State of California

Health and Human Services Agency

Department of Rehabilitation

California Vendors Policy Committee (CVPC)

Training Subcommittee Meeting

Friday June 19, 2015: Meeting will begin at 11AM and end at 12PM, or whenever subjects are covered prior to 12:00 PM
Meeting Location: Department of Rehabilitation, Room 601
721 Capitol Mall Sacramento, CA 95814
Teleconference Line: (877) 960-8987
Participant Passcode: 7865103
The following are the locations of CVPC Training Subcommittee Members who will be participating by teleconference:

Chair Person
Roy Harmon

31625 Highway 101 S.

Soledad, Ca 93960

Sandy Balani

7785 11th St.

Buena Park, CA 90621

Ron Long
630 East Mountain View St.
Barstow, CA 92311
Joanie Patche

1212 Woodside Glen Way,

Sacramento, CA 95833

Barbara Moore

1228 N St. #12,

Sacramento, CA 95814

Andy Brown

6912 Monte Casino Way,

Sacramento, CA 95828

Michael Hatch

1004 Clair Ave.,

Corcoran, CA 93212

Max Duarte
111749 Harding Court
Chino, CA 91710

Andrew Kilpatrick

1006 Greenway Road

Oceanside, CA 92057

Debbie Peart

1762 North Bend Dr.,

Sacramento, CA 95835

Anthony Cooper

493 Palisade St.

Pasadena, CA 91103


1. Welcome and Roll Call
The Subcommittee Chair will welcome and conduct roll call. Rules of muting for phones will be reminded for attendees.

2. Teleconference Participation

Members of the Subcommittee will discuss guidelines and expectations for participation in Training Subcommittee teleconferences.

3. 2015 BEP Vendor Training Plans

The Subcommittee will begin discussion of next year’s BEP Vendor Training. Topics will include:

a.  Narrowing down a date

b.  Discussion of possible locations

c.  Discussion of possible themes

d.  Speakers and Presenters

e.  Exhibitors

f.  Possible sponsors

g.  Other germane items

4. Subcommittee Assignments

Members will discuss assignments for Training Subcommittee members and other interested volunteers.

5. Certification for BEP Vendors to Train BEP Students

The Subcommittee will discuss the process of certification for BEP vendors who train BEP students.

6. BEP Program Requirements

The Subcommittee will discuss possible changes to the requirements for acceptance into the Business Enterprises Program.

7. Adjourn

Public Participation - Interested members of the public are invited to attend the meeting in person or to join via the conference line.
To ensure all attendees can hear the committee members, and the speakers, those joining via the conference line are requested to mute their phone. If your phone does not have mute function, pressing *6 will toggle mute on/off.
This Meeting Notice and Agenda can also be accessed at the following website address:

Supplemental Meeting materials will be available for public viewing at the meeting site and can also be requested in alternate format from the contact person listed below.
Questions or clarification on agenda topics can be made to the contact person listed below.
Pursuant to Government Code Sections 11123.1 and 11125(f), individuals with disabilities who require accessible alternative formats of the agenda and related meeting materials, and/or auxiliary aids/services to participate in the meeting can make their request to the contact person listed below by telephone or e-mail. The Requests must be received 7 days prior to the meeting.
All agenda items are for information, discussion and/or action. All times are approximate and provided for general planning convenience only. Public Comments are allowed at the end of each discussion topic and limited up to 2 minutes per person. Additionally, public comments may only be on the most recent topic.
Contact Person

Stacy Cervenka

Advisory Committee Analyst

Specialized Services Division

(916) 558-5380