bowling lane 14

Jun and DirkDaniel H. and Christian

Keegan and DaytonLevi and Trevor

Cordelia and JanelleMr. C.

Here’s what the survey looked like the students filled out.

Buddy Survey

1. What challenges and/or difficultiesdid having a buddy present to you personally?

2. What did these challenges and/or difficultiesteach you about yourself?

3. What benefits did you enjoy because of having a buddy?

4. Were there times when your buddy and/or you confided in each other, helped each other, etc.?

5. What kind of things did you and your buddy talk about, pray about, etc.?

6. How you were able to bless your buddy?

7. How we can improve the Buddy system in the future?

Comments made on the surveys:

  1. What challenges and/or difficultiesdid having a buddy present to you personally?

* It was challenging having a buddy cause I didn’t have a chance to have lunch with my friends (Grade 6 & 8)

* It was challenging getting her under control (Grade 9)

* I was being mean to him (Grade 1)

* We have different personalities (Kindergarten)

* He never listened to me (Grade 10 & 11)

* None, I had a good kid (Grade 9)

* It was hard to find my buddy on buddy lunch days (Grade 4)

*My buddy (with autism) did not listen to me or anyone else (Grade 7)

* When he does not behave (Grade 8)

* I love having big buddies (Kindergarten)

* It is hard looking after a smaller kid (Grade 11)

* I really enjoyed having a buddy (Grade 11)

* I am a good friend (Grade 4)

* It was a little challenging, my buddy did not always listen, but we got through it (Grade 7)

  1. What did these challenges and/or difficultiesteach you about yourself?

* There were times my buddy didn`t listen so it taught me to help him (Grade 7)

* To be kinder to him...I made him a cupcake (Grade 1)

* I should be more responsible (Grade 7)

* That I’m a good friend (Grade 8)

* That I’m good at dealing with immature children (Grade 6)

* Patience...(Grade 8)

* Follow your instincts sometimes (Grade 8)

* Just to be brave and talk (Grade 6)

* Taught me not to be like him because I want to be mature (a Grade 6 student writing about a Grade 10 student)

*That being compassionate towards anybody and having one on one time with them is really valuable (Grade 11)

* To have patience and to be kind (Grade 7)

* I don`t like being the younger buddy (Grade 1)

* I love kids (Grade 7)

* It taught me to behave better (Grade 4)

* I got to know another person better (Grade 11)

3. What benefits did you enjoy because of having a buddy?

* I found out older kids can be fun (Kindergarten)

* It was good getting to know some of the younger kids (Grade 8)

* We are like sisters (Grade 1)

* I was never lonely because I knew I had a buddy in the school. (Grade 3)

* I made a new friend (Grade 4)

* I liked having someone to pray for and someone to pray for me (Grade 10)

* I had a friend to look out for me (Grade 4)

* It taught me that not all little kids are evil (Grade 9)

* He was kind to me (Grade 1)

* I have a good friend (Grade 3)

* To get a chance to be nicer to people (Grade 8)

* Knowing I have someone to talk to (Grade 6)

* Always getting a smile from my buddy when I saw her in the hallway (Grade 11)

* I got to be a good example and get to know my buddy (Grade 8)

* I learned about her and got to have someone in another class that knew me (Grade 11)

* I was able to connect with younger grades and make new friends

(Grade 9)

4. Were there times when your buddy and/or you confided in each other, helped each other, etc.?

* My buddy helped me carry garbage (during community clean-up) when it was too heavy for me.

* She gave me a piggy back when I was tired (Grade 1)

* We prayed for each other, I helped her with schoolwork, we sat with each other at lunch, and I kept the things she asked me to pray about personal (Grade 8)

* Yes, she helped me understand that I should be nice to people (Grade 7)

5. What kind of things did you and your buddy talk about, pray about, etc.?

* That we would have a good school year (Grade 1)

* That we would have a good day and have fun (Kindergarten)

* Sports, family, school (Grade 11)

*We talked about sports, bowling (Grade 1)

* How to behave (Grade 8)

*School work, our futures, our families (Grades 6 & 11)

* We talked about our pets, families, hobbies, faith and school (Grade 11)

* We prayed for her family and school year (Grade 9)

6. How you were able to bless your buddy?

* I gave my buddy a hug every morning (Kindergarten)

* I made cards for my buddy (Grade 3)

* I gave her presents on her birthday (Grade 1)

* I thanked him for being my buddy (Grade 4)

* We prayed for each other (Grade 4)

* I sang him a song (Grade 10)

* I loved her (Kindergarten)

* I made him a cupcake (Grade 1)

* Made cookies for him at Christmas (Grade 5)

* Yes (Kindergarten)

* Prayed for him and encouraged him (Grade 11)

* Being a friend, a good buddy (Grade 7)

* I was able to be there for her as a mentor (Grade 11)

* Gave my buddy piggy back rides, mints and cookies (Grade 8)

* comforted him (Grade 4)

* (An older buddy brought a stuffed bunny for her buddy and had lunch with her on a day that was not scheduled as a buddy day)

* I prayed for her and was a friend to her (Grade 11)

* letting them talk excited when they talk (Grade 11)

* I was able to bless her by hanging out with her at lunch and praying for her and buying her treats (Grade 9)

* We kept each other company (Grade 4)

* We kept each other company so we were not lonely (Grade 11)

* I helped him with his challenges (Grade 3)

* By being a friend to her and a confidante (Grade 11)

* Say hi once in a while (Grade 8)

* Making her smile (Grade 1)

* The Grades 3-5 class decided to bless all the buddies in the school so we made cookies at Christmas for the entire school and Christmas cards for our buddies.

7. How we can improve the Buddy system in the future?

*Have two older students and two younger students paired together, because if someone is away no one is left out (Grade 8)

* Choose your own buddy (Grade 4)

* More fun days!!!!!!! (Grade 10)

* Pair two friends with two friends

* It is perfect (Grade 7)

* Have more fun days and do more buddy days

* I don’t think you could improve the system (Grade 5 & 9)

* Don’t put me with someone that doesn’t like me or talk to me (Grade 11)

* Put Mr. Rabello in charge (Grade 11)

* Would like a buddy who has more of the same interests (Grade 4... written by a person who plays computer games for hours)

* Have it in your own classroom...little buddy comes to you (Grade 7)

* I don’t know...but just keep me with Tristan please (Grade 8)

(Tristan has Down Syndrome)

* I helped him with his schoolwork (Grade 7)