CQ Junior Masters Circuit

Co-ordinator: Andrew SelffPO Box 160

E-Mail: MERALD. 4720

Mobile: 0427539955

2015 Circuit Rules & Conditions

To all Junior Masters Tournament Organisers

Firstly Happy New Year and I hope all associations enjoy a great 2015 season.

Qualifying to be eligible to play the final is four tournaments. Note*** Age eligibility is at 31/12/2015 not uncommon birth date as is now appropriate to Open Age Tournaments.

To qualify for circuit prizes, e.g. such as Circuit Prizes (11/u, 13/u 15/u & 17/u) and Player of Year/Month & Sportsmanship Awards (all age groups) players must play at least five circuit events.

To win an age group players must play in five tournaments in that age group in the correct categories. 2x A+, 1xA,, 1xC plus 1 B (ITN) event.

All tournaments of 60 players and over must pay $6.00 per entry and tournaments with less than 60 players must pay $4.00 levy to the CQ Junior Masters Committee. This must be paid and returned with results within 14 days of completion of event.

All tournaments in the Wide Bay region are requested that seedings be done by Murray Whitbread, all events in CQ to be seeded by Andrew Selff and all Central Highlands events by Glenn Vickery. The phone numbers of the seeding committee is listed on the entry form.Head Balls are to be used in all events. Green balls for the 10/u age groups.

In events which have four or less entries runner-up trophies may not be awarded. This decision is up to individual clubs.

The first matches at every A+, A & C Category junior masters tournament in 2015 will be the 13/u & 17/u boys and 15/u girls singles and they are required to attend by 8.00am Saturday Morning. All tournaments start at 8.00am Saturday and Sunday morning unless time is lost on first day and in this case play may start earlier on day 2. All these players who have not attended by 8.15 unless a bye has been awarded or not required to play should be forfeited. In ITN B Category events all players must attend by 8.00am.

Players in the 13/u, 11/u & 10/u events will automatically be entered into both singles and doubles events (no exceptions. Only players in the 15/u age groups will be permitted to play in the 17/u singles events as a second singles event.

The recommended cost of trophies is $20 for singles winners, $12 for singles runners-up, $12.00 each for doubles winners and $8.00 each for doubles runners-up. Trophies for feed-in winners are at the discretion of each club. The 10/u age group is different with event winners to receive a small trophy and all other participants will receive a small prize provided by CQJMC and a participation certificate which will have the singles and doubles position recorded.In ITN B Category event the trophies will be the same cost with no vouchers awarded.

 All Central Representative teams will be selected by best 5 results (A+,A,B & C)

All tournaments are required to vote on the Sportsmanship award and this form must be returned with the levy form and results form at the completion of the event.The winners e.g. all four players awarded points at the event will be presented with a small prize at the event. These prizes will be supplied by the CQJMC.

  • IMPORTANT FOR ROUND ROBINS – (to be adhered to by all tournament directors for all round robins to achieve cohesion)

Winners are determined by:

  • most number of wins
  • if wins same then sets for and against
  • games for and against
  • if all equal then head to head

Good luck to all tournaments and I hope everyone supports as many events as possible to make the 2015 circuit a huge success. All tournaments will receive an allocation of Head prizes to be distributed amongst participants who have not won trophies. Tournaments can rely on receiving at least 8 prizes. These prizes are to be distributed amongst players who have not won trophies (Lucky Losers) one prize for each event in the 11/u, 13/u, 15/u & 17/u boys & girls age groups. Tournament will also receive an allocation of participation prizes for the 10/u players as well as prizes for the Sportsmanship Awards.


Glenn Vickery

Regional Treasurer/Secretary