Sprtzdud Fitness

Health/Lifestyle History Questionnaire

(please print or type)


General Information:

Your Name: Date of Birth:

Address: City: State: Zip:

Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell Phone:

Email Address:

Physician’s Name/Practice: Phone:

Emergency Contact Information:

Name: Relationship to you:

Home Phone: Work Phone: . Cell Phone:


Are you currently taking any medically prescribed medications? YES / NO

If YES, please list:

Are you currently taking any self prescribed medications? YES / NO

If YES, please list:


Health Information: Do you have, or had, any of the following:

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Sprtzdud Fitness

Heart Disease

Heart Attack

Heart Murmur

Aortic Stenosis


Heart Surgery of any kind

Chest pain with exertion

Chest pain at rest

Rheumatic fever




Shortness of Breath


Liver Disease

Kidney Disease

High Blood Pressure


Visual/Eye Problems




Bone/Joint Problem



Emotional Disorders


Address – Phone#

Sprtzdud Fitness


Family Medical History: Has your Mother/Father/Siblings suffered from any of the following:

Address – Phone#

Sprtzdud Fitness

Heart attack or surgery prior to age 55

Heart disease of any kind


High Blood Pressure


High cholesterol



Lung disease


Address – Phone#

Sprtzdud Fitness



Do you smoke?

If yes, please describe:

Previously a smoker?

If yes, please describe:

Do you drink alcoholic beverages?

If yes, please describe:

Are you currently involved in an exercise program?

If yes, please describe:

If NO, any particular reason why?

Have you participated in an exercise program before?

If yes, where and how often:

If yes, what did you do?:

Do you participate in any sports or outside activities?

If yes, please describe:

Do you feel that your Family/Friends have a strong influence in your decision making?

If yes, please describe:

Do you eat regularly (i.e., breakfast, lunch, dinner)?

Please describe a typical day for:

a Weekday:

the Weekend:

Do you sleep regularly (6hrs or more)?

If NO, please explain:

Exercise and Fitness:

What types of exercise are you interested in? (please check all that apply)

Address – Phone#

Sprtzdud Fitness





Aerobic Classes

Free Weights

Strength Machines

Stability Ball






Muscle toning/building


Address – Phone#

Sprtzdud Fitness

Health goals/expectations:

Please list what you would like to accomplish with your exercise program over the next year (i.e. fat loss, better posture, etc.) ranking in importance for each term:

Short Term Goals (< 3 months):

Medium Term Goals (3-6 months):

Long Term Goals (6-12 months):

What EXTERNAL barriers (your environment such as work, schedules, weather) would get in your way of achieving these goals:

What INTERNAL barriers (your perception, thoughts, and beliefs about exercise, such as I’m not coordinated, I will look funny exercising, etc.) would get in your way of achieving these goals:

What Do You Feelyou have been successful at? (ie, getting a college degree, keeping a clean house, driving a car, playing golf, being a good friend, ….)

Having been successful how did you go about achieving it?

Health and lifestyle commitments:

How many days per week do you realistically plan on exercising?

1 day; 2 days; 3 days; 4 days; 5 or more days

How much time will you be able to set aside for your workouts (not including travel, shower, etc.)?

30 min; 30-60 min; 60-90 min; >90 min;

What level of intensity do you plan to exercise at or think you should be exercising at?

½ asleep; comfortable; break a sweat; hard to talk while exercising; ‘till I drop

How often do you plan on eating a well-balanced and nutritional diet?

1-3 days a week; Weekdays only; Not on the weekend; As best I can

client expectations:

Why do want to work with a Personal Trainer?

What qualities do you think your Personal Trainer should have? (i.e., gender, good personality, a college degree, a good listener, a drill instructor, other?)

Any comments or questions?

Waiver of Liability

I, the undersigned, have answered this Health/Lifestyle History Questionnaire to the best of my ability and knowledge. ______(client initials)

I understand that my failure to do so may place me at risk of sustaining injury from my exercise program. ______(client initials)

I understand that prior to engaging in any exercise programming or physical activity I am required to obtain the consent of my primary care Physician. ______(client initials)

I understand that it is my responsibility to update and inform my Personal Trainer of any health changes that differ from this questionnaire. ______(client initials)

I, the undersigned, understand that to participate in Exercise Programming and/or Fitness Testing this information will be shared with my Personal Trainer. ______(client initials)

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