Health and Healthcare Problems: Group Discussion Issues you might focus upon:
1. What is role of “cultural sensitivity “ in HC? How do health and healthcare vary by class, race & ethnicity, gender, and age? What lifestyle factors are tied to Health & how so (e.g., diabetes, cancer, etc.)? How did US HC system evolve into present form? Role of interest groups / medical industrial complex? How do student projects promote health in communities? (D&B ch. 9)
2. How does US compare internationally in Healthcareaccess / coverage, spending/fundingand in health-well-being statistics? & what are health consequences of not having H. insurance?What are 3 main models of HC systems? (Russell rdg. 43; C& V, D&B ch. 9; Brill web rdg..)
3. Is Access to Healthcare a Human Right? Why or why not? What is moral basis for HC as right? Vulnerable groups get special rights? What are Health Disparities? What are barriers to HC in=& how to remove them? (Dougherty rdg. 42 in C&V)What groups –age, income, race& ethnicity -- are more likely to not have access to HC? Why are people uninsured? How can reduce # of uninsured? (Swartz, rdg. 41 in C&V; D&B, ch 9)
4. What are the main problems of US Healthcare system re: cost & price? How does that make for in= in HC? How much does US spend on HC, & how much are we overspending? What is a hospital “chargemaster”?What are examples of over-charging? How profitable are non-profit hospitals? How profitable are pharmaceutical companies and medical device companies and HC labs & out-patient care? How much does HC industry lobby govt.? (Brill web rdg.)
5. Why is US healthcare so expensive in some communities compared to others? How is HC cost related to quality? E.G., what are differences between McAllen, Tx and El Paso, Tx, & what explains them? What steps have led to lower HC costs? What is role of Drs? What is role of Accountability? (Gawande web rdg.) What is role of drug costs, insurance industry, medical technology(D&B Ch 9; Brill web rdg., Swartz rdg. 41 in C&V_),
6. What is the role of HMO’s/Insurance companies costs & deciding who’s covered for what & who is covered at all?What are the 3 models to provide HC coverage to population (Swartz rdg. 41 C&V, Russell rdg. 43 in Ch. & Vig,).
7. What is the role of thePharmaceutical Industry in Healthcare & problems: How are prices vs. costs of production? How much goes to Research and Development compared to profits? (Brill web rdg.)
8. How is Diabetes expanding, related to obesity, related to “obesogens” as well as diet and lifestyle? What role does Environmental Exposure play compared to Genetics in causing Breast Cancer? What diseases is BPA linked to? (Brown et al. web rdg).
9. Overall, how are VESTED INTERESTSof the “Medical Industrial Complex” in maintaining the status-quo-- in Pharmaceutical industry, Health Insurance industry, Medical Technology companies, Hospitals, Doctors, etc? (D&B ch. 9) How do they compare with the Public Interest? What should be done in your view?