He has no teeth. (who is Windy?

He dated Lucy before she married Jack.

(Who is Charley?)

The 2nd cookee who has a swearing problem.

(Who is Nevers?)

He spilled syrup and got fired.

(Who is Skip?)

The horse that pulls the swingdingle.

(Who is Danny Boy?)

The female visitors to Blackwater Logging Camp.

(Who is Sister Aggie and Sister Gwen?)


The Dentist is from here. (Where is England?)

The Cut. (Where is the area woods where loggers are harvesting timber?)

Nell’s place. (where’s the fanciest Saloon in Blackwater?)

Boiling up shack. (Where’s the place to bathe and do laundry?)

Under the Tar Paper. (What’s it meant to be back at the logging camp again?)

South Carolina. (Where’s Nevers from?)


Who says “Daylight is the swamp, Ben” (what does Ben’s dad say to wake him up?)

Who says to whom “Either we get engaged right now or else!” (What did Charly say to Ben’s mom)

Who said “Remind Mr. Harrigan his unsolicited comments regarding my private correspondence are NOT appreciated.” (What does Mrs. Wilson say in her letter?]

Who says “Before you boys sit down, let me run through the bunkhouse rules with you” (Who is Windy?)

Who says to whom “En Avril te decourve pas d’unfil” (what does Packey say to Nevers?)

Who’s this about “He’s always got that stub pipe between his teeth. You can tell how hard he’s concentrating by the angle of the pine stem.” (who is Slim?)


A gosinta

(what is a division problem?)

The Chambered Nautilus (what is seashell and the poem Ben has to study in school?)

The Temperature at which the men stay in from logging (what is 58 below?) p. 152

A Turkey

(what is grain sack containing a pr of underwear , pr of socks, razor & strop, red/blue handkerchief?)

Gabriel Horn (what does the cook use to call the men to meal time?)

X-Mas gifts to Pa and Mrs. Wilson (what’s a cutting board and a bird house?)


“Graybacks” (what are lice?)

Helps drive logs downriver to the sawmill after spring breakup

(what is RiverRat or Log Driver?)


(what is a green horn or beginner?)


(what is swamp water?)

Roadmonkey” (What is the person who shovels manure off the icy roads?)

“Blue Butt”

(what is a pine log with a big “bell” at one end?)