Health Skills
CCG: Demonstrate ability to use health skills, to obtain and interpret information, to manage personal behaviors and to advocate for healthy and safety issues. / AI – Identify and access resources for basic health and safety information; SI – Demonstrate ways to avoid unsafe situations and practice healthy behaviors; INF – Identify influences on health related behaviors including methods of persuasion; IC – Demonstrate positive communication skills; GS – Set short-term personal goals to enhance health and safety; DM – Use a decision making model to make decisions that enhance health and safety; A – Advocate for healthy and safe behaviors at home and at school; SM- Self Management / Instructional Resources
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Use Prevention
CCG: Demonstrate interpersonal communication, analyzing influences, and advocacy skills while understanding the impact of drug prevention. /
  • Understand harmful effects of tobacco and alcohol
  • State reasons why young people should not use tobacco and alcohol
  • Demonstrate ways to avoid second-hand smoke (SM)
  • Identify drug types
  • Describe and apply refusal skills
  • Live Tobacco Free

Prevention and Control of Diseases
CCG: Demonstrate self management and advocacy skills while understanding the relationships among health behavior and prevention of disease. /
  • Describe and demonstrate personal health care practices that prevent the spread of communicable diseases - hand washing, cover and cough, cover and sneeze, avoid body fluids, avoid unsafe objects, medicines, personal hygiene (SM, INF)
  • Compare and contrast sick and well
  • Healthy Kids Keeping Safe
  • How to Wash My Hands

Promotion of Healthy Eating
CCG: Demonstrate self management, analyzing influences, goal setting and advocacy skills while understanding the components of healthy eating. /
  • Describe the USDA Food Guide Pyramid (INF)
  • Choose healthy snacks (SM)
  • Little D’s Nutrition Expedition

Promotion of Sexual Health
Demonstrate accessing information, interpersonal communication and decision making skills while understanding the components of sexual health. /
  • Explain the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touch (SI/DM)
  • Practice and use refusal skills if someone is touching you inappropriately (SI/DM)
  • Identify an adult to talk with at school, home and in the community (AI)
*TAT /
  • Talking About Touching

Unintentional Injury Prevention
CCG: Demonstrate accessing information, self-management, interpersonal communication, goal setting and decision making skills while understanding the components of injury prevention. /
  • Identify labels on home products that give information about dangerous products and situations (AI)
  • Advocate for safety in and around water (A)
  • Compare and contrast responsible fire use/misuse
  • Practice decision making strategies and make fire safe choices (DM)
  • Demonstrate correct response to smoke alarms (SI)
  • What Can You Do?
  • Kids Health – Fire Safety

Violence and Suicide Prevention
CCG: Demonstrate self-management, analyzing influences and advocacy skills while understanding individual, community and societal factors that prevent, reduce, and/or contribute to violence and suicide. /
  • Identify multiple media sources that contain violent messages (INF/AI)
  • Identify how to report unsafe situations (AI/IC)
  • Demonstrate ways to prevent bullying (AI)
  • Set a goal to engage in pro-social behaviors (GS)
*SS /
  • Second Steps

*TAT = Talking About Touching; *SS = Second Steps; *S2R = Steps to Respect

July 19, 2010