Job Description:

Health Wellbeing Officer(Birmingham)

Job Title: Health Wellbeing Officer

Location:Birmingham, BVSC

Job Aims:

  • To co-ordinate group activities (workshops) in the community as well as to integrate Service Users into mainstream communities in the City of Birmingham(the Area)
  • To provide an Information service (Coffee Afternoons) to deaf and hard of hearing residents (Service Users) of the Area.
  • To set up and deliver 1 6-week LWHL course (Living with Hearing Loss) in Birmingham.
  • To work with the Head of Quality & Performance to re align the project to Birmingham Councils new priorities.

Terms and Conditions:

  • This is a part-time position of 20 hours per week
  • This post is contracted by Birmingham City Council up to 31st March 2019.

Main tasks:

  1. To offer information, advice and signpostingto Service Users related to their health and wellbeing.
  1. To coordinate activities and ensure information on display at the Centre is relevant, up-do-date and does not contravene the policies and corporate aims & objectives of deafPLUS.
  1. To record daily into the database (Charity Log) and in paper files information and statistics on all service users which reflect work done as well as outcomes and outputs.
  1. To regularly gather feedback from service users regarding the activities delivered and keep regular paper and database record of it.
  1. To carry out outreach work within the Area to promote theactivities and support groups provided by the Centre.
  1. To assist in the development of communication, enablement, empowerment and self-advocacy skills of Service Users.
  1. To coordinate coffee afternoons and Health & Wellbeing related workshops.To work with local service providers to give a Health & Wellbeing talk or presentation.
  1. To set up a 6-weekly LWHL (Living with Hearing Loss) session in the Area for deafened and hard of hearing people.
  1. To work in liaison with other appropriate organisations to develop and improve service access to Deaf and hard of hearing people.
  1. To provide the Carers Co-ordinatorwith weekly updates on action points and targets which are to be set upon agreement between the incumbent and the Head of Services.


  1. To share in agreed staff development policies by receiving regular supervision and annual appraisals.
  1. To develop an agreed personal training plan and carry this out using internal and external training as required.
  1. To attend deafPLUS meetings as required.
  1. To participate in fundraising activities when required.
  1. To adhere to and promote deafPLUS’s policies and standards, especially the Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety and Total Communication policies.
  1. To support other deafPLUS staff in achieving the aims of deafPLUS and carry out such other relevant duties as may be agreed.
  1. To coordinate own Access to Work support when required.

Note:The final interpretation of this job description rests with the Chief Executive in consultation and the jobholder. It will be reviewed in the course of supervision meeting and any amendments will be negotiated with the jobholder. The jobholder is also expected to share in other work with deafPLUS as time permits and by agreement with the CEO.

Signed:(Job Holder)

Printed Name:(Job Holder)



Printed Name:(CEO)
