
True/False. Place “+” next to each true statement, “o” next to each false statement. (1 point each)

1.High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) is known as the “good” cholesterol.

2.Some stress is necessary for optimal performance.

3.Veins carry blood away from the heart to the rest of the body.

4.In personality research, Erik Erikson is considered a developmental theorist.

5.Monosaccharides and polysaccharides are forms of carbohydrate.

6.Of all cancer forms, testicular cancer is the most common cancer among men.

7.In chronic bronchitis, the cilia-lined cells along the respiratory tract multiply.

8.An embolus is when a piece of tissue, a blood clot or other foreign body circulates in the blood and becomes trapped in a blood vessel too small to let it pass.

  1. A manic episode is an example of a mood disorder.

10.In the alarm phase of the general adaptation syndrome, the body attempts to return to its normal state.

11.In asthma, a person’s airway opens too widely, leading to too much oxygen within the lungs.

12.According to the Mayo Clinic abstract cited in class reading, a person with high “optimism” scores is more likely to report fewer work or daily activity problems as a result of physical health.

13-22. Matching. Below are a group of terms and a group of phrases. Match the appropriate phrase in Group B with the term in Group A, by placing the appropriate letter in Group B next to the appropriate Group A term. (NOTE: Only 1 correct answer for each Group A item. There are more Group B descriptions than needed; 1 point each)

Group A

malignant tumorarteriosclerosis

metastasisbioelectrical impedance analysis

differentiationnear infrared reactance

ischemiapost-traumatic stress disorder

myocardial infarctionobsessive compulsive disorder

Group B

A.A body composition method requiring immersion under water.

  1. A body composition method where height, weight and frame size are determined.
  2. A body composition method requiring a small, painless electrical current be conducted through the body.

D.A body composition assessment method based on the principles of light absorption, reflectance, and near infrared spectroscopy.

E.A body composition method using a low-radiation dose x-ray beam to determine the amounts of fat, muscle and bone in the body.

F.A type of tumor with less of a tendency to invade, less tendency to spread throughout the body

  1. A type of tumor with more of a tendency to invade more tendency to spread throughout the body
  2. The spread of cancer through the body.
  3. A form of cancer affecting only the blood-forming cells of the body.
  4. Refers to how closely cancerous cells resemble their cells of origin.
  5. A condition in which a piece of tissue, blood clot or other foreign body traveling in the bloodstream causes a blockage in a blood vessel.
  6. A general term meaning “hardening of the arteries”
  7. An irregular heartbeat
  8. Another term meaning “heart attack”
  9. Another term meaning “stroke”
  10. Plaque buildup in the arteries
  11. A decreased blood flow to bodily tissue.
  12. An anxiety disorder: the person experiences a vague sense of dread or worry across many situations.
  13. An anxiety disorder: the person experiences distress as a result of reliving a disturbing event
  14. An anxiety disorder: the person is preoccupied with an irrational thought or perception and may subsequently engage in behavior reflecting the irrational thought (e.g. bathing many times as a result of a preoccupation with cleanliness)
  15. An anxiety disorder: the person experiences an intense fear over a specific object or situation.

Multiple Choice. Indicate the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence or answers the question. You can do so by underlining the correct answer or writing the letter associated with the correct answer after the question.(1 point)

23. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a group of disorders that affect breathing and can lead to death. Which of the below is a COPD disorder?

a. influenzac. emphysema

b. acute pneumoniad. all of the above are COPD disorders

24. Of the four groups of medications below, select the one group containing a medication that is NOT used to treat a cardiovascular condition or prevent a cardiovascular episode.

  1. Aspirin, diuretics, calcium channel blockers, beta blockers
  2. Ace inhibitors, statins, diuretics, beta blockers
  3. Acetaminophen, statins, calcium channel blockers, diuretics
  4. Calcium channel blockers, ace inhibitors, statins, diuretics

25. Which of the below stress management techniques requires specialized equipment to allow an individual to learn how to control his or her physical stress responses?

a. progressive muscle relaxationc. autogenic training

b. biofeedbackd. none of the above

26. Which of the below list of foods would be a good source of Vitamin B12?

a. cauliflower, spinach, green tea, kale

b. leafy green vegetables and soy products

c. fish, milk, eggs, meat, poultry

d. sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, cantaloupe

27. Which of the below is TRUE regarding eating disorders?

  1. Eating disorders are restricted to the United States.
  2. Eating disorders are very rare, occurring in only one of every 1000 people.
  3. In bulimia, extreme weight control measures are usually the same across all groups of people.
  4. Binge eating disorder is more common than anorexia nervosa

28. The four “R’s” of precontemplation stage within the “Stages of Change” model are:

  1. Reluctance, rationalization, resignation, rebellion.
  2. Reliance, rebellion, resignation, rationalization
  3. Reluctance, resonation, rebellion, rationalization
  4. Relaxation, reluctance, rebellion, realization
  5. None of the above

29. Which of the below is a water-soluble vitamin?

a. Vitamin Ac. Vitamin E

b. Vitamin Cd. Vitamin K

30. Which of the below is NOT one of the seven “C-A-U-T-I-O-N” warning signs of cancer?

  1. Unexplained fatigue
  2. A sore that will not heal
  3. Nagging cough or hoarseness
  4. A change in bowel or bladder habits

31. Which personality type is more prone to cancer complications?

a. Type Ac. Type C

b. Type Bd. Type X

32. Olestra is:

a. a protein-based fat substitute that is not digested well by the body.

b. a carbohydrate-based fat substitute that is not digested well by the body.

c. a fat-based fat substitute that is not digested well by the body.

d. a sugar-based artificial sweetener.

Short Answer. Provide brief but complete answers to the following items.

33. Create a diet for one day that reflects recommendations of one food pyramid of your choice. List all foods and beverages created in the one-day diet AND be sure to identify the food pyramid you have chosen. (3 points)

34. Describe schizophrenia AND identify two of its five forms. (2 points)

35. Describe what is thought to cause Type Ia diabetes, Type Ib diabetes, and Type II diabetes. (3 points)

36. Describe how smoking contributes to atherosclerosis. (2 points)

37. Describe how ONE of the following factors are related to obesity: autoimmune thyroid disease, biochemical theory, fat cell theory, “external factors.” (1 point)

38. Describe TWO of the following eating disorders: binge eating disorder, muscle dysmorphia, anorexia nervosa, nocturnal sleep-related eating disorder. (2 points)

39. List two daily hassles and two daily uplifts you experienced in the past week. Explain why these hassles and uplifts affect your stress level. (3 points)

40. You are insulin. Describe HOW you move glucose into a cell. (2 points)


Describe one complication (not symptom) associated with diabetes. (1 point)

Describe the “contemplation” stage for the following behavioral change: improving social health by interacting more frequently with others. (1 point)

Why might the Seattle area population experience a higher occurrence of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)? List two symptoms of this disorder. (2 points)