StanningtonInfant School

Stannington Road


S6 6AN

Telephone 0114 2344401

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Head Teacher: Mrs Sarah Binns

Deputy Headteacher: Miss Elizabeth Hart

A Friendly, Creative Environment for Learning Together


StanningtonInfant School is situated on the western outskirts of Sheffield, bordering on open countryside. The well-maintained traditional 1910 stone building is supplemented by a single mobile classroom and a separate dining room. The school has a pleasant outdoor environment with good playground facilities, as well as large grassed areas and a school garden.

Most of our children come from privately owned homes and a small number from municipal housing.

We have an admission limit of 60, with 181 children presently on roll. The school is a popular choice in the community with 33% of children coming from outside catchment.

Governors, parents and staff have high expectations of the education provided at Stannington. National Curriculum results show a high percentage of children achieving Level 2 and above. The school had a very successful Ofsted inspection in February 2007 and October 2009, both of which graded the school as outstanding, we also had an inspection of Creative Learning in October 2008 where the overall effectiveness of our development of creative learning was judged to be outstanding.

We have the primary Basic Skills Quality mark and The Gold Arts Mark. We have also achieved Investors in People status, Leading Parent Partnership Award, HealthySchools and an Active mark. We are an ESCAL accredited school.

There is a well established teaching staff of five full-time, and one job share partnership and part time staff who cover for PPA, one of whom is a language specialist. . Teachers meet regularly to plan and discuss assessments. Non-teaching staff include; 6 teaching assistants, 2 administrative staff, a building supervisor, a cleaner and 6 supervisory assistants. Many of the support staff are part-time.

Parents are welcomed into school; they help in the classrooms and in fund raising events. Their support is also seen in high attendance at parent meetings and school events.

Please visit our website to find out more about the school and see photos of recent activities / successes.

Yours sincerely

Sarah Binns


We’ve got the Basic Skills Agency Quality Mark! We’ve got the Arts Council Gold Award!