Ravens Ball

March 21, 2015

Hotel Captain Cook

Heads & Tails Beads Sellers

Time: 6:00pm to 8:30pmTeam Lead:

Heads & Tales Duties:

Heads & Tails is a game played by guests who have purchased bead necklaces to enter the game. The MC will announce that anyone who is wearing beads please stand and choose either heads or tails and they must place their hands on either their head or their behind. A coin is tossed and announced and if the guest chose correctly they remain in the game without consequence. If they choose incorrectly they must remove a set of beads to continue onto the next coin toss. The Coin toss is repeated until there are only 2 people left standing with beads at the front of the ballroom and one of them is eliminated and the lone bead wearer becomes the winner of the game.

Heads & Tails beads will be available for purchase throughout the evening at the VIP reception and in the ball room. The MC will announce when the Heads & Tails game will be begin after the Live Auction is complete.

The Ballroom has approximately45 tables, 2 volunteers will be assigned to a section of tables and will be responsible for approaching each table and each guest to sell beads.Your 2 member team will have a money bag, a clip board with bid sheets and will be required to obtain a signature and bid number or the guest can pay cash at the time of purchasing the beads.

The beads are $50for each strand.

Volunteers should be:

Friendly and enthusiastic

Able to make guests aware of registration process, coat check.

Able to address any questions about the program or assist in making accommodations necessary to satisfy the guest prior to the event start

Thank guests for supporting the Healthy Alaska Natives Foundation

Able to encourage and challenge guests to purchase multiple chances to win

Able to talk about the items being won

Remind each guest to hold on to their beads until the game starts

Raven’s Ball Attire:

All volunteers will be asked to wear a black tuxedo, suit or evening gown/dress and you will be provided a colored lanyard that will identify you as a volunteer.


Be aware of the time and know where you should be.

Keep personal cell use to a minimum, keep focus on guests.

Please refrain from drinking alcohol during your volunteer service.

Wear comfortable shoes, or have a backup pair of comfortable shoes. You will be on your feet a lot.

Thank you for volunteering your time!

Without you this event would not be a success!