Health and Safety Committee Meeting August/September
9/24/14 at 1:30pm
Attendance: Sonya, Casey, Eli
Fire Drill Expectations:
- Students need to be more behaved and serious to evacuate more quickly from building
- Fire drill behavior coincides with general hallway expectations. Guidelines need to be set and written with enforcement of these rules from all staff at TIS.
- Use assemblies to communicate and teacher fire and other safety education to all students and staff.
- Ideally students should line up single file behind their teacher and walk out of the building in silence remaining in a single file line.
Assembly Ideas:
- Re-teach TIS hand signal for hallways
- Invite fire station to assembly for students- (teaching about stop drop roll and making fire plans at home with parents, ect.). Eli to talk to Fire Marshall on Wed Oct. 1. Need to coordinate dates and times for assemblies before contacting fire station.
- Have kids perform skits to teach all students about expectations. This would work particular well if the students in the skits were the ones found NOT following acceptable behavior.
Enforcement of fire drill expectations:
- Doing a drill without the alarm making whole classes start over if they are not following proper expectations.
- Rewards to one class in assembly so everyone can strive to perform best for a reward.
- Improvement of general hallway behavior and transition time behavior will help improve fire drill behavior.
Proposal: Make Arthur Parking Lot Employee Only Parking
- Employee at Arthur would then be able to give up their parking passes for front office to use as sub or visitor passes.
- Parents should not be parking there to pick up kids at main campus.
- Parents can park on the street if they have a meeting with a staff in Arthur.
- Email proposal to be written and sent.
Hand Washing Signs have been hung in EC Campus.
- Thanks Eli!
Hearing, Sight and Speech Screening at TIS:
- Eli to continue working through PSU for Hearing and Speech
- Sonya to take over Vision Screening. Sonya to locate new vendor and work to coordinate vision screening. Contact OHSU, The Eye Institute, to come do our vision screenings.
Free Lead Screenings for Kids under 6:
- Eli to make google document for parents who may be interested in a lead screening for their children as recommended by Portland City. If enough interest we may move forward to having a lead screening at the EC campus. Test is a finger prick with results in 5 minutes.
Safety Contractor Update:
- To be used in a TBD limited capacity due to time constraints.
- Working with Sean to develop up to date forms including incident reports
- Proposal for Sean to create safety videos for our school. These videos will be sustainable and long lasting for our school for many years. Can be shown to new employees. Each training video will be under 10 minutes with 4 questions to answer at the end of the video.
- Video’s create a controlled and standardized training for all employees and can be watched anytime. (all-faculty meetings, free time, professional development days)
- Difficult to train employees at different times with different groups, training never is the same and important information can be forgotten.
- Controlled training videos will give consistency for new hires on what to do in an emergency.
- Member to write email proposal to hire Contractor to develop these safety videos for our school.
Proposal: Leadership team member to join Health and Safety committee:
- It is necessary to either have Robert, Ron, Abby, or Maria A join and attend our monthly meeting.
- Or to have a member of the committee present our pertinent meeting information at the leadership meeting on Wednesday mornings to keep leadership aware of our proposals and recommendations to keep this school as safe as possible.
H&S Meeting to be changed to 2nd Tuesday of each Month
- Next meeting Tuesday October 14th. In the main Arthur Conference Room.
Emails to send:
- Proposal for Sean, outside contractor, to make safety videos for our school
- Proposal for assemblies to have some health and safety focus this year. Also to have fire department visit our school and present at an assembly.
- Proposal for Arthur parking lot to be employee only parking
- Proposal for either a leadership member to attend our meetings or a H&S member to present information to leadership team on Wednesday mornings.