Harrison County Schools

Curriculum Guide for Practical Living & Vocational Studies

Course Name: ______Grade Level Targeted: 8th Unit (s): ______

Essential Questions
Course Objectives / Kentucky
Core Content
Version 4.1 /

Key Vocabulary

/ Activities
Assessments /
Personal Wellness – Personal wellness embodies individual well-being which incorporates physical, social, mental, and emotional health. / http://www.knowitall.org/keepitreal/
What are 4 ways to improve communication skills?
How are positive values such as respect, cooperation, being open-minded, etc. important to emotional & social wellness? / PL-08-1.1.01
Students will explain the importance of effective social interaction skills (e.g., respect, self-advocacy, cooperation, communication, identifying and being open to different perspectives and points of view, empathy, friendship). DOK 2 / skills (e.g., respect, self-advocacy, cooperation, communication, identifying and being open to different perspectives and points of view, empathy, friendship) / http://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/cultureandbehavior/bullying/
·  What are some of the important decisions one faces as a middle school student?
·  How does one go about solving a problem/making a decision without causing more problems for themselves?
·  How does one apply the decision making process to real life issues?
·  Will there be trade-offs for some of the decisions one has to make in life?
·  What are effective ways to say “no” to peer pressure?
·  What are possible consequences to giving in to peer pressure?
·  Does there have to be only one “winner” in a conflict situations?
·  What are appropriate ways to settle conflicts?
·  What types of things do you need to make time for?
·  How do you fit everything you need to get done into your schedule?
·  What types of things are “time stealers”?
·  What types of things make me angry?
·  What things happen to me when I express my anger outwardly?
·  What types of things happen when I hold my anger inside?
What can I do to control my anger? / PL-08-1.1.02
Students will recommend and justify effective strategies (e.g., communication, problem solving, decision making, refusal skills, anger management, conflict resolution, relaxation techniques, time management) for responding to stress, conflict, peer pressure, and bullying. DOK 2 / justify effective strategies (e.g., communication, problem solving, decision-making, refusal skills, anger management, conflict resolution, relaxation techniques, time management) / DECISION MAKING/PROBLEM SOLVING
·  Students will get in groups and brainstorm possible issues they currently must deal with.
·  Students will list and interpret the 5 steps in the decision making process.
·  Students will analyze a problem situation in their own life and describe a possible solution to the problem using the decision making steps.
·  Students will evaluate their answer to see if the trade-off appears to lead to a better solution than their normal response.
·  Teacher will give a quiz over the decision making steps
·  Student will be able to describe 7 ways to deal effectively with peer pressure.
·  Students will role play peer pressure situations – tobacco, alcohol, unchaperoned parties, teen sex.
·  Students will select one peer pressure topic and research data on the internet to acquire statistics about negative consequences of that behavior.
·  Teacher will have students assimilate a list of peer refusal skills for a grade.
·  Student will identify possible conflicts people have in the workplace/real life by evaluating a conflict resolution video.
·  Students will examine the role mediation plays in conflict resolution and identify who could serve as a mediator.
·  Student will compare situations where compromise is an appropriate solution and when it is not appropriate (do not compromise values).
·  Students will answer an open response question concerning conflict resolution.
·  Students will get in pairs to make a list of activities they need to make time for (school, homework, sports, eating, sleeping, etc)
·  Student will keep a daily log for a week in 30 minute increments of their activities during a 24 hour period.
·  Student will analyze the log to identify areas of wasted time and make a plan to better utilize their time.
·  Students will explain the benefits of making a “to-do” list each day, prioritizing tasks, avoiding procrastination, reducing interruptions and focusing on one task at a time.
·  Students will keep a daily chart for a week describing what/who makes them angry and how they react to that situation. (Problem, people involved, location, what happened)
·  Students will analyze what negative things happened to them as a result of expressing their anger before thinking about possible consequences.
·  Students will write a poem expressing their feelings when they hold anger inside.
·  School counselor will speak about bottling up anger, ways to express feelings appropriately, and positive ways to manage angry feelings.
What are some physical changes in males during adolescence?
What are some physical changes in females during adolescence?
What are some social changes facing adolescents during puberty? Emotional changes?
What is the driving force behind these changes? / PL-08-1.1.03
Students will explain how physical, social, and emotional changes (e.g., growth spurts, peer influence, self-confidence, mood swings) occur during adolescence. / (e.g., growth spurts, peer influence, self-confidence, mood swings)
What are/is the male reproductive glands? Hormone? Reproductive cell?
What are/is the male reproductive glands? Hormones? Reproductive cell? / PL-08-1.1.04
Students will explain basic structures and function of the reproductive system and its impact on an individual’s well-being.
Why is teenage sexual activity a risky choice?
What are 2 major benefits of choosing abstinence?
What are some ways to say NO to sex? / PL-08-1.1.05
Students will identify the risks (e.g.,
STD’s unwanted pregnancies, HIV/AIDS) to being sexually active and strategies for delaying sexual activity (e.g., using refusal skills, talking with parents, doctors, counselors). / risks (e.g.,
STD’s unwanted pregnancies, HIV/AIDS)
delaying sexual activity (e.g., using refusal skills, talking with parents, doctors, counselors).

Behavioral Choices - Behavioral choices and habits contribute to the promotion of an individual’s physical health, the prevention of illnesses and diseases, and the ability to remain mentally and emotionally healthy.

What is wellness?
What are the 4 parts of health?
What are the components of health-related fitness? How are these components assessed?
How can they be improved?
How are they relevant to total health?
How does the FITT principle relate to achievement & maintenance of physical wellness?
How does exercise benefit social, mental, emotional, & physical wellness?
What role does exercise play in improving the performance of various body systems (e.g., muscular, respiratory, circulatory, etc.)?
What harmful effects do alcohol, tobacco, & drugs have on body systems?
Why is it important to eat healthfully? / PL-08-1.1.06
Students will explain how
Individual behavior
choices and habits
relating to diet, exercise,
rest, and other choices
(e.g., tobacco, alcohol,
illegal drugs) affect body
systems (e.g. circulatory,
respiratory, nervous, digestive). DOK 2 / (protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins, water)
healthy bodies (e.g., strong bones and muscles, energy, healthy organs).
What are ways that diseases can be spread?
What are some behaviors/ways to prevent the spread of disease?
How are communicable & non-communicable diseases alike? Different? / PL-08-
Students will explain symptoms, causes, patterns of transmission, prevention and treatments of communicable (colds, flu/influenza, mononucleosis, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS/STD, tuberculosis) and non-communicable diseases (cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, asthma, emphysema). DOK 3 / (colds, flu/influenza, mononucleosis, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS/STD, tuberculosis) and non-communicable diseases (cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, asthma, emphysema) / http://www.altogether.com/technicalwriting/qualified.htm
What are some physical problems associated with substance abuse? Social problems? Emotional?
Why is it important to eat healthfully?
How can eating disorders harm the body?
Why is teenage sexual activity a risky choice? / PL-08-1.1.08
Students will explain risks associated with unhealthy habits and behaviors (e.g., substance use/abuse of tobacco, alcohol, inhalants, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, dietary habits/eating disorders, irregular exercise habits, sexual activity). DOK 2 / (e.g., substance use/abuse of tobacco, alcohol, inhalants, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, dietary habits/eating disorders, irregular exercise habits, sexual activity)
Why is it important to be cooperative?
What should you do if you suspect a friend has an eating disorder?
What can you do to help a friend deal with depression? Anxiety?
What should you do if you suspect a friend is contemplating suicide? / PL-08-1.1.09
Students will explain causes, symptoms, and prevention of social (e.g., not getting along with others, disagreeable, being uncooperative) mental, and emotional problems (e.g., depression, anxiety, eating disorders). DOK 2
What are some community resources you could turn to for help with an eating disorder? Addiction? Emotional Problems?
What school worker are available for help? / PL-08-1.1.10
Students will describe resources (e.g. guidance counselors, drug counselors, parents, teachers) that are helpful for individuals seeking treatment or counseling for negative behaviors or addictions (e.g. drug addiction, eating disorders). / (e.g. guidance counselors, drug counselors, parents, teachers) (e.g. drug addiction, eating disorders)
·  Why do I need to set goals?
·  What types of things should I consider and write down when I set a goal?
·  How long should it take to reach a goal?
·  What are my personal and career goals?
·  Is it acceptable to change a goal?
·  What types of things do you need to make time for?
·  How do you fit everything you need to get done into your schedule?
·  What types of things are “time stealers”?
·  What are the different types of learning styles?
·  What is my learning style?
·  What careers fit my learning style best?
·  What are some of the important decisions one faces as a middle school
·  How does one go about solving a problem/making a decision without causing more problems for themselves?
·  How does one apply the decision making process to real life issues?
·  Will there be trade-offs for some of the decisions one has to make in life? / PL-08-1.1. 11
Students will recommend effective self-management and coping strategies (e.g., goal-setting, time-management, personal learning styles and preferences, and decision-making) for maintaining mental and emotional health. DOK 2 / (e.g., goal-setting, time-management, personal learning styles and preferences, and decision-making) / GOAL SETTING
·  Students will interview 3 people to find out if they have set goals in their life, if they would share some of those goals for the student, and express what types of things they wish they had set goals for. Student will compare and contrast the feelings of those that set goals and the ones that didn’t. (Builds self-esteem, feel more in control of their future, likely to achieve more in life)
·  Students will interpret what SMART goals mean –Specific, Manageable, Attainable, Realistic, Time Oriented.
·  Students will make a list of 5 things they want to achieve, buy, do. Teacher will compile the class list together. Students will get in pairs and organize the list into short-term, medium-term and long-term goals.
·  Student will set an academic goal, personal goal, financial goal, health goal, and career goal for themselves using the SMART acronym.
·  Student will examine at least one of another student’s written goals and recommend how they might need to make changes to the goal in terms of time and being attainable.
·  Students will get in pairs to make a list of activities they need to make time for (school, homework, sports, TV, eating, sleeping, etc)
·  Student will record a daily log for a week in 30 minute increments of their activities during a 24 hour period.
·  Student will analyze the log to identify areas of wasted time and make a plan to better utilize their time.
·  Students will explain the benefits of making a “to-do” list each day, prioritizing tasks, avoiding procrastination, reducing interruptions and focusing on one task at a time.
·  Students will be given a handout of Eight Styles of Learning and make a preliminary selection of the one they feel best describes them. They will pair up with someone who has chosen the same style and write 3 sentences that are true about the learning style and 2 sentences that are false about the learning style based on the handout information. When finished, students will play “Fact or Fiction” with the class by having the other teams guess which sentences are fact and which are fiction about their learning style.
·  In the computer lab, students will access at least two websites from a list provided by the teacher and take an online Learning Styles assessment test to help them determine their learning style.
·  Upon completion of the tests, and selection of their learning style, students will make written observations from the material given on the internet of 10 career areas that match their learning style.
·  Students will get in groups and brainstorm possible issues they currently must deal with.
·  Students will list and interpret the 5 steps in the decision making process.
·  Students will analyze a problem situation in their own life and describe a possible solution to the problem using the decision making steps.
·  Students will evaluate their answer to see if the trade-off appears to lead to a better solution than their normal response.
·  Teacher will give a quiz over the decision making steps

Nutrition - Nutritious foods are necessary for growth, development, and maintenance of healthy bodies.

What is a nutrient?
Which nutrients provide energy?
What do carbohydrates do for the body? Protein? Fat? Minerals? Vitamins? Water?
How is proper nutrition essential for growth? / PL-08-1.2.01
Students will explain how
nutrients (protein,
carbohydrates, fats,
minerals, vitamins, water)
are important for the
growth and development
of healthy bodies (e.g.,
strong bones and
muscles, energy, healthy organs). / (e.g., strong bones and muscles, energy, healthy organs).
Why do I need to eat right?