Tuesday 27 September 2016
Dear Parents
New Staff Member.
A very warm welcome to our new part-time Resource Teacher – Ciara Ní Mhurchú who will be with us two days a week for the coming year. Many of you will already be familiar with Ciara as she spent some of last year with us. We wish her the very best in her new role.
Year/Term Costs:
The school is ever aware of outgoings for parents and have strived to keep our yearly costs to a minimum. External contractor costs have increased and regrettably our term costs have been increased by €5 per term. The cost for Tennis, Music/Drama, Table Tennis,Kuk Sool Won , Heritage Workshops, Surfing, Playball(Junior Room) and Photocopying / Art material this year is €90 per child (or €30 per term).
Payment can be made by term or in a singular full payment. It can be dropped into the office and receipts will be provided.
Christmas Cards Fundraiser
The school has decided to again participate in the Christmas Cards for School Project. The children will design their own Christmas cards and they will be printed with their name, class and school name on the back. Parents will be able to order them in due course. More details to follow.
Christmas Concert:
It has been decided that this year each classroom will put on its own show for the class parents which will be hosted in the school. There will also be a fun Christmas Fair on the day led by the Student Council.
More details nearer the time.
Board Of Management Parental Elections – Female Nominee
Nominations forms for the above-mentioned appointment has been sent to all parents. The closing date for receipt of your nominee is September 29th. More details on the ballot for election to follow.
Upcoming Events to Note:
Tennis classes: These classes have commenced under the tutelage of Alan O’Mahony of Bounce. They are due to finish their 6 week course on Wednesday 26th October.
Textile Recycling(Cash for Clobber) as a school fund raiser will occur again in the new year – more details to follow.
Charity Events:
The undermentioned charity fund raisers will be hosted by the school. All donations will be gratefully accepted on behalf of each charity.
MS Readathon : willcommence on October 09th to November 09th 2016. Please actively encourage your child to participate
Trick or Treat in aid of Temple St, Childrens Hospital will be held on Friday October 28th 2016. Children can dress up in their favourite costume.
Cheerio’sBreakfast Morning in aid of Childlinewill be held on Friday November 11th.
Professional Development Training
Mr. McCarthy will be participating in a Department of Education funded PDSEN (Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education Needs) in UCC for the month of October. Mr Murray will be Acting Principal for this period. The substitute teacher covering the LS/RT will be Ms. Maeve Ronan.
School Closure
The school has been instructed by the DES to close on Monday December 5th to facilitate a full day staff seminar for PDST – Primary Language Curriculum Professional Development training.
Community Childcare Subvention (CCS)
The Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) currently provides financial help towards childcare costs for many families under the Community Childcare Subvention Programme. For further information please check out
Is mise le meas
Edward McCarthy
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Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí Roll No: 18491V