Health History Intake Form
Your physician today:
Garrett Chumney, MD Do you have a Living Will? Yes No
Teressa Edenfield, ARNP
Linda Deese, ARNP
Today’s Date: ______
Patient’s Name: ______
Date of Birth: ______Age: ______Gender: Male Female
Previous Primary Care Physician (if any): ______
Phone: ______Address: ______
Other Physician’s involved in your care: ______
Reason for visit today: ______
Allergies- (Medication/Food, indicate reaction): None
Medication List: (Please list name/dose/frequency if known)
Family History: (please indicate deceased or alive, medical issues and age)
Father: ______
Mother: ______
Siblings: ______
Grandparents: Maternal: ______
Paternal: ______
Calhoun Liberty Hospital Primary Care ClinicHealth History Intake Form1
Patient Name: ______DOB: ______
Alcohol: None Yes: How many drinks/day ______frequency/week ______what kind ______
Tobacco: None Yes: Chew or Smoke? ______How many/day ______since ______
Caffeine: None Yes: What kind? ______how many/day ______
Other recreational drugs: None Yes: What kind ______How many/day ______
Do you drive? Yes No Do you always wear a seatbelt? Yes No
Do you exercise? Yes No If yes, how much? ______
Social History:
Work: Employed Unemployed Retired Disabled
Current Occupation______Former Occupation ______
Marital Status:MarriedSingleDivorcedDomestic Partner
Sexual Preference:Men Women Both
Children (age): ______
Hobbies: ______
Sports: ______
Pets: ______
Other: ______
Past Surgical History (indicate date if known)
None Bariatric Surgery______
Cataracts______ Hysterectomy______
Lasik ______ Endoscopy______
Tonsillectomy ______ Colonoscopy______
Thyroidectomy ______ Hernia______
Adenoidectomy ______ Spinal Surgery______
Coronary Bypass ______ Tubal Ligation______
Cardiac Stents ______ Bladder Surgery______
Pacemaker ______ Prostate surgery/resection______
Heart Valve ______ C-Section______
Gall Bladder ______ Orthopedic/joints______
Bowel/Stomach Resection ______ Other ______
HospitalizationsImmunizations History
______Tetanusdate: ______
______Flu date: ______
______Pneumonia 23 or 13date: ______
Physical History
Annual Physical Yes No date: ______Physician: ______
Mammogram Yes No date: ______Facility: ______
Bone Density Scan (Dexa) Yes No date: ______Facility: ______
Calhoun Liberty Hospital Primary Care ClinicHealth History Intake Form2
Patient Name: ______DOB: ______
Past Medical History:
Headaches Yes Nodate: ______
Stroke Yes Nodate: ______
Seizures Yes Nodate: ______
Pneumonia Yes Nodate: ______
Diabetes Type: ______ Yes Nodate: ______
Thyroid Disease Type: ______ Yes Nodate: ______
Glaucoma Yes Nodate: ______
Macular Degeneration Yes Nodate: ______
Hearing Loss Yes Nodate: ______
High Blood Pressure Yes Nodate: ______
Blood Clots Yes Nodate: ______
Pulm Emboli (lung clots) Yes Nodate: ______
DVT (leg clots) Yes Nodate: ______
Heart Burn, Reflux Yes Nodate: ______
Stomach Ulcers Yes Nodate: ______
Heart Disease Yes Nodate: ______
Coronary Disease Yes Nodate: ______
MI/Heart Attacks Yes Nodate: ______
Congestive Heart Failure Yes Nodate: ______
Atrial Fibrillation Yes Nodate: ______
Angina Yes Nodate: ______
Valve Disorder Yes Nodate: ______
High Cholesterol Yes Nodate: ______
Gastrointestinal Bleeding Yes Nodate: ______
HepatitisA BC Yes Nodate: ______
HIV/AIDS Yes Nodate: ______
Chronic Wounds Yes Nodate: ______
CancerType: ______ Yes Nodate: ______
Urinary Tract Infections Yes Nodate: ______
Incontinence Yes Nodate: ______
Kidney Stones Yes Nodate: ______
COPD (Emphysema, Bronchitis) Yes Nodate: ______
Asthma Yes Nodate: ______
Depression Yes Nodate: ______
Bipolar Disorder Yes Nodate: ______
Anxiety Yes Nodate: ______
Fibromyalgia Yes Nodate: ______
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Yes Nodate: ______
Arthritis Yes Nodate: ______
Gout Yes Nodate: ______
Osteoporosis Yes Nodate: ______
Prostate Disease Yes Nodate: ______
Breast Disease Yes Nodate: ______
Erectile Dysfunction Yes Nodate: ______
Other: ______
Calhoun Liberty Hospital Primary Care ClinicHealth History Intake Form3
Patient Name: ______DOB: ______
Review of Systems( Yes or No for symptoms in past 6 months, Circle for symptoms TODAY)
Constitutional/Endocrine FEMALE Reproductive
Yes NoFever Yes NoHot flashes
Yes NoChills Yes NoBleeding after menopause
Yes NoWeakness/Fatigue Yes NoExcessive menstrual bleeding
Yes NoWeight Loss Yes NoUnusual vaginal discharge
Yes NoWeight GainAge at onset of menstruation ______
Yes NoInsomnia1st day of last menstruation ______
Yes NoSnoring Yes NoMenstrual pain/cramps
Yes NoExcessive thirst Yes NoSpotting between periods
Yes NoExcessive urinationLast PAP smear: ______Results:______
Yes NoCold or Heat intoleranceHistory of Abnormal PAP? Yes No if so, when ______
Total Pregnancies: ______
Yes NoSore Throat
Yes NoStiff neck
Yes NoChange in your voiceCardiac
Yes NoSinus Drainage Yes NoChest Pain
Yes NoSinus headache Yes NoPalpitation
Yes NoNose Bleeds Yes NoIrregular heartbeat
Yes NoEar ache/drainage Yes NoExercise intolerance
Yes NoHearing Loss Yes NoLeg Swelling
Yes Noringing in your earsOther: ______
Yes NoBlurred Vision/loss
Yes NoWear glasses/contactsRespiratory
Yes NoItchy/watery eyesYes NoPersistent Cough
Yes NoDental problemsYes NoCoughing up blood
Other: ______ Yes NoWheezing
Yes NoCan’t breathe laying flat
GastrointestionalOther: ______
Yes NoNausea/vomiting
Yes NoDifficulty swallowingSkin
Yes NoHemorrhoids Yes NoRashes/Hives
Yes NoDiarrhea Yes NoSkin discoloration
Yes NoConstipation Yes NoLesions/moles/warts
Yes NoBloody or Black Stools Yes NoUlcers
Yes NoAbdominal pain Yes NoItching
Yes NoHeart burn/indigestion Yes NoNail Problem
Yes NoFrequent use of laxatives Yes NoUnusual hair loss
Other: ______ Yes Noeasy bruising
Other: ______
Yes NoPain or burning with urinationPsych
Yes NoUrinary frequency (Night or Day) Yes NoDepressed mood
Yes NoBlood in urine/ dark urine Yes NoSuicidal thoughts/plans
Yes NoIncontinence Yes NoAgitation/Irritability
Yes NoSlow starting or stopping urine Yes NoInsomnia
Other: ______ Yes NoAnxiety
Yes NoFrequent crying spells
Genital/Sex Organs Other: ______
Yes NoPenile Discharge
Yes NoTesticular lump/painNeurologic
Yes NoBreast Pain/discharge/Lump Yes NoFrequent headaches
Yes NoPainful intercourse Yes NoSeizures
Yes NoLack of sexual desire Yes NoSyncope (passing out)
Yes NoProblems with performance Yes NoLimb weakness
Other: ______ Yes NoLimb numbness
Yes NoDizziness
Musculoskeletal Yes NoDifficulty Swallowing
Yes NoJoint pains/stiffness Yes NoBalance issues
Yes Nojoint swelling Yes NoTremors
Yes NoMuscle weakness Yes NoRigidity
Yes NoBack pain Yes NoHistory of Falls
Yes NoMuscle spasms/crampsOther: ______
Yes Nofalling
Other: ______
Calhoun Liberty Hospital Primary Care ClinicHealth History Intake Form4