HCDE 303 Project ManagementSyllabus for Spring 2011
ARC 160M/W 10:30 – 12:20


Sean M. Mitchell
428B Sieg
Hours 12:30-1:30 T/TH at the Art Building Café in the basement and by appointment


Berkun, Scott. Making Things Happen: Mastering Project Management (2008)

Course Website:


Technology Fee Tools:

Catalyst Web Tools:http://www.washington.edu/lst/web_tools/
Cloud Productivity Solutions: https://uwnetid.washington.edu/manage/?settings

Free Course Resources:

TeamboxCloud Project Management Software:<
Leadership & Success Reading:<

Course Objectives

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, students will have the ability to:

  • Explain what project management is and why it’s valuable
  • Organize and lead project teamscomposed ofa diverse array of personalities and skills
  • Apply basic project scope management techniques
  • Ensure commitment to a project through the use of participative management
  • Create and execute a basic project plan quickly and successfully
  • Produce common project management documents and deliverables

Course Policies


Participation is an important learningvehicle for this course. Classroom activities are focused on building a cumulative learning experience, whereby each classroom activity builds on the last. Please attend class, complete the assigned readings before class, and be prepared to participate in classroom discussions and activities. If you cannot attend class, please catch up with a classmate. You are responsible for all material covered during class lectures.

Technology in the Classroom:

Bring learning assistive technology (e.g. laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.) to class that will help you learn more effectively during lectures and classroom activities. The use of technology in the classroom is strongly encouraged, so long as such use does not distract others or otherwise come to have a negative impact on classroom activity or performance.


The University of Washington insists that you do your own work and give complete credit to any work cited or sourced in your work. If it is determined that you have used someone else’s work and explicitly presented it as your own or otherwise misled your audience about the source of said work you will receive a zero for the assignment.The Dean of Academic Affairs for the College of Engineering will be notified, and the dean may assess further penalties. Plagiarism is considered a serious offense, and one that the College of Engineering is committed to enforce. Please see http://www.engr.washington.edu/mycoe/am/ampolicy.html.

Student Rights:

If you feel you are not being treated fairly in any course at the University of Washington, or if you feel your student rights are being violated, please talk with meor the appropriate teacher as soon as you possibly can. If you still feel there is a problem, or for whatever reason you cannot talk to this individual, you are not out of options. You can contact the UW Ombudsman by going to the following webpage: <http://www.washington.edu/about/ombudsman/>.

Disability Services:

The University of Washington is committed to providing access, equal opportunity, and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, activities, education, and employment for individuals with disabilities. To request disability accommodation, please contact the Disability Services Office <http://www.washington.edu/admin/dso> at least ten days in advance: telephone, (206) 543-6450; TTY, (206) 543-6452; FAX (206) 685-7264, or e-mail at .

Assignments & Grade Weights

In-Class Exercises (4): 4% of Final Grade

There will be a total of 4 graded class exercises that will take the form of short essays, group activities, and short quizzes. The grades assigned for this assignment will be minus (0), check-minus (2.0), check (3.0), and check-plus (4.0).In-class exercises cannot be made up; however, the lowest In-class exercise grade will be replaced with the highest grade.

Homework (16): 16% of Final Grade

The homework for this course consists of 16 short essay responses toeitherone of the exercises at the end of each assigned chapteror the leadership & success reading or a mixture of both. Good HW responses will focus on quality and concision rather than quantity of content. The purpose for writing these essays is to help you prepare for course lectures, discussions, andexercises. HW is due at 12:00 p.m.as a Catalyst Go-Post comment on the due dateindicated in the syllabus schedule. The grades assigned for HW assignments will be minus (0), check-minus (2.0), check (3.0), and check-plus (4.0).

Project 1: 10% of Final Grade

This assignment will introduce the major components of a complex project.Project 1 will allow you to practice new techniques and engage in an exploratory learning exercise in the subject of project management. You will work on project 1 in groups for the first three weeks of the quarter. Grading for project 1 will be minus (0), check-minus (2.0), check (3.0), and check-plus (4.0).

Project 2: 70% of Final Grade

Milestone 1—Project Schedule Milestone: 5% of Final Grade

Your team will work to create a draft project schedule that will eventually be refined and turned in at the end of the quarter as a final project artifact. Your team will use the schedule throughout the quarter to help your team stay organized during your project. Grading for milestone 1 will be minus (0), check-minus (2.0), check (3.0), and check-plus (4.0).

Milestone 2—Project Vision Document: 5% of Final Grade

Vision documents encapsulate all project ideas, requirements, and goals. Your group will produce a draft vision document that will answer the question “what is your project about?” The final version of your vision document will be turned in at the end of the quarter as a final project artifact. Grading for milestone 2 will be minus (0), check-minus (2.0), check (3.0), and check-plus (4.0).

Milestone 3—Project Specifications: 5% of Final Grade

Project specifications state precisely how your end product should look and function. Your team will work with your project requirements to derive a draft set of specifications. The final version of the specifications will be turned in at the end of the quarter as a final project artifact. Grading for milestone 3 will be minus (0), check-minus (2.0), check (3.0), and check-plus (4.0).

Milestone 4—Project Work Breakdown Structure: 5% of Final Grade

A work breakdown structure communicates how the specifications will be met and who will do the work. A good WBS will help break down the project milestones and goals into manageable chunks. Your team will create a draft WBS by the date indicated on the syllabus schedule. A final draft of the WBS will be turned in at the end of the quarter as a final project artifact. Grading for milestone 4 will be minus (0), check-minus (2.0), check (3.0), and check-plus (4.0).

Final Project 2Presentations(15%) & Final Project 2:(20%) of Final Grade: 35% of Final Grade

Group presentations will be made to the client on the last day of the quarter. Good presentations will stick to the time limit, communicate what was done during the project, and effectively answer the client’s questions about the project. A visual of some kind is required. Slide deck presentations cannot be downloaded templates. You must design your own materials. All supporting materials (notes, drawings, receipts, photographs, slide deck presentation files, etc.) should be uploaded to the course’s designated Catalyst Collect-It assignment drop box by 12:00 pm on the day of the presentation, which is indicated on the course schedule as Thurs. June 2.

Final projects will consist of the polished milestone documents created during the quarter along with any design, revision, supporting documents, and development work completed during the project. The quality of the design and development work will not be graded, but will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of your project plan and execution.

Project 2 Critical Reflection: 15% of Final Grade

This critical reflection will be similar to the critical reflection you wrote at the end of Project 1 with the exception of length and detail. By now, you’ve had two opportunities to experience and learn different aspects of project management. This critical reflection should demonstrate not just what you learned from the course material, but different connections that you made between the concepts, experiences, or ideas brought up during the course.

Assignment Submissions:

Milestones and final submissions are due by 11:59 p.m. on the date stated in the syllabus schedule. Except under rare circumstances, milestones and final submissions will not be accepted late. Homework is due by 12:00 pm at the beginning of class on the date indicated in the course schedule. Two of the homework assignment grades will be replaced with your two highest grades. You cannot get a passing grade for this class if you do not complete the final project by the date indicated on the syllabus. All assignments are to be submitted electronically through the course “Collect-It” drop box found in your catalyst tools at: <https://catalyst.uw.edu/>.

Course Schedule

Session Topic / Reading / Assignments Due
Week 1
Monday / Course Intro/Project 1 / N/A / N/A
Wednesday / Intro to Project Management / Burkun Ch. 1 / HW 1
Week 2
Monday / Scheduling / Burkun Ch. 2 / HW 2
Wednesday / Planning / Burkun Ch. 3 / HW 3, P1 Milestone 1
Week 3
Monday / Project Visions / Burkun Ch. 4 / HW 4, P1 Milestone 2
Wednesday / Project Design Ideas/Proj. 2 (P2) / Burkun Ch. 5 / HW 5, P1 Milestone 3
Week 4
Monday / Managing Ideas/Client presentation / Burkun Ch. 6 / HW 6, P1 Critical Reflection
Wednesday / Specifications / Burkun Ch. 7 / HW 7
Week 5
Monday / Making Decisions / Burkun Ch. 8 / HW 8, P2 Milestone 1
Wednesday / Communication / Burkun Ch. 9 / HW 9
Week 6
Monday / Management Etiquette / Burkun Ch. 10 / HW 10
Wednesday / Managing Project Problems / Burkun Ch. 11 / HW 11
Week 7
Monday / Leadership / Burkun Ch. 12 / HW 12, P2 Milestone 2
Wednesday / Motivation / Burkun Ch. 13 / HW 13
Week 8
Monday / Mid Project Strategy / Burkun Ch. 14 / HW 14, P2 Milestone 3
Wednesday / Closing the Project / Burkun Ch. 15 / HW 15
Week 9
Monday / Managing Power and Politics / Burkun Ch. 16 / HW 16, P2 Milestone 4
Wednesday / Work in Lab / N/A / N/A
Week 10
Monday / Practice Presentations / N/A / Draft Presentation Materials
Wednesday / Project Presentations to Client / N/A / Final Presentation Materials
Week 11
Monday / N/A (No Class – Finals Week) / N/A / N/A
Wednesday / N/A (No Class – Finals Week) / N/A / Final Projects due by 11:59 p.m.

HCDE 303 Project Management Syllabus—spring 2013pg. 1