Health Services Professional Advisory Committee

HS-PAC Membership Subcommittee Report


CDR Sianat Kamal, Chair

I.  Active Roster for 2009:

·  CDR Sianat Kamal (Chair)

·  CAPT Nancy Bill

·  CDR Sheila Merriweather

·  CDR Audrey Gor Yee Lum

·  CDR Timothy Pappalardo

·  CDR Todd Alspach

·  LCDR Donald W. Schmidt

·  LCDR Delia Jones

·  LCDR Laurie Brown

·  LCDR Raquel Peat

II.  Action Items:

·  Action Item 08-09: The proposed language for the change in the bylaws in terms of attendance were reviewed during the February HSPAC meeting. Below is the edited version. The underlined text, which was proposed in 2008, has remained unchanged.

Sec. 3 / Attendance (Proposed language)
Members are expected to attend either in person, by telephone or by videoconference a majority of PAC meetings. One meeting must be attended in person. The one meeting in person requirement may be met either by attending the annual COF Symposium or a regular PAC meeting location. Members are expected to have their alternate attend any meeting where they cannot be present. Any member of the HS PAC who misses more than 50% of meetings without just cause can, at the discretion of the HS PAC Chairperson and in consultation with the CPO, be asked to voluntarily resign from the HS PAC; or the HS PAC Chair, in consultation with the CPO, can initiate a request to the Surgeon General to terminate said membership and so inform the STAFFDIV and OPDIV Head. Members who face an extreme hardship in attending at least one meeting in person may submit a waiver request to the Chair of the membership subcommittee for review. The recommendation of the membership subcommittee will be submitted to the PAC Chair for concurrence or approval/disapproval.The waiver request must be submitted at least thirty days prior to the last PAC meeting of the year.

·  Action Item 09-01: Update Subcommittee Webpage: Completed

·  Action Item: 09-02: Develop Chair Position Description: In progress, will submit to Policy Chair by 30 April 09

·  Action Item 09-04: Develop Criterion for Subcommittee Chair Award: Ongoing, will consult the draft language

·  Action Item 09-06: Voting members who have completed second year with the HSPAC are requested to submit excel spreadsheet with the amount of time they have spent participating in PAC activities over the course of the last two years: some members have submitted for one year only; some might have submitted for the last two years; some have not provided any submission. 3rd year Membership members are inquiring if any additional time will be allowed to submit their spreadsheet.

III.  Other Accomplished Tasks:

·  Updated Subcommittee Roster in the new template for the HSPAC Website; updated with new members and submitted to HSPAC on 3/31/09

·  Updated Self Nomination Form for the term 2010-2012 and submitted to HSPAC on 3/31/09 for review and approval; will be posted on COA Bulletin, CC eBulletin, JOAG Listserve and HSPAC Listserve & the Website ASAP

·  Updated formal membership advertisement for the term 2010-2012 and submitted to HSPAC on 3/31/09 for review and approval; will be posted on COA Bulletin, CC eBulletin, JOAG Listserve and HSPAC Listserve & the Website ASAP

·  Updated FAQs about new voting member nomination process; will be posted on HSPAC website along with the above updated documents

IV.  Upcoming Meetings:

·  Membership subcommittee will meet in April 09 to discuss the process and implementation of upcoming nomination and selection of new HSPAC voting members for the term 2010-2012. Meeting date TBD.

End of Report