Evaluate your or a friend’s or family member’s smoking habit. Answer the following questions by circling the appropriate number designating “always,” “frequently,” “occasionally,” “seldom,” or “never.”


A. I smoke cigarettes in order to keep

myself from slowing down.54321

B. Handling a cigarette is part of the enjoyment

of smoking it.54321

C. Smoking cigarettes is pleasant and relaxing.54321

D. I light up a cigarette when I feel angry about


E. When I have run out of cigarettes I find it almost

unbearable until I can get them.54321

F. I smoke cigarettes automatically without even

being aware of it.54321

G. I smoke cigarettes to stimulate me, to perk

myself up.54321

H. Part of the enjoyment of smoking a cigarette comes

from the steps I take to light up.54321

I. I find cigarettes pleasurable.54321

J. When I feel uncomfortable or upset about

something, I light up a cigarette.54321

K. I am very much aware of the fact when I am

not smoking a cigarette.54321

L. I light up a cigarette without realizing I still

have one burning in the ashtray.54321

M. I smoke cigarettes to give me a “lift.”54321

N. When I smoke a cigarette, part of the enjoyment

is watching the smoke as I exhale it.54321

O. I want a cigarette most when I am comfortable

and relaxed.54321

P. When I feel “blue” or want to take my mind off

cares and worries, I smoke cigarettes.54321

Q. I get a real gnawing hunger for a cigarette when

I haven’t smoked for a while.54321

R. I’ve found a cigarette in my mouth and didn’t

remember putting it there.54321

Scoring Your Test: Enter the numbers circled on the test questions in the spaces provided below, putting the number circled to question A on line A, to question B on line B, etc. Add the three scores on each to get a total for each factor. The factors represent reasons for smoking. For example, the sum of the scores over lines A, G, and M gives the score on “Stimulation” as a reason for smoking, the score from lines D, J, and P refer to “Crutch: Tension Reduction” as a reason for smoking, etc. Scores can vary from 3 to 15. Any score 11 and above is high; any score 7 and below is low.



C______+I______+O______=______Pleasure Relaxation

D______+J______+P______=______Crutch: Tension Reduction

E______+K______+Q______=______Craving: Psychological Addiction


Following this survey, take the “Reasons to Quit” (Part B) Survey.


Evaluate the reasons why you would be most likely to stop smoking. Answer the following questions by circling the appropriate number designating that you “strongly agree,” “mildly agree,” “mildly disagree,” or “strongly disagree.”



A. Cigarette smoking might give me a serious illness.4321

B. My cigarette smoking sets a bad example for others.4321

C. I find cigarette smoking to be a messy kind of habit.4321

D. Controlling my cigarette smoking is a challenge to me.4321

E. Smoking causes shortness of breath.4321

F. If I quit smoking cigarettes it might influence others

to stop.4321

G. Cigarettes cause damage to clothing and other


H. Quitting smoking would show that I have willpower.4321

I. My cigarette smoking will have a harmful effect on

my breath.4321

J. My cigarette smoking influences others close to me to

take up or continue smoking.4321

K. If I quit smoking, my sense of taste or smell would


L. I do not like the idea of feeling dependent on a drug.4321

Scoring Your Test

Write the number you have circled after each statement on the test in the corresponding spaces below. Add the scores on each line to get your totals. For example, the sum of your scores A, E, I gives you your score for the health factor. A high score for “health” means that, if you were to quit, health would probably be a contributing reason to your decision. Scores can vary from 3 to 12. Any score of 9 or over is high; 6 or under is low.





Following the scoring of both portions of this assignment, write a one- to two-page summary. Describe the main reasons, based on the score of the “why do you smoke” test, contributing to the smoker’s habit. Also, using the scores from the “why do you want to quit” survey, address the smoker’s likelihood of quitting. If the smoker were to quit, what would be the most likely reasons for doing so, according to the score? If you are evaluating someone other than yourself, comment on what the smoker has to say regarding his or her probability for quitting. Based on the information you have, describe what “stage of change” (from the first week’s online reading) you think best describes the smoker, explaining why. Do you think the person taking the survey will quit? Why or why not? BE SURE TO INCLUDE SCORES FROM ALL CATEGORIES, BOTH SURVEYS.

Due: Monday, May 24

Point Value: 10 points