Headteacher: K Berry

Deputy Headteacher: G Hughes

158 Whitegate Drive



Telephone: (01253) 764130

Fax: (01253)600670

Email Address:

November 2016


Park Community Academy is a Community Special Academy for boys and girls aged 2 - 19 years from Blackpool and surrounding areas. There are currently 228 pupils on roll.

Park Community Academy is a founder member of the Blackpool Multi Academy Trust, along with Devonshire Academy and Anchorsholme Primary Academy. The Multi Academy Trust was established on1st September 2013.From April 2014 the Multi Academy Trust has been responsible for the sponsorship of Revoe Learning Academy, also in Blackpool.

From September 2015, the Local Authority has commissioned Park Community Academy to offer a 16 place Post 16 provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs. Park Community Academy will offer a three year programme providing education up to the age of 19 and is an exciting new expansion for the Academy.

Blackpool Council’s Children and Young People’s Department have retained their statutory duties with regards to admitting children into the Academy.


The Academy is situated in a pleasant area of the well-known seaside resort of Blackpool, approximately one-mile inland from the town centre and sea front. Nearby is the large open space and recreational and sports area of Stanley Park, and in close proximity to the newWhitegate Drive Health Centre and Woodlands School for pupils with S.L.D/PMLD.

The Buildings and Site

The original school was opened in September 1960, and the architecture reflects the style of that period. The main building is on one level and comprises of a general-purpose school hall with a kitchen adjoining, a primary wing with four classrooms; a secondary wing with four classrooms; a science room; a technology room; and a food technology room. The main reception and offices and the staffroom are situated centrally.There are three outlying "teaching blocks". The Infants and Foundation Stage are based in the new purpose built 'Jubilee Building' which comprises of two classrooms, and additional specialist provision including a dedicated therapy base and sensory and soft play areas, which opened in May 2002. In April 2004 the refurbishment of a derelict stable building was completed at a cost approaching half a million pounds. The building provides a dedicated ICT suite, school library, three further classrooms and additional office space situated in a two storey building. In January 2012, after a six month closure a third out building, now known as the ‘Diamond Building’ was completely refurbished to provide a superb new dedicated Art Room and ‘state of the art’ Performing Arts Studio.

An adjacent building, Westbury Lodge, which was previously a residential care home for children, was refurbished to provide a new co-located Sixth Form base with Woodlands School. This opened in April 2016 and renamed Westbury Sixth Form Centre.

Outside is a large playing field, floodlit Multi Use Games Area, trim trail, separate playgrounds for infants, juniors and seniors and a car parking area.

Building Developments

In the last 18 years the Academy and the Local Authority have invested substantially in improving the site, facilities, security and learning areason the school site.

This has included:

  • Provision of a specialist Science room.
  • The installation of a 24 hour closed circuit television surveillance system.
  • Electronic Security locks to all external doors.
  • Improved security lighting.
  • Installation of low-line ceilings and new lighting throughout the school.
  • Refurbishment of the secondary school yard.
  • New playground area for Key Stage 2.
  • Refurbishment of Food Technology Room to include height adjustable units.
  • Refurbishment of main entrance and reception area with improved disability access and additional office space.
  • Refurbishment of main office, resource area and new staffroom.
  • Floodlit Multi use games area for school and community use.
  • Refurbishment and extension to Headteacher’s Office.
  • New disabled toilet and shower room.
  • Refurbishment of School Hall and installation of new lighting rig and electronic curtains to staging.
  • Refurbishment of all Junior Classrooms (2008/09)
  • Refurbishment of all Secondary Classrooms (2009/10)
  • Provision of a new office space for the Learning Mentor (2010).
  • Revised vehicular access to the school site and creation of a new 20 place car park at the rear of the school (April 2010).
  • Refurbishment and extension of existing buildings to create a new Expressive Arts Block for school and community use, consisting of a Performing Arts studio and fantastic new Art room, along with additional office space for administrative purposes. (January 2012).
  • Full redecoration of the Jubilee and Stables buildings (August 2013).
  • Refurbishment and extension of KS1 and KS2 playgrounds and outdoor learning areas (April 2014).
  • New cladding to exterior of main building (April 2014).
  • Refurbishment of the primary and secondary toilets in the main school buildings. (August 2015)
  • Refurbishment of boys and girls changing rooms. (August 2015)
  • Refurbishment of new Sixth Form centre (April 2016)
  • With effect from January 2017 construction work commences on a new 5 classroom teaching block in the Primary Department.

The Pupils

All pupils admitted into the school have a Statement of Special Education Needs or an Education, health & Care Plan dependent on their date of admission. The children have a range of learning needs associated with moderate to severe learning difficulties, complex learning difficulties including autistic spectrum disorders, sensory difficulties and associated social emotional and behavioral difficulties and challenging behaviours.Many are admitted either from local mainstream Schools or Nurseries. However, because of the nature of Blackpool there is a significant transient population, and some pupils move into the area with only partly completed statements or EHCP’s. Children are regularly admitted at any time throughout the school year.

Our pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum adapted to meet the needs of each individual. In addition to gaining language, mathematical, scientific, technological, artistic and physical skills, our aim is for children to build confidence, develop self-reliance, learn to make decisions and develop the ability to express feelings and ideas.

We also attach great importance to the personal, social and moral development of pupils, and seek to enable them to build positive relationships with other pupils and adults, and to be sensitive to the feelings and needs of others. We work hard to ensure that all pupils feel good about themselves and acquire a high level of self-esteem in order to promote self-confidence.

Home to school transport is provided by the Local Authoritywhere appropriate and older pupils are encouraged to travel independently where feasible.

The Staff

  • Senior Leadership Team of Headteacher, one Deputy Headteacher, and two Assistant Headteachers, one Academy Business Manager.
  • Four phase Team Leaders (TLR Allowance) who have a curriculum, pastoral and team leadership responsibility for one age phase of the school.
  • Lead Behavioral Professional (TLR Allowance)
  • Lead Teacher (TLR Allowance)
  • Head of Faculty and Director of Specialism (TLR Allowance)

All teaching staff have leadership responsibilities for curriculum areas across the whole school at either primary or secondary level.

The Head, Deputy, Assistant Headteachers, Team Leaders and Academy Business Manager meet regularly as a School Management Team. All other staff meet within Keystage teams or curriculum development teams. There are twice weekly morning staff briefings and whole school staff meetings are held as appropriate.

Nursery Nurses and Special Support Assistants are integral members of each Key Stage Team. At present there are 26 such posts, including 3 Higher Level Teaching Assistants. Support Staff are also deployed specifically to support mainstream links for our pupils in local primary and secondary settings as required.


The School was last inspected in May 2015 and the pupils, parents, staff and Governors were all very proud when the ‘overall effectiveness of the school’ was judged as ‘Outstanding’. The school was also judged as ‘Outstanding’ in it’s previous full Inspections in October 2009 and May 2007.

The most recent report highlighted the many strengths of the school:-

  • Park Community Academy is an exceptional school and every aspect of its work is outstanding.
  • The professional development of staff at all levels is given the highest priority.
  • Pupils make outstanding progress from their usually very low starting points.
  • Pupils have excellent attitudes to learning and a ‘can-do’ approach to their lessons because of the strong, supportive relationships they enjoy.
  • Park is a very happy place.
  • Governance, leadership and management at all levels are exceptional.
  • The Academy has developed excellent partnerships, not only with the other academies in the Trust but by offering support and guidance to other schools in the Local Authority.
  • PCA ensures safeguarding procedures are highly effective and parents are hugely appreciative of the care the Academy takes for their children’s well-being and safety.
  • Lessons are calm and purposeful.
  • Attendance is above average and higher than other similar schools which is a reflection of the pupils’ desire to be in school.
  • Standards of teaching are high in all areas of the academy and have risen since the previous inspection as a result of extensive professional development.
  • Progress across all key stages is outstanding. Pupils make outstanding progress in reading, writing and mathematics from their low starting points, so that, by the time they leave the Academy, pupils have narrowed the gap between their attainment and that of other pupils nationally.
  • The stimulating, rich and varied curriculum supports pupils’ personal development exceptionally well. There is a clear enjoyment for learning and pupils are aspirational and determined to achieve well.
  • The early years provision is led and managed exceptionally well by a very knowledgeable and experienced manager.

The full report can be viewed at ‘schools’

Park Community Academy is also proud to say it has received the following awards:

  • Designated as a Specialist Arts College (Sep 2010)
  • Artsmark Gold (2012)
  • ‘Outstanding Teacher’ Award – Blackpool Council Achievement Awards (2012)
  • Distinction in the Category of ‘Outstanding New Teacher of the Year’ – Pearson Teaching Awards (2012)
  • ‘Inspirational Teacher Award’ – Blackpool Gazette (2012)
  • ‘Teacher of the Year’ – Radio Wave Hero’s in the Community (2012)
  • PE School of the Year – Blackpool Sports Council (2013)
  • ECO Award Sustainable School Award – Blackpool Gazette (2013)
  • Eco School’s Green Flag (2014)
  • Investors In People - Silver (March 2014)
  • Learning Outside The Classroom Silver Accreditation (March 2014)
  • School Fest Grand Final Winners – Blackpool Council (2014)
  • Sainsburys School Games Gold Award (2014)
  • School of the Year – Blackpool Community Sports Awards (2015)


The school is an OFSTED registered provider of Out of School Care. After School Clubs are provided three nights per week from 3.30pm – 4.30pm, offering a range of sports, leisure, recreational, musical, artistic and technology based activities for pupils of primary and secondary age completely free of charge.

In July 2007 the School’s Summer Activity Scheme was also inspected by OFSTED. The overall quality and standards of care provided by the school were judged as ‘Outstanding’ in all areas.

The full report can be viewed at – ‘out of school care’

The Governors' Curriculum Statement

"The Park Community Academy Curriculum will aim to follow the general principles laid down in the Blackpool Council Curriculum Document, with a particular emphasis on providing for the Special Educational Needs of each pupil.

Pupils will have access to the Foundation Stage and the full breadth of the National Curriculum, having due regard for the relevance to each pupil at their particular age and development level.

The progress of each pupil will be regularly assessed to guide the work of the teachers. Parents will be kept informed of progress and will be encouraged to participate in the education of their child through regular discussion and the review process.

Special emphasis will be placed upon the concept of the development of the whole child through personal, social, physical and spiritual development."


The School caters for the whole age range from 2 year olds right up to the 19 year olds. Therefore, although Park Community Academy is in spirit and purpose "One School", the organisation of the School takes into account differing educational, social, and physical needs of the pupils through the age groups.

The School is organised into the five stages of education defined by the National Curriculum:

KEY-STAGE 1: Yrs. R, 1 & 2Lower Primary

KEY-STAGE 2: Yrs. 3 to 6Upper Primary

KEY-STAGE 3: Yrs. 7 to 9Lower Secondary.

KEY-STAGE 4: Yrs. 10 and 11Upper Secondary.

KEY STAGE 5 Year 12Sixth Form


The teaching staff is organised into five teams, one for each of these Key-stages. The teams also include nursery nurses or special support assistants who work closely with the teachers. The work within each Key-stage is organised by a senior team member called a "Team Leader".

Although each teacher is allocated to a particular team they may occasionally work within a different Key-stage for a particular subject.


The pupils are placed in tutor groups or “classes” with children of similar age. Each class is in the charge of a Class Teacher or Form Tutor. Should you have any issues relating to your son/daughters’ education or welfare, then this member of staff would have direct responsibility and an overview for their well being, progress and care on a day to day basis.

As pupils get older and they move up the school, they tend to spend less time with just one teacher. However, even in Key-stage 3, 4 and 5, they will not meet as many different teachers each day as they would in a High School.

Because of the flexibility of teaching options within each Key-stage, occasionally special arrangements can be made for a pupil to work with a higher or lower group than their own if it is to their advantage. This is monitored carefully, and every effort is made to ensure that each pupil progresses normally through the Key-stages.


At break-times

The pupils mix socially within their own age bands. There are separate infant, junior and secondary playgrounds which allows for the differing physical size and styles of play.

Off-Site Teaching

Pupils in Years 10, 11 and the Sixth Form will sometimes travel to a different venue for their learning. For instance:

GCSE Courses

Groups of pupils from Years 10 and 11 attend South Shore Academy and Highfield Humanities College on a part time basis to access a range of GCSE courses. A member of staff from Park Community Academy provides in class support.

College Link Coursesfor Year 11 and Year 12 pupils are held on one of several sites of the Blackpool and Fylde College. These courses are led by College staff with discreet support provided by staff from School.

Pupils also attend Myerscough Agricultural and Horticultural College at Garstang.

Swimming lessonsare provided for pupils in 3, 4, 5 and 6 at Moor Park Pool. Transport is provided.

Each pupil is able to progress at his or her own level and is able to gain recognised swimming certificates to demonstrate progress.


The school curriculum is designed to cover all the subjects of the National Curriculum. These subjects and "cross-curricular" subjects are listed on this page.

How these subjects are taught and the depth of detail depends on i)the age of the pupils

ii)the ability of each pupil

Core subjects -English



Information Technology

Foundation subjectsHistory





Physical Education

Modern Foreign Language (French)

Technology: (including Design Technology, Food Technology)

Religious Education

(Parents have the right to withdraw their child from R.E.)

The following Cross-curricular areas are incorporated within the curriculum.

Personal and Social Education
Life Skills

Health Education

Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG)

Work Experience/Voluntary Work

Environmental Education

Industry Education Liaison

Economic and Industrial Understanding

European Awareness

Equal Opportunities

Multi-cultural Education

Special Educational Needs.

Of course, there is a lot more to the Curriculum than just the list of subjects given above. Each pupil attending our school is here because they need a different approach to their learning. At the heart of the education of each pupil is their Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP). Through the Statement and the Annual Review the most important educational targets are highlighted. These usually concentrate on three areas:

1.Speech, Language, and Literacy - Learning to communicate effectively through the spoken and written word.

2.Numeracy - Learning to understand number and to manage money, measurement, etc.

3.Personal and Social Education - Learning to care for oneself properly, and to give care and consideration for others.

The targets in the Statement are put into an Individual Education Programme for each pupil which then applies to the teaching and learning across the whole curriculum.

The Wider Curriculum

A wide range of activities is open to the pupils to enrich their experience of school life. Examples of the wider curriculum are: